Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Those electoral maps should paint the Atlantic and Pacific oceans red, too. I'm pretty sure that most fishermen are conservative.

And yet, and yet.....Trump lost the popular vote.
Well, as can be verified by empirical evidence, the "dead" vote democrat. As does most everyone who isn't a verifiable bonafide citizen of the USA. Given that, he actually did most likely win that category of vote. Good bit of forward thinking on the part of founders on that part as well I might add. Cities utterly rely upon the production of food only the sparsely populated rural areas can provide. Best create a system that encourages even the most sociopathic asshats to pay attention to their concerns because hey, if the farmers go full "in-group loyalty" the city dwellers are doomed to a most slow and painful death by starvation.

I fear that we are about to see why I think they were so mind mindbogglingly ahead of their time. That election map. I've said it here and to many a person of most every race and ethnicity. Cut that shit out and look at it. Who would you bet on if it came down to a full on war? Team Red, hands down. The map says it all really. Superior numbers mean jack shit to that kind of "map advantage" if ya know what I mean.