Change my mind.

For what it's worth, New Age religions are poison too.

I think monotheistic religions are just a power grab by imperialists. I don't even see evidence for monotheism in the official texts of alleged monotheistic religions. For example, the Bible used by Christians refers to angels, demons, and people with special blessings or curses as actual gods, and not only idols as ironic fake gods. Islam has one "God," but God isn't even considered a spiritual being but some sort of essence. An essence is not really a god, or every religion called polytheist would be monotheistic: Brahma, Krishna, Shiva, or Kali in different versions of Hinduism, Zeus or Chaos in Hellenism, Odin in Asatru, Buddha in Buddhism (as in Buddha consciousness) etc. The fact is 100% of religious texts have some kind of fractal ontology. Superstitious polytheistic beliefs are followed by hicks and seem to be harmless to everyone who doesn't actually subscribe to them, but superstitious monotheistic beliefs gnaw at civilization itself. Non-superstitious beliefs follow the structure I described above. Change my mind.