Generally the most hated person of any generation will be the US President, particularly if they are Republican.

I could not say objectively if Trump is worse than George W. - in terms of deaths caused by warmongering, Trump is more moral. In terms of sheer maliciousness however, Trump could still be worse.

Worldwide, if people hate Trump, it is more likely to be because he is terrible than because he has German ancestry. It is also more likely that he is hated more for being American than being German. "Heil Drumpf" remarks are a clumsy way of calling him a fascist or even a Nazi. People are more likely to hate Trump for being "a Nazi" than for being German. Trump's grandfather was actually banished from Germany for being a draft dodger (much like Donald himself), so Germany hated them too. (I should mention I don't necessarily have a problem with "draft dodgers").

I don't know if Trump is a Nazi and/or a member of the Ku Klax Klan. He may well be neither. All I know is that such labels would not be surprising. But it would be better to make a sophisticated criticism of his behaviour. Although...apparently he had a book of ******'s speeches by his bedside. That is rather odd. If people have a book of ******'s, it is Mein Kampf, but Trump had a book of his speeches. I ask you to make of that what you will, rather than making a sophisticated criticism. Trump by all accounts however seems like he has never read a book in his life, which means he would be a rare sort who has published more books than he has read (although admittedly not written by him).

I don't have a problem of other some degree, although I find the concept of nationalism absurd. It seems there is an unspoken rule that you should not make fun out of "poorer" countries, which is arguably a form of racism.