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Thread: Trump Hate = Germanophobia?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Do you think this actually makes the case better, though? If anything, wealth disparity is an even greater impetus to group-conflict than genetic disparity. Once you realize the "oppressed" group wants to seize everything you have, you have a real incentive to start exterminating them instead of just passively ignoring their plight.
    And can we please dispense with this fiction where there's a solution where "everyone wins?" If it's a conflict over resources, a prerequisite for that is that there's already not enough to go around no matter how you distribute them, so someone absolutely has to die. The natural corollary to this is "Better them than me."

    Americans wouldn't sit still and allow the MIC to keep churning if they had any possible way to stop it. They're all too occupied with issues in their own lives to bleed and die for the sake of others. These structures keep going not because we want them to, nor because we accept them, but because it's only the strongest who have the strength to dismantle them, only the most creative who can construct a positive replacement, and only the bravest who can make the leap of faith.
    If realistically correcting the problem/finding solutions is the aim (and it is for me), I think that, first and foremost, it’s important to accurately identify, label and define whatever variables are contributing to the problem (in this case, conflict over resources). I’m not saying that there is an easy fix or that the problem is truly fixable, at all, but it damn sure doesn’t serve the cause to be looking in the wrong direction. So, to answer your question, no, not “better” per se, just more accurate, and, therefore, better positioned to address the issue with greater focus and precision.

    Yes, the combination of evolved in-group preference and competition over resources have often resulted in ethnicity/race/creed/etc... based systems of oppression– for example, it’s no coincidence that modern racism as we know it began with the European age of exploration and burgeoning capitalism. But what’s telling is that up until that point (and even after in many instances), the Europeans, all degrees of “white folk,” had been whole sale slaughtering each other over resources for thousands of years. Lol

    The fact of the matter is that people will fight over resources whether they look like each other or not > the Japanese Vs Chinese Vs Koreans; Yoruba Vs Igbo; Scottish Vs. English, the Irish Vs. Northern Irish, I could go on, forever. That being the case, it’s ridiculous to make phenotype/race/ethnicity the primary feature in humanity’s ability/inability to peacefully co-exist–as has been proven time and time again, differences along those lines can be over come, and usually when there is lower wealth inequality/greater access to resources. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that what constitutes an in-group is not static and changes according to context and a plethora of other variables.

    More to my main point, perhaps if there had been an equitable and mutually beneficial trade of ideas and resources with the Native Americans and with Africans (who occupied a continent with resources that would’ve arguably made them the richest on the planet) instead of relegating them to an inferior status in order to justify their disenfranchisement, the USA as we know it, with racial/ethnic brutality, inequality and injustice being the beginning of our foundation and most persistent illness, would not exist. Perhaps something better and far more egalitarian would have come to fruition.

    Or even if Africa would’ve provided human labor, it could have been human labor that they were amply and justly compensated for in the form of contracts, equal pay for equal work, etc…. Perhaps less war and conquering in the name of unabashed greed and more even-handed trade would’ve allowed for a peaceful, more stable world order, with different nationalities, ethnicities and cultures living tolerantly side by side, similarly to what exists today in Western Europe.

    I think of Africa being the most genetically diverse continent on earth, which means that both the lowest and highest IQs exist there–what if instead of centuries of their muted and diminished potential, they had developed alongside Europe? Perhaps by this point in time, we could have had the finest minds on the planet develop equitable/stable/just/effective means of resource distribution AND renewability.

    Look at all the needless bloodshed in the Middle East that’s been spilled over oil, with ethnic/religious sectarianism being the convenient scape goat. And yet heaven forbid they focus on the actual problem and look to more renewable energy sources like solar energy (in the middle of the fucking desert). Lol More than half of the energy used in Sweden (a country with lower income equality and a higher standard of living than most countries) comes from renewable energy sources, combining high energy consumption with low carbon emissions. Sweden plans to be completely renewable by 2040–and guess what? Nobody bothers us and we don’t bother anybody. My point is that if humanity were no prioritize rectifying the true root of conflicts, i.e., competition over resources, we would probably be MORE likely to not only rid ourselves of the superficialities that divide us but the deeper ones, as well. But to your point, I'm doubtful that people have the will/guts/courage/intelligence, but I try to be hopeful (in addition to speaking "truth to power") so as to not put a bullet in my skull. lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol the density and tragedy of it all. Can you provide ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING AT ALL, beyond embarrassingly shit takes based on asinine philosophical ramblings loosely tethered to reality? Utterly worthless.

    1.) Trump has indeed been impeached. More evidence you don't inhabit the same reality as the rest of us. The side that you claim Colbert represents is actually attempting to hold Trump responsible for his actions, in this particular case, abuse of power and obstruction of justice; but seeing as how his unscrupulous, corrupt Republican supporters in the senate benefit from a power imbalanced system they’ve rigged in their favor over the span of decades (e.g., voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc...) the left can not remove him. A consistent pattern with you is placing a disproportionate amount of blame on the wrong parties. Simpleton.

    Trump can't be made a scapegoat when he rightfully deserves the blame for his actions. DUH. Having said that, it is both true that Trump has brought this on himself AND that his having been elected in the first place is a culmination of the failings (largely perpetuated by the relentlessly callous right wing but abated by a spineless left wing) of the democratic process in America–Trump is a noxious symptom indicative of a greater systematic cancer but he is nonetheless reaping what he has sowed as an individual, which still is FAR less than his actions actually warrant. Obama couldn’t have done 1/100th of the things Trump has and so, again, your premise is built upon a porous trash heap.

    Furthermore, it’s not as if Trump is solely or even primarily being attacked/critiqued based on things like his appearance (which, again, he certainly brings upon himself due to his own fixation on insulting the appearances of others), which you’d know if you took in more information from objective news sources and not late nite TV shows.

    2.) It would be wonderful if you could try, just TRY to think things through, as hard as that is for you. You acknowledge that Trump’s administration is horrible but then allege that the “frenzied mass Trump hatred is directed at nothing concrete.” LOL TF? Your brain can’t establish the connection between horrible administration and the deserved “hate” based on the concretely horrible things they’ve done? lol You're the worst, most tired and stale joke. Only an unabated emptiness of the highest magnitude would keep someone like you from logging off forever, because everything you say has little value, save for providing a clear example of 1D Ti’s limitations. Therefore, please spare us what you "think" will or won't be because time and time again you prove that your "thoughts" are anything but sound/meaningful/true/balanced/accurate/actionable/interesting/sane.
    My "Ti" is better than yours. Do you know the difference between being tried and being removed? People are trying him with no intent to remove him because the old spectacle has gotten boring. The only immediate result of removing him would be a Mike Pence presidency, and no one believes that would be at all better. No one has anyone to put in Trump's place, and this is because they prefer scapegoating him for having the audacity to be President while not having gone to Harvard over actually challenging the neoliberal status quo. Now get back to weighing the merits of the pop-sci books Blink and Think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    It is painful when people I "Like this post" get into a storm over something I don't particularly care about.
    That's why most of my posts until recently have been shitposts. However, now I simply post less and ignore the crazy people more, since trolls take everything as bait ("Don't feed the trolls.") I think if people ignored the trolls this forum would be dead, which makes me kind of sad because I'd rather talk to you, @mu4, etc. here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    this is what lead poisoning looks like
    Wouldn't it be mercury? In any case, I'm only routinely exposed to non-neurotoxic heavy metals because I care.

    (While I'm joking, I'm not kidding. I know all the sources of lead and mercury around me and have limited it to only the usual such as old long-dried paintings, white apartment, housing, and public building walls last painted before 1973, water pipes, under the fridge, thermometers, wires which have been soldered, etc. I also know not to spray cadmium, run into a welding shop while it's being used, eat cobalt, silver, or large doses of chromium or iron, or finger-paint with really anything which is not labelled as being made for such, which is fine because I have no interest in finger-painting as of now. What do you do?)

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    How does he challenge the neoliberal status quo?

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    Almost all metals are toxic to some degree. All bacteria die when in contact with copper and silver for about an hour, which is why copper makes such great water supply pipes and silver makes such great silverware.

    Even Iron, which is essential to making blood, is thought to be long-term toxic at fairly low levels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    How does he challenge the neoliberal status quo?
    He doesn't. That's why the impeachment hearings won't result in Trump being removed. No one on the Left actually has any intent to remove him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Almost all metals are toxic to some degree. All bacteria die when in contact with copper and silver for about an hour, which is why copper makes such great water supply pipes and silver makes such great silverware.

    Even Iron, which is essential to making blood, is thought to be long-term toxic at fairly low levels.
    Yes, which is why I specified neurotoxic over generally toxic. Barely any metals are specifically neurotoxic, so I consciously avoid sources of those which would result in me ingesting them.

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    @Alonzo @coeruleum watching you two fight is the best thing in the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @Alonzo @coeruleum watching you two fight is the best thing in the world.
    Yes, but you upvoted @ashlesha asking how Trump challenges the neoliberal status quo when the argument was he won't be removed because he actually doesn't challenge it and people just like having someone to blame their dog running away on while being fine with his horrible policies. There's no real plan for Trump removal, because no one is like "yes, Mike Pence is who we want" and there's no non-Pence candidate people have picked to rule until the next election either. If the Left wanted Bernie or Hillary, there would be a plan to put them in office, and the same with the Right and Cruz or Kasich. You don't just go like "whoops, no President." Anarchism doesn't even work that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Yes, but you upvoted @ashlesha asking how Trump challenges the neoliberal status quo when the argument was he won't be removed because he actually doesn't challenge it and people just like having someone to blame their dog running away on while being fine with his horrible policies. There's no real plan for Trump removal, because no one is like "yes, Mike Pence is who we want" and there's no non-Pence candidate people have picked to rule until the next election either. If the Left wanted Bernie or Hillary, there would be a plan to put them in office, and the same with the Right and Cruz or Kasich. You don't just go like "whoops, no President." Anarchism doesn't even work that way.
    coeruleum, what I think is most likely is that Democrats don't expect to actually remove Trump, and are doing this in an attempt to damage his credibility before the election. I don't think it'll work, and more likely than not that it'll backfire on them.

    If the Democrats were smarter than I think they are, they'd make backroom deals (somehow) with Republicans to remove Trump because they think the nominee would perform better against Pence than Trump. I think Trump is likely to crush Biden or Warren in debates, and those two I think are who the party leadership would most like to win the nomination.

    As for liking Ashlesha's post, I apologize; I hadn't fully read or understood your previous post, and assumed that the question she asked referred to something on the previous page I was too lazy to read. I see the misunderstanding now. シ

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    coeruleum, what I think is most likely is that Democrats don't expect to actually remove Trump, and are doing this in an attempt to damage his credibility before the election. I don't think it'll work, and more likely than not that it'll backfire on them.

    If the Democrats were smarter than I think they are, they'd make backroom deals (somehow) with Republicans to remove Trump because they think the nominee would perform better against Pence than Trump. I think Trump is likely to crush Biden or Warren in debates, and those two I think are who the party leadership would most like to win the nomination.

    As for liking Ashlesha's post, I apologize; I hadn't fully read or understood your previous post, and assumed that the question she asked referred to something on the previous page I was too lazy to read. I see the misunderstanding now. シ
    Yes, but Trump can still run after he's been removed if he were removed, never mind that he won't be, which is why the backfiring will be yuge.

    While I agree they don't expect to remove Trump, I also believe they don't want to. The fact is, there is no viable replacement for Trump because Democrats can't even begin to all stand behind a single candidate, and no one is making a new party that actually would have one. Everyone is attached to their old loyalties even when the stakes are an actual American fascist leader (though so far nowhere near as bad as ******,) so I stand by people loving to hate Trump and blame their breakup on him vulgarly insulting fat girls more than actually hating him. I think the pain of the WASP establishment systemically losing power is greater for them personally than the pain of dealing with horrible Trump policies and publicity. The only reason people love looking up to WASPs even when they're as horrible as Hillary is a huge failure of imagination, which is why people obsess over Trump so much. People like the figure of the WASP because Americans and Brits have traditionally spurned education. I can't even begin to be enamored with the WASP despite not being a fan of hierarchy-free societies. The WASP is a bad ideal, and I can't accept no ideal either because there are too many other ideals accessible to my imagination even if others are mentally blind to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached: "Trump, you're fired." They love scapegoating Trump. There would be no Colbert without Trump, and in my opinion no Trump without Colbert. Colbert is just the American Thomas Mann: a cryptoconservative and Nazi watching ****** with popcorn instead of actually doing anything so he can have his cake and eat it too. "We all watched the fascist Italian magician torture us, until he tortured Jews unwillingly, which was too much and he got shot. Wheew! At least they're kind of OK and it's all over." Read Mario and the Magician by Thomas Mann, which is the story I just summarized. It shows everything wrong while pointing the finger back at Thomas Mann himself. Colbert is our version of Thomas Mann. I would recommend people read my article and summary about why Thomas Mann represents a relevant problem in most people's lives today that I posted in the Interesting Articles Thread, and read the novella Mario and the Magician. Colbert is primarily watched by a small powerful segment of the population which could easily mobilize themselves against Trump, yet prefers mocking him over irrelevant things like orange skin and baby hands.

    For the record, Trump is nowhere near as bad as ****** yet and I don't believe he ever will be. I still believe despite Trump's administration being horrible, frenzied mass Trump hatred directed at nothing concrete at all is much worse.
    Our hatred is directed at many concrete things. Family separation for the purpose of deterrence for example. Rolling back of environmental regulations. Erasure of indigenous people, willful cruelty, certified white supremacists in the White House. Trump will never be ******, but he might just be the puppet in the hands of those who know that if you appeal to his ego, you can get anything you want. He is a sad little narcissist who is being moved around by the Millers and played by the Republicans who are selling their souls for judges. They are very smart about this - they are causing just enough damage for us to scramble and try to protect the vulnerable and lose sight of the bigger picture.

    But if you don't see the deliberate cruelty and greed of this ruthless, soulless presidency, you are willfully blind to it.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Our hatred is directed at many concrete things. Family separation for the purpose of deterrence for example. Rolling back of environmental regulations. Erasure of indigenous people, willful cruelty, certified white supremacists in the White House. Trump will never be ******, but he might just be the puppet in the hands of those who know that if you appeal to his ego, you can get anything you want. He is a sad little narcissist who is being moved around by the Millers and played by the Republicans who are selling their souls for judges. They are very smart about this - they are causing just enough damage for us to scramble and try to protect the vulnerable and lose sight of the bigger picture.

    But if you don't see the deliberate cruelty and greed of this ruthless, soulless presidency, you are willfully blind to it.
    Everyone sees it, but no one does anything about it. Trump could be ******, but he won't. He's as bad as ******, but people aren't hurricanes that are as strong or weak as the hot and cold air makes them. Some people are brittle, and all the ill desire in them will be exactly what does them in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    My "Ti" is better than yours. Do you know the difference between being tried and being removed? People are trying him with no intent to remove him because the old spectacle has gotten boring. The only immediate result of removing him would be a Mike Pence presidency, and no one believes that would be at all better. No one has anyone to put in Trump's place, and this is because they prefer scapegoating him for having the audacity to be President while not having gone to Harvard over actually challenging the neoliberal status quo. Now get back to weighing the merits of the pop-sci books Blink and Think.
    lol Just because you confidently spout whatever inane nonsense and assert that as true, does not make it so. The proof is in the pudding and you've yet to successfully dismantle any of my arguments because you don't have the capacity. How the fuck are you supposed to be such an allegedly competent debater and yet I can't even trust that you understand the words that YOU YOURSELF USE > "People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached" lol Evidently, you are the one who does not know that the word impeachment only refers to the process of charging an official and doesn't involve removal.

    And you keep offering unsubstantiated assertion after unsubstantiated assertion, based on your own dim witted, low info rationales. If you’re going to speak on a subject, know what you are talking about--you must have enough correct information to substantiate your points and you do not > like ignoring the structural imbalances that make the American Democratic system lopsided; it's not that the vast majority of people don't want him gone because most Americans did not want him, AT ALL. HE DID NOT EVEN WIN THE POPULAR VOTE, but, again, won by an outdated system loop hole (The Electoral College) put in place to give leverage to those who did not deserve it.

    What's interesting to me is that throughout all of our interactions, any "knowledge" gleamed from these beloved philosophers of yours has yet to prohibit you from looking like a stupid ass bitch. Expand your "knowledge" base...if you can.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Trump could be ******, but he won't
    Trump uses the same rethorical style in public speeches as ******, a lot of the time, at least, as I perceive it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol Just because you confidently spout whatever inane nonsense and assert that as true, does not make it so. The proof is in the pudding and you've yet to successfully dismantle any of my arguments because you don't have the capacity. How the fuck are you supposed to be such an allegedly competent debater and yet I can't even trust that you understand the words that YOU YOURSELF USE > "People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached" lol Evidently, you are the one who does not know that the word impeachment only refers to the process of charging an official and doesn't involve removal.

    And you keep offering unsubstantiated assertion after unsubstantiated assertion, based on your own dim witted, low info rationales. If you’re going to speak on a subject, know what you are talking about--you must have enough correct information to substantiate your points and you do not > like ignoring the structural imbalances that make the American Democratic system lopsided; it's not that the vast majority of people don't want him gone because most Americans did not want him, AT ALL. HE DID NOT EVEN WIN THE POPULAR VOTE, but, again, won by an outdated system loop hole (The Electoral College) put in place to give leverage to those who did not deserve it.

    What's interesting to me is that throughout all of our interactions, any "knowledge" gleamed from these beloved philosophers of yours has yet to prohibit you from looking like a stupid ass bitch. Expand your "knowledge" base...if you can.
    *fart noises continue to spew from Alonzo's mouth*

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    That's sound so Beta to me. I guess you're type is Beta ST based on that statement.
    Bettering the lives of people to force them into a certain behaviour? That's actually restricting the freedom of people. How should that improve the lives of people?
    It's proven that carrots are a much better motivation for people than sticks.
    People accept ideologies better when they served together with carrots then with sticks. Don't take my words literal, it's a (carrots and sticks) metaphor.
    Freedom in the realistic, meaningful sense is people having high wages and low working hours. The only reason millions of people are still stuck in wage slavery in developed Western nations is because we have paralysed, ineffective federal governments that allow for economic parasitism and grossly mismanaged and destributed wealth. America's government was in fact intentionally designed to be weak and paralyzed because it's founding fathers were wealthy aristocrats who wanted America to be a utopic playground for people like themselves, and less so for all citizens as whole. To do this they set up a government that would essentially just keep public order and maintain a military to protect against foreign threats, while having no power to reign in and subjugate the rich towards the collective good. Elections are just a way to keep the government flip-flopping between different parties and policies and prevent any effective, long-terms visions being from enacted by the government that may subjugate the bourgeoisie, for lack of a better term.

    To have a happy and prosperous people, you need a government which actually has the to power to address issues and orient people towards what's best for the nation as whole. When everyone is devoted to the interest of the nation and you don't have a few individuals hoarding and squandering all the wealth, that is what makes high wages and low working hours possible, aside from other uncontrollable factors of course.

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    Fuck Trump

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Fuck Trump
    Lol. The guy is seriously polarizing.

    I may have mentioned this before, but I was reminded of it again yesterday. When I was browsing prospective dates on Match and OK Cupid, I kept running across women's self-descriptions which include something like "If you support the present administration, we would not be a good match."

    If Trump's support depends on educated females, he's in big trouble. He's lost one popular vote election already, and next time, he won't be running against Hillary.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Lol. The guy is seriously polarizing.

    I may have mentioned this before, but I was reminded of it again yesterday. When I was browsing prospective dates on Match and OK Cupid, I kept running across women's self-descriptions which include something like "If you support the present administration, we would not be a good match."

    If Trump's support depends on educated females, he's in big trouble. He's lost one popular vote election already, and next time, he won't be running against Hillary.
    Trump will have another term unless the Left runs a socialist. The classical "I'll vote Bernie or Trump" is just the German-American vote demographically speaking. The WASP aristocracy is finally having to deal with having disenfranchised an entire group that's basically in the same income and educational range as they are, and those people will only vote for not "moderate" candidates regardless of which actual political views they have. Trump's policies are horrible by any standard and he talks like a fascist because he is, but at least he makes people realize they can't take anything for granted.

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    D. Trump vs. B. Sanders is like Sith vs. Yeti Jedi... to me.
    May the farce be with you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    D. Trump vs. B. Sanders is like Sith vs. Yeti Jedi... to me.
    May the farce be with you.
    I would never vote Trump and I didn't (as much as making fun of people freaking out over Trump is amusing,) but lots of Trump voters' first choice was Bernie because they wanted "an outsider." Those people don't care if you're a Sith or Jedi as long as the Force is strong with you.

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    I think a huge thing about the Trump phenomenon is that Trump has a lot of money and thus power but he also talks in a kind of very asshole-ish politically incorrect way that you do with your buddies in your living room while shooting pool or something and that is part of his appeal and why I think people feel they can relate to him and that he's more trustworthy and way "less evil" than ******-y who also has money and thus power but she talks in a more robotic repressed politically correct Illuminati way that doesn't even sound like she's a human being. So yeah I don't like Trump openly mocking people and being a typical str8 white man frat douche or whatever- but acting like a dry, overly serious Illuminati Reptile Demon serpent is much worse to me. It's like what those Starr Commonwealth creeps did to me. The polar opposite of Batman's Joker is somebody much creepier than the Joker himself but the Joker is the 'scapegoat.'

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    People I think are so used to powerful people being overly dry and serious and scarily authoritative with them (I WILL IMMEDIATELY SEND YOU TO PRISON IF YOU SO MUCH AS BLINK WRONG WHILE I CONDESCENDINGLY SIP MY CHAMPAGNE!) that a powerful person that openly mocks retards in front of them is like this incredible breath fresh of air. If I especially like, grew up working class not middle class- but working class, you better believe I would be more drawn to that.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-02-2020 at 05:59 AM.

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    The media telling me how much I should hate Trump just makes me think Trump is a really hot fuck and they are just jealous and hateful.

    Cuz Trump isn't really telling me what to do or what to think but they are trying to tell me what to think- why must they attempt to control my mind. What weak parasite brain thing do you do to have to be that way- do you know how easily THE ADVENTURERS see through your little shit? Do you know my brain is completely free and I can think of Oprah as a half-Octopus now if I wanted to and not Trump the bogeyman like you gaslight me to every 5 seconds?

    Instead of trying to control my mind like a heartless asshole- the American left needs to get back to its roots and trying to touch my heart and proving they really do have my HEART in a better place instead of trying to trap my MIND like a creep. It is why right wing is just so much stronger now. They have the mind and even the heart too which is bizarre as the right wing typically shouldn't get that.

    Sorry for the triple post lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    The media telling me how much I should hate Trump just makes me think Trump is a really hot fuck and they are just jealous and hateful.

    Cuz Trump isn't really telling me what to do or what to think but they are trying to tell me what to think- why must they attempt to control my mind. What weak parasite brain thing do you do to have to be that way- do you know how easily THE ADVENTURERS see through your little shit? Do you know my brain is completely free and I can think of Oprah as a half-Octopus now if I wanted to and not Trump the bogeyman like you gaslight me to every 5 seconds?

    Instead of trying to control my mind like a heartless asshole- the American left needs to get back to its roots and trying to touch my heart and proving they really do have my HEART in a better place instead of trying to trap my MIND like a creep. It is why right wing is just so much stronger now. They have the mind and even the heart too which is bizarre as the right wing typically shouldn't get that.

    Sorry for the triple post lol.
    Please read @Grendel's post for all the real issues with Trump. Just because people who freak out about Trump are worse than Trump doesn't make Trump good.

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    Lmao I'd be pretty worried of anyone who takes this kind of 4-chan level conspiracy seriously. I don't hate trump or anything but I'd prefer the USA not leave the paris agreement, and lets restore the diminished the role of science in federal policymaking to what it was before trump's administration came in.

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