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Thread: has been nominated for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default has been nominated for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics

    For disproving the Laws of Thermodynamics.

    Quote Originally Posted by God View Post
    This forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    This forum is really going downhill these days lol
    Similar to Europe's dark ages, the remaining members only discuss VI (whether by choice or being forced to), mimicking the barbarians who incorporated some aspects of Roman culture (socionics) but mostly established their own institutions on previously Roman land. These barbarians fight over the carion of what once was a vibrant body-politic.

    Old discussions and seminal philosophical questions are ignored, similar to fields left fallow and structures left to rot. Threads are bumped as a form of entertainment by bemused spectators rather than for serious discussion. There is intellectual stagnation everywhere as old libraries are forgotten.

    The workshop represents the Eastern Roman Empire, which split off and preserves some tradition. The workshop is also fuller of intellectual discussion (gold), but nothing matching Rome at its height.

    Socionix represents the largest of the barbarian tribes making raids (and now succeeding in carving a domain) on imperial soil.

    In having removed the old-guard Mkn00, SubT had a similar career to Odoacer. It remains to be seen who will be the next Clovis, and more importantly, the next Charlemagne.

    The Alphas represent a nascent monastic movement. It will be up to them to preserve learning in the horrible times ahead.

    ps. I mixed a bunch of stuff that happened in different centuries. Philosophy of history is a joke anyhow.
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    Forum's really been going downhill lately.
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    This forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    its called the 16types forum. Its horrible generally and not worth it. I compulsively post here, but yeah its really not worth it so I'm basically done after today. Well at least Im gonna try to force myself to not post anything serious.

    Good luck with the Ne
    Would you say this forum is going downhill?
    lol probably not.

    that would imply descent from somewhere higher.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    this forum is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I really don't see why you care so much. You hardly post on the forum except to bitch about how poorly it is run, and yet you come on here and insist that things should be changed. Why do you even care? You probably just have some unresolved angst welling up in your stressful middle-age (if you are even as old as you claim to be), and for some reason feel the need to discharge it on "shitty kids who refuse to learn anything."

    Honestly, why the fuck do you care so much? You barely post here! Go gripe about someone else's forum-running tactics.

    Besides, what is even the point of running the forum like you propose? To avoid silly cuss words? To keep in line with your outmoded sensibilities? In case you haven't noticed, the way I am running the forum is essentially how it has been run from the beginning, only I don't hesitate to explain myself, unlike McNew. And how far downhill has this forum gone? What lows of young'un depravity have we sunk to? Maybe far by your standards, but unfortunately for you, most of the people who post here seem to think it's fine, and as long as they are happy, and I am happy, quite frankly, your opinion is worth dick. When this place collapses because of too much cussing and "things in bad taste," you are free to stand on the mounds of our un-posting account corpses and declare how right you were.
    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    lol Sammy, "welcome to the forum"... you seem like a nice enough person but i feel that you should remember that it's only downhill from here.
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    This forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by heath View Post
    going downhill is usually pretty fun on a bike, sled, skis, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    The quality of information is declining overall on the forum. A lot of bias is present. We need more Te valuers who know their stuff right.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    it's been going downhill for a year now, and we're still falling. so where are we going? fuck, to hell?
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    this forum is really starting to go downhill
    This has been said, how many times?
    Quote Originally Posted by Waddlesworth View Post
    The forums started to go 'downhill' at precisely twelve forty hours EST, June 15th, 2005.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wynch View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    This forum's going downhill.

    Oh Mah Gawd!
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by xyz View Post
    This forum's really going downhill.
    That's what they said last year when McNew was in charge.
    You misunderstand, I was simply stating an unassailable fact for newcomers.

    Gilly's unstable nature really doesn't take away from it's... uh, downhillyness
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    The forum isn't getting worse, but it certainly is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Khola View Post
    IMO it's going downhill. In the past I have been interested in getting involved in serious discussion on Socionics/serious discussion in general here. McNew was a douche, but he was so fantastical that for the better part, people ignored him and carried on trying to at least have some intelligent interaction.

    I like Gilly, but it feels as if there is very little structure in this place now. If I run a search for most recent posts (which is typically how I navigate this forum), most of the thread hits I get will be pointless. Fun, sure, but pointless. A deep rant about how someone was personally affected by something in life that reads more like a speech than an 'in' for discussion, some silly thread that is just attention-grabbing and doesn't even pretend to be about anything in particular, someone complaining about someone else that creates a flame thread which then captures most of the forum's attention, derails and then becomes another pointless joke thread, general banter about favourite music or whatever without much lead-in to intelligent conversation - things have devolved from being threads like this:

    This happened in my life: how does this pertain to socionics and what are varying points of view, advice and interest on it?

    to this

    This happened in my life look at me, I just thought I'd state it without asking for any input look at me!

    from this:

    What pass times/music/popular social elements connect and resonate with certain types/quadras? Discuss.

    to this:

    What music are you thinking about I like music hihihihihi

    While I do really enjoy the odd joke thread and think that it allows us to see some of the more relaxed aspects of each other, I'm missing the meat in the sandwich when it comes to this place lately.

    I'm finding that most threads that I read don't have any opportunity for a response any more highly evolved than a basic yes/no response or some candid "that's what she said" response. It's taking the interest out of it for me because the fun stuff has become the detritus of this forum and the opportunity to learn and discuss with other people has diminished.

    I don't think that this is directly Gilly's fault (or anyone else's). Perhaps instead of casting blame, we could all share some suggestions about restructuring this place and perhaps, more importantly, stop and think before we make another thread that leads to nowhere, stop and think before we make another thread bitching about some forum member.....and most importantly, I think we should all make an effort to post one or two serious, interesting threads that allow for better conversation from now on. If you don't like the forum, remember that part of it is your product. Let's stop complaining and start looking at the way we respond and post here and try to fix things from the inside out. Also, perhaps less troll feeding. If someone tries to derail a thread and you get upset about it and begin to complain, they have won. Ignore it and lead out from the previous discussion and the attempted thread derailment will most likely get lost amongst the other more relevant posts.

    I know I'm as responsible for such actions as the next person. Anyway, that's how I've felt lately, so I'll offer it up in an attempt to change things. What are everyone else's opinions regarding this? Are there any other suggestions on how to give this place more structure? Do you guys resonate with this?

    Ok, I'm taking off my serious cap now. You know it's trouble when the SEI gets up on a soapbox waxing serious business hypotheticals.
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    The forum going downhill is actually a compliment, because it implies that the forum was or is uphill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    It really depends on what sort of timescale...and I couldn't answer Yes or No anyhow because I feel that I am above criticism.

    P.S. Anyone who thinks I'm being passive-aggressive can go fuck themselves.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bardia View Post
    There will always be people who derail threads and always joke, who come for the social experience, or who cause a lot of drama. That doesn't bother me too much and I don't even really incorporate that in my opinion that the forum has gone downhill. What does count is the fact that I haven't read anything on here in a while that has given me that "aha i learned something new and important." Maybe its because I don't read it all the time when I am away at school. Or maybe not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    People have said "the forum's really going downhill lately" for as long as I've been here. (Coincidence? )

    Seriously though, I think people just like to bitch. There's always someone who's unhappy. Don't worry about it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    It is simply the case that even when this forum was going uphill, it was going downhill.

    This forum expanded and became increasingly cold and meaningless, and it is my firm belief the forum is now finally engaged in consuming itself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Animal View Post
    I'm currently job-hunting and so am spending more time than I'd like plopped in front of my computer so I've had some time to catch up with my 16types reading. This forum has really gone downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    i just want to say that i don't complain just for the hell of it, and for any little thing. i generally only say something when i feel it's something pretty important that needs to be addressed.

    by saying something when we feel that an admin/mod did something that we see as wrong means that we are NOT "sitting on our arses"; most of us are not admins/mods so we cannot take any direct action beyond speaking out about something, or reporting posts and such; "sitting on our arses" would be not saying anything at all when we disagree with an administrative/moderation decision.

    and because people find value in the place, they speak up when they disagree with such things like what happened Maritsa. yes, we always joke about this forum perpetually going downhill, but if we didn't care about the forum we wouldn't bother saying anything.

    you are right that it's Gilly's forum and he can do whatever he wants, but administration/moderation decisions on this forum have generally always been discussed by everyone, which is a good thing. just because the owner can do what they want doesn't mean we all have to be silent about it, especially when he seemingly gave us an opportunity to speak by creating this thread in the first place. of course in the end Gilly is technically under no obligation to change his decisions, but some of us would like to say something if we have the chance.

    i would have absolutely no problem moderating people who deserved it, lol, but i'm not an admin/mod. don't make such assumptions.

    the main problems i have with your post is that you are basically calling for everyone to shut up, just because Gilly owns the forum and can do whatever he wants in the end, and because supposedly all of us are "sitting on our arses", which i heavily disagree with.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Christ, you people whine about how this forum is going downhill/has no serious discussion, and then a thread like this goes untouched. The fuck do you want from me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Banana Pancakes View Post
    Why I'm here: Just curious to see if anything changed in 4 months - it hasn't.
    Ah, so the forum is NOT going downhill!
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    Sort of random, but the humor just clicked kind of off,-psychologically as to why Ashton thinks he shares the same Te/Fi values as Expat, instead of Fe/Ti. I believe it is hilarious, but I can't be sure if that is just my brain thinking that. Oh and by the way

    This forum is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    You're all jealous because she doesn't type you as her dual.

    This forum is seriously going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Has the forum finally died?

    With only a few threads active every few days, I think it's well on its way to death. Everything about socionics that can be discussed (within reason) has been discussed, in most cases over and over and over again. People have grown bored and left. Others futilely post in boredom.
    That is Ni speaking...where is it going?...time not Ne...rather you're projecting the forum's events or progress in the flow of time.
    I swear, like every member of the forum has said "the forum's going down hill, it's dying!" at one time or another.

    I thought Ezra was being over dramatic and wanted people to post interesting topics so he wouldn't be bored or something.
    This thread is doing this:

    To understand the difference, let us consider a row of people representing the types ENTj and ENFj, i.e. with introverted intuition as the secondary function. This function entails certain kind of “prophet-like” or “preacher-like” behavior. Such people believe in magnificent perspectives, and they try to transfer their belief to other people, even when the situation is really bad and gloomy. A common trait that united them all – their “prophet-like” behavior, their capability to “infect” people with belief in the future, even when several minutes ago people were much dissatisfied of them.

    I don't open threads like this, I'm far too optimistic for this kind of infecting like tone he addresses here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post

    Because I truly do see Socionics as the new psychology and once it is popular here, we will all be at the forefront.

    This post goes like this:

    To understand the difference, let us consider a row of people representing the types ENTj and ENFj, i.e. with introverted intuition as the secondary function. This function entails certain kind of “prophet-like” or “preacher-like” behavior. Such people believe in magnificent perspectives, and they try to transfer their belief to other people, even when the situation is really bad and gloomy. A common trait that united them all – their “prophet-like” behavior, their capability to “infect” people with belief in the future, even when several minutes ago people were much dissatisfied of them.
    No my Ne is used in a way to project the sequence of outcome not Preach the current state and the way things are going in an infectuous way. If people get dissatisfied with me it causes depression not further preaching.

    Don't prophets do things like:

    "let's all rise and go forth" stuff...I'm not saying that I am projecting a sequence of events.
    I think these are little details and typing people off of starting a thread and saying the forum's dying is silly along with the whole "Ni is time" so if anyone says anything about how it's gonna go, they must be Ni (that's why I said my first comment). Also, I don't see Ezra as a "prophet" and didn't really think that description described him anyway really.
    Quote Originally Posted by electric sheep View Post
    we must now make a facebook group to keep the dream alive.

    the16types facebook group?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by nobrainer View Post
    Nice forum...but... where are the fucking moderators? You wanna keep it clean of fucking spam. What the fuck the admin is thinking about? Hey, you can't just abandon your forum and move to Hawaii with a rockafella chick...Oh no you can't
    yeah, this forum is really going downhill
    keep calm and carry on, you nutcase
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    The forum is dying for real this time.

    If it's been dying so many times, how come it still ain't dead?
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    lol. You can't kill this place no matter how hard you try. Even if you did succeed, two more will take its place.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    This forum is really going downhill.
    That's what they said last year. How big is this hill?
    Actually, that's the forum's new catchphrase. Thanks to saying that on a regular basis, the forum is now going uphill!
    Quote Originally Posted by ilikesex View Post
    about a year and a half ago the forum crashed into the bottom of a hill and has stayed there since.
    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    So this really was a Socionics forum back in the day?
    Yeah, it was in the very, very beginning until a few people like Joy came around and turned it into a popularity cult.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    we should just give Hugo all of the moderator/admin passwords and shut the place down. Blank out the wikipedia article, tie Rick up and send him back to Russia, then shoot Niffweed in the head and declare Tcaud King of Socionics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Well I always thought this place would be a good cover for a private bitorrent tracker. Maybe swap some porn on the side. We've got enough hot chicks to have our own amateur camwhore section; available only to "premium" members, of course. A $10.00 donation should be sufficient to obtain said premium status.

    I, of course, deserve honors just for originating the idea.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brilliand View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Okay I know some people have complained the forum is going 'downhill' and dying but I'm in the process of creating the 16 types adventurers 'Web Comic.' Yes folks, the pure gay king fag/gaylord/gay shaman artist who sees through ALL of society's veils (every goddamn single one of them) is back and you're gonna love this. I already rough-drafted the first two issues...I just have to create the comic of it in my paint program.

    Basically here's how the comic is going to work. Each issue has 16 pages, which is just enough to tell a nice story without overwhelming people. And each 'season' will have 16 issues/episodes. (get the pattern?) I want to balance plot with character development. Some issues will be 2 and 3 parters as well.

    (I still am working on the rpg too, here and there when I have a chance)

    I also need webspace for this....if anybody knows of a good free site then tell me. Or I'll just upload them all to photobucket or something...shouldn't run out of space I don't think.
    Oh no! Now the forum will stop going downhill, so it will stop going uphill, and...

    A comic. That I can appreciate.
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Afaik, the secret of turning iron into gold, and a more accurate value for pi were both lost during the great purge. Since then the forum has really been going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Where do you see yourself in a 100 years time?
    in the chatbox telling people that this forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    this forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by male View Post
    Is this forum really going downhill???
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Depends on your orientation relative to the center of the Earth.
    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    This forum has always begin on going downhill. Luckily, it seems that it's descending at a such a slow pace that it really doesn't matter much.
    Quote Originally Posted by male View Post
    IMO the forum isn't going downhill. I personally think it's been improving lately.

    This thread was not a serious thread. I just thought I'd do my bit as a meme vector
    Quote Originally Posted by Krig the Viking View Post
    This forum is like a reverse Sisyphus -- condemned to eternally go downhill, without ever reaching the bottom.
    Quote Originally Posted by male View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    I'm not quite sure about the forum, but this thread is.
    So what's the point where this thread can no longer go downhill?

    And then will it be an uphill struggle after that?
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    so what this thread is saying it that the forum is doing this...

    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    I fail to understand why someone should want to own the forum, anyway...
    some people think that it's more fun to drive downhill than it is to sit in the backseat screaming.
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    Might have to sell the forum to McDonalds, and they'll make Sociotype happy meal toys.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    lol @ this thread.

    Russia isn't Ne/Si. Cold weather and brilliant scientists arguments, indeed. This forum is so going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    this forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Ssmall View Post
    It's no longer a dating site, so why aren't you joining now?

    Quote Originally Posted by female View Post
    Obligatory the forum is going downhill post.
    Quote Originally Posted by 717495 View Post
    The forum is starting to go downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Socionics is dead, along with any mandate for this board to exist other than as a social venue for surviving remnants of the community. But eventually we'll all stop logging in here because it will too boring to bother.
    Socionics is not dead. The forum always goes downhill. It never dies. It is a perpetual motion mechanism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
    The forum is twice as dead now than when Maritsa was here.... now what?

    I told you this was gonna happen; there is a flaw in the forum's setup.
    Quote Originally Posted by Simon Ssmall View Post
    You mean Maritsa is not posting anymore and the post amount have shrunk? Impossible...
    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    The forum always goes downhill, though it will keep going and going and going... no matter the changes that it goes through, this place will have traffic.

    It's a hang out spot for people, online. That's it. Sure, some can say they come here for discussion about socionics, but in the grand scheme of things, this is a place for people to sit around with a common theme among the discussion.

    I've been a member since May 2006 and it's still not really any different now than it was in the past. The discussion changes and the people have changed, but the forum is really not much different. The only difference I see is what some have called quadra shifts among the kinds of discussion and the way that discussion is handled.

    I think all the quadras have had a hold on this place over the years. The one thing this does, it makes people post more or less, and in some cases leave or come back... generally speaking of course. When I got here, there were about 40 active posters on this forum, of those 40, maybe 10 are actually still active. With new people come different people of different types...

    Back in 2006, most of the active posters were in high school or college, and now most of those folks are gone. This may come as a shock to some, but it seems like people actually grow out of coming here, or life kinda gets in the I'm not saying that everyone does, but it's a common enough occurence to mention.

    Personally, I don't see you, Hitta, as ever being here without bitching about something. I don't really mean this in a bad way, but I don't see you ever being happy with this place. I'm sure if you had some actual control over it, that may change, but until you could have things exactly how you want them, you'll never be happy with it.

    Edited to add: Unless this place became very stringent on the rules regarding socionics where it would be talked about as seriously as you actually would want... I think that would cause more people to leave than stay though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    I quit too.
    the cake was a lie.
    ... this forum is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Joker View Post
    People choose to be blind to the truth. Reality crosses their mind and they make themselves forget it. Choosing to believe what feels most comfortable instead. This is why this forum is heading downhill because people refuse to see what's right in front of them. That this forum is diseased with viruses that are slowly eating it up. However, it wouldn't matter so much if the forum was healthy, but it's merely a shell of its former self.
    Quote Originally Posted by krieger View Post
    would those of you who think the forum is continually going downhill please look at the first page in this thread and snap to your senses.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    This forum is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Taknamay View Post
    All of us are awesome. Together.

    We make a great team, guys and gals! O:
    wrong. this forum is actuallY super lame and boring. i can see tumbleweeds on the horizon
    Apparently has been going downhill for several years. This reminds me of the never-ending staircase Director Abbie once posted.

    This place needs reform and has been needing it for the longest. According to historical trend, the16types is due for new administration. Hkkmr has been doing a not-bad job but it's not really effective and impacting, and so the forum is the same as it ever was. And this is mostly because of a few perpetually unsolved problems. The problem with the staff1 is that they don't act like staff and are poor exemplars for the community. Either they were chosen out of favoritism and are poorly fit for administration, they are inactive and/or shirk their positions as administration, or don't contribute anything worthwhile to Socionics. Another problem is the lack of policy, every new surge of activity just gets insulated and dies out due to insufficient management of human resources, along with forum member conduct going unregulated and un-addressed which is detrimental to the development of the Socionics community in the Western hemisphere.

    There could only be three reasons why this forum never changes. One - the type of people Socionics attracts; two - Socionics fails as a topic; and three - stale members haven't been naturally pruned for a fresh generation. Two of those can't be helped but the last can, through recruitment and advertising, and a community overhaul. And until any of this is attended to, this forum will always be going downhill.

    That said, I'm willing to take over as owner / head administrator, for a fee.

    [1] - Staff as a whole. Not all staff members fall within the criticism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    This reminds me of the never-ending staircase Director Abbie once posted.
    I think it's a positive thing. We cannot die!
    Quote Originally Posted by Taknamay View Post
    You know, I think there is a way this is possible. The staircase could just happen to be slanted like this, but overall be horizontal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    That would mean we have to go uphill sometimes.
    Exactly, the forum is more like this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taknamay View Post
    Well, I just meant geometrically possible >.<

    You wouldn't actually keep falling... unless there were some complex thing going on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by female View Post
    Why do you think the forum is going downhill?
    I've been wondering about this for a while and can't come up with any concrete answer. I remember when people used to say this a lot. "The forum is going downhill". And I feel that some sort of change usually came on the heels of that statement. But there was a point, somewhat recently, the timing of which I'm not sure of, that the forum somehow became a lot more empty feeling. I don't know if this is a personal perception or if it has a more objective basis (I'm definitely not as involved here as I used to be). But I remember when this place was so full of life that you didn't have to so much dip your toe in the water to get some vivid response. Now it feels like a tumbleweed blows through here and no one even twitches in reaction, lol. One thought that crossed my mind was that the community no longer feels as tight knit and personal as it used to. There are a lot of forum old timers that I miss, that no longer post regularly, and perhaps the forum doesn't feel truly alive to me without them. I like the new people and the fresh faces, but I just don't have the history with them. Do you have any ideas, theories, or reasons for the current state of the forum?
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Is the forum going downhill? Drink 2 or 3 pints of beer and ask yourself the same question. The answers will probably have improved from "Yes" to "Nope, everything seems so cooooool noowwwww". If you keep drinking beyond that point, the most probable answer will be "Who cares?". Finally, if you make it till the super drunk state, the answer will be "Argghhj gr gr gr".

    Seriously speaking, the forum has stagnated. We have typed ourselves, some users have retyped us, we have typed celebrities. There has been no agreements on lots of typings and we have reached a stalemate. Only the fall of one of the two antagonistic blocs (people who know about Socionics v people who can't type correctly) will enable us to achieve a Pax Socionika, in which the widely accepted typings of Madonna as SLE, Bill Gates as ILE and Mickey Mouse as LSE will set the framework for development of Socionics.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nanners View Post
    You consider this going downhill? This forum gets more posts than I can keep up with, at least a few of those posts are actually interesting, it has a very diverse member list, and the new host is faster than I can click.

    How can that be considered going downhill?
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    I am still asking without questions.

    uphill is the new downhill. stfu whore and ejoy the death
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    It WAS always going downhill but never reaching bottom. That was part of its identity. What did you do, hkkmr?!
    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    Apparently at least, the forum is going downhill. However, those who live in the Southern Hemisphere may not agree with us: they see the forum going uphill. Once the forum reaches Australia, it will start to go downhill from their point of view, so we will see it advancing uphill again
    Quote Originally Posted by Park View Post
    Because it's 2012 and the world is going to end soon. Duh!
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    i wish this forum was pink
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    idk if it's me or the forum, but i just don't feel like posting about myself on here anymore. if i want to talk to people, i go into tinychat. blah... even this thread, i just don't have anything to say. for some reason i still come here and reload throughout the day though, hoping that something interesting will happen again. i guess i just don't feel the sense of community anymore, or if it's here, i feel like i've put myself on the sidelines to the point that the only way that i'm a part of it is as a memory of what i once was here.

    sorry dolphin, i didn't really post any reasons why i think the forum is going downhill lately, but i've felt the same thing for a few months now. it's like the forum has become a field of zombies aimlessly wandering around bumping into eachother muttering "brains?" halfheartedly, knowing that any brains found will be old, stale, and already picked over.
    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    This forum is a veritable Sisyphus of downhill-dom. Or I guess uphill-dom? You can mentally change the story of Sisyphus to fit with this situation however you want.
    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Dolphin, you're so good with words. When I read anything you write it's like sweet angels signing. I'm serious. You could make a nutritional guide sound interesting.

    Anyway, I'm sort of with you on the forum dying. I kind of don't really know many of the people that post here now...the only subforums I visit are Anything Else and occasionally I'll look at the Famous Persons section but I feel like everything about Socionics has already been said. I stay out of the Quadra section because i'm still not goddamn sure what type i am and Anything Else is just too slow for my attention span. It was kind of a fun place when people used the Chatbox but it's like no one ever goes there anymore...they don't even go to stickam anymore. The tragedy.
    Quote Originally Posted by ArchonAlarion View Post
    This forum is going downhill because of the following reasons:

    1. Decrease in population of older members who post consistently in a mature and authoritative way

    2. Influx of young, casual members who last for maybe half a year and barely understand or care to research the theory

    3. A forum dynamic that has developed over the years in which people disparage the theory despite an active interest in it.

    4. A forum dynamic common to many forums in which there is a small active group of old-timers that have a common-experience, not shared by newer members. The older members continually refer to this common-experience despite it's irrelevance.

    5. A lack centralized theoretical conflict (half the forum members believe this, half that), and instead, decentralized, personal ramblings.

    6. Lack of external, informational sites (such as Rick's blog) closely connected to the forum.

    These are some of the primary reasons why the forum has been "dying." Some are inevitable and some preventable.
    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    I think it's downhill/uphill is cyclical and also highly influenced by life outside of the forum. Many members here came when they were in a exploratory period of their life and attempting to find something to study/explain their life situation. As time goes on, they move away from this exploratory period of their life and engage socially in order to acquire some material advancement, whether it be in education, relationship and/or employment, etc. This all takes away from people's participation in the forum as well as active dialog. If you observe the life changes the older members have gone through and are going through, it's easy to see people that have slowly become inactive have made advancements in various areas of life outside of the forum, many which make interacting here a secondary priority.

    Consequently while all this is happening, new members join and the forum changes due to the influx of new voices and opinions. When older members return, they find this change disconcerting and distance is created between the member and the forum.

    BTW Reuben was literally 20% of the activity of this forum during the period he was active.

    Let me put in my opinion here too, I personally think activity is not the most important thing for this forum, nor is drama. To me the most important thing for this community is the physical, mental, psychological health of it's members. The forum is not some sort of addictive escapism for your troubles or drama central for spectators, although this is generally going to be around. I would much rather have more members on this forum that spend less of their time but are able to find something of value, then a few members who spend all of their time here and likely waste it.

    There was a period of time when this forum did not get many new members, recently many new members have been joining and integrating into this community. You might think they're new and fresh, but in time, they will be viewed as old timers as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    I was never really someone who posted alot, but I did spend alot of time reading the posts and I certainly got more involved than I do now... not always for the better. I hav e found this place less interesting than I used to, I would attribute that to finding new things to learn about and the gradual fading of the novelty that this theory once held for me.

    Despite this, there are a lot of people who post here who I find interesting. Just perhaps not enough, to really try to get more involved ...

    When I joined here, the old school members complained of how the forum was going downhill, how it had fallen from those brave new days in 2005, I was new then, I had nothing to gauge it against and I thought that the forum was ahive of activity, nonsense, knowledge and original thought.

    Perhaps things are worse now, perhaps the crackpots, the visionaries and the researchers have either run out of steam, or reached that pot where they are being tolerated and ignored. Saying this I don't read everything on the forum so I may be wrong, but I've certainly become habituated to Maritsa et al, and I've not read anything in a while that has provoked me in any sense.

    I really don't know, I see plenty of new members posting, and that people come and go is a characteristic of any forum. Objectively I have seen no real evidence of a long term downhill trend. For me though, perhaps.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze View Post
    The law of entropy applies.

    Where is the left and what innovations have been tried?
    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    It has just occured to me that perhaps the recently new feature of being able to mark a post "like" or "constructive", may in part responsible fro at least some of the decrease.

    For example, before this function, I would have had to have written a post to state that I found that I found the information you provided "constructive", I would have invariably included more information than just the word "constructive" and this may have opened up the door for something else.
    i marked this post constructive and then i scrolled up without responding and realized the irony lol. i think i would be more active without the button because i feel trivial just quoting a post for a +1 or something so i feel compelled to say more, which other people might respond to, etc etc. i really like being able to give a nod to what someone said without jumping in but i do think it makes me lazy and i'd be better off without that feature.

    im somewhat new compared to most of the people talking about the forum going downhill but from what i understand there used to be like this battle of expat and niffweed vs socionix or whatever and everybody was into it. and now expat and niffweed are mostly gone and its kind of like socionix "won" lol. and it makes me think of how in stories theres the buildup and conflict and resolution and then it has to end. it makes me wonder what the forum was like prior to all of that stuff. i suppose there were a lot more people who were new and still exploring then but i dont know.

    also in older posts ive seen its more assumed that everything is type related lol. and i basically think nothing is type related and its more sophisticated to take individual differences in nuances into account but i think the forum would be more fun without that sophistication. "ntr" puts an end to so many conversations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Taknamy View Post
    Has anyone mentioned gravity? I think that's why most things go downhill
    Quote Originally Posted by pokeball View Post
    Our children will be posting here some day. That makes Joy a true trailblazer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbean View Post
    The forum is a reflections of us. If we are going downhill, than the forum will also go downhill.
    Ahh, Jimbean, long time no see. You've come out of retirement to enlighten us with your Zen-like wisdom once more. Welcome, welcome!
    Quote Originally Posted by Radio View Post
    it's a bit like a barber's pole, endlessly descending but not really getting any lower.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pa3s View Post
    Forum's going downhill, amirite?
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    The16types is critically ill
    Less than 70 people have visited in the last 24 hours. It's not Memorial Day anymore.

    Marie84 says she's quitting not because of disinterest in socionics, but because the discussion has reached a low.

    If something doesn't change, the socionics community will collapse back into the MBTI community.

    A number of the regulars here don't even take socionics seriously. Why do they keep posting? Why are they allowed to?

    What has it come to that the rhetoric of a guy who attacks the foundation on which socionics is built is the talk of the day?
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Literally half the forum has up and left. The community is dissipated.

    Does anyone have a backup copy held over from the Gilly era? Because it's clear that hkkmr intends to destroy the forum.

    Eh I guess I'd better plan for a post-socionics era. Because it looks like people are throwing their hands up at it. Maybe this is an opportunity for a more serious community with a new approach.
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    It's not who left, but why. There are serious problems that are not being addressed, and it is causing attrition. End of the Roman Empire effect.
    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post



    Quote Originally Posted by Ozz View Post
    It does feel the forum is sliding downhill, but I seem to recall a similar conversation while (a year?) ago. Does any one have any stats
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    Are thread titles of the form "is X the way of the future?" the way of the future?
    To lessen productivity, gain cheap 'likes', and to troll forum member "tcaud", some members are creating threads where the thread title is of the form "Is X the way of the future?" and bloating the Philosphy, Politics, Economics subforum with garbage threads. A big concern is members suffering mental anguish as the joke becomes ever more watered down with meta-ness and the lols threaten to fall off a plateau. Could this trend be indicative of the eternal downhill direction of forum?
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Good news: the forum is no longer in decline
    It has now reached rock bottom. From here, there is nowhere to go but up.
    Let's hear it for Melkor, Lord of Arda!
    Quote Originally Posted by glam View Post
    that bad huh? perhaps we'll need to align with the MBTI folks and form the Last Alliance of MBTI & Socionics. on the way to the battlefield, the Enneagramers can join us for the final fight.

    Socially Awkward Peoples of Typology, unite!
    Quote Originally Posted by krieger View Post
    if the forum was visibly declining i'd experience that as a good thing because at least there would be a perception of change. the reality is worse. this place just stagnates. it sits there doing nothing. it doesn't go through phases or have its ups and downs, it just like like *this* all the time. and meanwhile all the time spent here is practically wasted.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ath View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    The forum's IQ has been on a downhill trajectory lately.
    People are always saying this forum is going downhill in some way. They were saying it years back, in fact.
    The forum isn't going downhill, I meant the IQ of it considering the recent surge of "Does it matter" threads, but it's just a short phase that will pass so I'm not really worried.
    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    i'm kinda let down, i made this thread because there was some interesting conversation in chat and i thought some arguments of equal caliber could be made in a thread to be looked at all in one place but it seems like nobody wants to bother. forum is going downhill and all that. not that i really blame anyone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    forum is going downhill and all that.
    People always say this. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coffee HD View Post
    You are all a bunch of...

    .. you thought I'm going to say something negative? I didn't.

    But you thought so, because you know you all suck and there is a lot of negative about you, and should have done better in life than jerking off to this socionics theory, thinking it will get you laid or make you understand people.

    To understand people you have to go out and interact with them. But you are all too stuck in life to do that. Bully victims, peniless losers, housewifes in bad relationships and mommas boys. This forum has really gown downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    this forum has been going downhill since <arbitrary moment in history>
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    successful troll thread is successful
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    This forum is in trouble, but don't worry because I have a plan to rejuvenate it and restore whatever qualities it has lost. This will work because I have very strong opinions about how the forum should be run, but I have never actually run a forum, much less know what it takes to maintain even a moderately successful website. I have no practical experience that would give me any kind of insight on this topic, but you should listen to me because of my reg date or some other arbitrary reason that allows me to make a specious claim of authority. I have been around, and I can see the writing on the wall. This forum is going downhill, I guarantee you, unless the administration listens to me because I am smart despite my complete lack of experience or qualifications. Please don't ask me to prove how I know this forum is in trouble, I just KNOW it is. Don't bother me with facts about how new member registration is steady and that the number of active users is moreorless stable and not in any sort of significant decline. My emotional appeal and how I relate my subjective experience of the forum should be enough for you to agree with me. Mark my words, this place is going down the tubes, and it's all because no one will listen to me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    How many times have people said this in the past....

    I don't agree because the number of people in the world is not decreasing and secondly as long as it's here people will find it.
    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    The number of the people in the world is increasing.

    Therefore the number of people participating in is increasing.

    That's socionics.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Just fire these goddamn incompetent moderators already.
    Quote Originally Posted by Airman View Post
    The fact that this thread is the 'hotttest' thread clearly entails this forum is going downhill once again.
    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    The sky is falling.

    We're all doomed!
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    This forum is going downhill
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I yearn for the halcyon days of Hugo, Waddlesworth, Jimbean, Rocky, science as magic, Cone, Transigent, Typhon, CuriousSoul, LucasWinfield and co.
    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    This forum's been going downhill for 10 years.
    Quote Originally Posted by kopyk View Post
    this topic is shit
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    As quantity is clearly more important than quality, I can PROVE that the forum has been going downhill since April-May 2008 in terms of average number of posts per day...

    ( actually, it's quite possible of course that the record for most posts in a day happened at any other time. There was an average of 670.7 posts per day between 12 April 2008 17:27 UTC and 12 May 2008 17:43 UTC)

    As for threads, we've being going downhill for longer, since September-October 2007...between the 12th September 2007 17:48 UTC and 12th October 2007 17:48 UTC there was an average of 33.3 threads a day.
    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    well at least now the bi-annual "forum is going downhill" thread has some data to back it up
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Holon View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche the Child View Post
    Would you say that... this forum is really going downhill?
    An optimist might say it is really going uphill, maybe.


    Quote Originally Posted by Holon View Post
    Enneagram is even more Baby's First than the Baby's First Personality of Socionics. The roots are interesting, but R&H commercialised it and put it in competition with things it's not competitive against. Like actual personality science, or psychology/psychiatry. I suppose the magic is based on your choice of bricolage. Are you an enneagram shaman, or a psychiatry shaman? Pick your dead chicken.

    People like it and find it credible because people like structuring narratives and are basically credulous, and are typically not exposed to the exciting world of things that do the Enneagram's job better than the Enneagram.

    Brb, accepting ILI typing.

    (As a history note, this site started as a way of connecting Oldham types and Socionics. Now look where we are. This forum has really gone downhill.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Oliver Aaron View Post
    A large amount of traffic has moved to World Socionics Society on Facebook. There is a lot of daily discussion on there.
    Naw, the discussions on WSS is amateur hour and this site has 2x the traffic vs 2011.

    This site is focused on content translation and various content activities which allows for introduction of socionics information into the English speaking world.

    Discussion can only be limited in quality due to the inadequacies of self-teaching opportunities.

    Even if this site had no discussion there is still going to be a effort to provide the best possible content for individuals interested in this topic and to spread knowledge about this topic.
    WSS has Expat, Rick (yup, he posted once), Bukalov, Reinin, Gulenko, Beskova, Eglit, Karpenko etc. you have Maritsa.

    the16types was a great empire, but out of its ashes, a new society has been born!

    You're a member of WSS now? I'd love to know who.
    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    Looks like:
    Oh I have a nice toy, it grew bigger over years.
    And I have a super toy with super features that you don't have na!
    An infantile fight duh.
    Quote Originally Posted by InvisibleJim View Post
    t16, onwards and upwards.

    At best managing, patroning or possibly leading a terminal decline.
    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    TinyChat has a limit to the amount of moderators that can be added to a room; if not for this, I would mod everyone. Due to the mod limit, there will be a power difference between the moderated and the non-moderated; this is always a problem. A MissingThePoint TinyChat, a Delta-quad TinyChat; these will have more focus than any one singular room can allow. Also remember the17th is the most stable room in this site's history, made initially as a refuge from the hell of chickenshack, where mod abuse went light-years beyond anything that ever happened in the16types or the17th. the17th reaching critical mass is enough to end any noise about the16types going downhill, discussion has simply moved to TC and expanded.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    what elevation do you live at?
    In all honesty, what significance does this have on our daily lives?
    none. i've run out ideas. it's come to this.
    This forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    I was just discussing the forum with Brilliand, and I mentioned that we were now low on Alphas (even with an Alpha owner), whereas in his day there were many Alphas and much theorizing. He suggested that the forum was going downhill, and I agreed, "Always going downhill, never reaching bottom." Because it's been "going downhill" for several years but doesn't change much as far as I see. Then Brilliand mentioned this:

    Alphas discover.
    Betas fight over.
    Gammas make use of.
    Deltas enjoy.

    The age of the Alphas was the age of theorizing. Ideas kept being offered. Some were interesting, some were dumb, some were unnecessarily complicated. But the theory side of the theory blossomed.

    I agreed that the age of Alphas was over. Brilliand figured that meant we were in the age of Betas now. But I proclaimed, "We're in the age of Gammas!" Because from what I see, the most common forumites are Gamma. And it didn't used to be that way. But Brilliand remembered the Age of Betas.

    The age of the Betas was the age of conflict. Fighting. Drama. Remember that? It wasn't too long ago. Yes, there's still drama. There always has been. But I'm thinking of the time when people were heading up rebellions. There were factions.

    The Age of the Gammas is what we have now. People aren't adding to the theory, and the fighting has died down. Now people are taking the theory and considering what can be made from it. Some charts? A new online test? A roleplay? We will see what comes out of the Age of Gammas.

    So when most of the forumites are Delta, you'll know the forum is truly dying. ...or maybe the cycle will be renewed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    Location sufficiently populated for interaction. Proceed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Skepsis View Post
    Are there people not lured in by the logo of a dog about to attack an innocent child?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    This forum is really going downhill. But that is the nature of the universe.

    I would suggest that the forum moves to a new domain that has "socionics" in the title: I have at least one suggestion, although I won't mention it here because it may result in someone else acquiring it first.

    Allowing people to log-on / register via facebook and twitter accounts may be a step forward.

    I've also made the suggestion before that the header at the top of the forum (which has tabs labeled "Forum", "Articles", "Questionnaire", etc. should have "Tests" added to it. (Also: each Questionnaire page should urged people to take the questionnaire offline first before submitting it, to minimise the risk of the answers being lost by inadvertent log-outs etc.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post
    I don't like the idea of connecting the forum to Facebook/twitter.

    But if there is to be a test section, I would suggest these two:

    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    While I may seem like a blind optimist and a contrarian, I think this forum is really going uphill lately. Quality > quantity. I think relatively new members such as @Chae, @LuckyOne, @Economist, @Bertrand, @Wyrd, @Slugabed, @Horatio, and others are doing an excellent job of supplying interesting content (though the forum may not be as active as it once was).

    I agree that the forum's outdated visual theme is probably deterring newcomers.

    I also think that Discord probably has something to do with the dwindling shoutbox activity.
    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    This site is getting boring.

    Like there's no much new posts :/

    Can you guys posts something?
    Quote Originally Posted by Antennae View Post
    socionics is dead praise Allah
    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    this site needs your fucks but...
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    post some nudes, idontgiveafuck
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    It has been extra boring lately. I am glad I am not the only one who has noticed. This forum used to have hostile drama every week in the early 2010s. I never thought the forum would die down this much.
    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    Just this SiTe?
    Don't be silly.
    SiTe is always boring

    ♡JkIloveyouSiAndTeUsers ♡
    Lol that makes sense!!


    Confirmed why this site is boring

    Because si+Te

    Lol xD
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    If you find the site boring, you must be a must have a lower threshold for boredom.
    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    I know, start a thread where people explain why a certain type fits certain stereotypes better than others. Lots of potential for shit-stirring and everything can be type-related!

    No I don't know. I'm boring, so I can't help you...
    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    we need to organize a coup against a competing socionics forum
    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    We need an uprising to make 16types great again. One which will be lead by the Betas of course, since they have wet dreams about this and were probably waiting for this to happen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Socionics now bores me, actually. It's not practically useful to me, because chances of mistypings are high. Who knows if socionics types are even truly real, anyway? We could just be hashing out emptiness. I no longer see a point to this bandwagon.
    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    Social media is such rubbish. I know plenty of forums which died because people simply spend their time on facebook, instagram and so on now. Some are on reddit, but there's nothing much. On other forums there's almost no traffic. I think these people haven't went anywhere else, like different socionics forum, their attention is now focused on social media e.g. watching silly movies and clicking likes. There's no more intellectual debate for them. Now this forum is only for hardcore socionics fans. I bet we are all somewhat autistic so we need to categorize people. It seems that forums where mainly for people to engage in conversations and make friends and they have been to different forums based on interests. Now this friend seeking and general engagement is all taken over by facebook. Social media mainly cares about performance, more likes, more clicks, more of the feed, more advertisement and not the actual content. The only content rewarding website is google for the moment, so there will be still some people coming from there.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Learn Russian and join a Russian socionics forum. They are probably really good at this stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    Here's the map of interest in socionics:

    It seems there's plenty of interest but some big countries like china doesn't have any interest at all. Maybe because they are firewalled. Anyway, there's more interest from US and even Canada then from Russia. But that's just google searching not actually scientific work or anything.

    Here's the comparision to MBTI:,mbti

    It seems that MBTI is on average 30 to 50 times more popular except for Lithuania. Also, interest in socionics is at constant levels while interest in MBTI grows since 2013.
    "Socionics" is an English word.

    What I don't get is the popularity in Finland.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    there is also another theory in sociology I think, that's called "Socionics", so what we call socionics might be even less
    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Don't ask what can do for you, but what you can do for
    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    This site has turned into a television soap opera, or dragon ball. You can skip 5 episodes and you won't miss anything vital plot-wise.
    Quote Originally Posted by chrys View Post
    join a racial phrenology forum and try to type everyone instead of saying anything relevant to the forum's purpose (VI and describe to someone why they are a Beta (dont mention socionics just say that they are a Beta) instead of using words that describe DNA, family genetics, race, etc.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    This forum is really going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by starrangel View Post
    Make 16types great again!
    What would be GREAT is if we had more intellectual discussion and people who would actually take the time to watch a ten-minute interview and make insightful comments instead of declaring "SLI-Te sx/sp 592384239842 (final answer)". But nope, that's too much to ask. I guess you can have drama instead if you want.
    Well typing ain't reliable either
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    But sometimes ppl get offended even with just that. I've been insulted by users just for saying them what type I think they are (in type me threads, btw). With those kind of reactions, I dont even want to invest time in trying to explain why. Some have told me that I'm "offending them" also for doing it, so, what to do? This matter is not just one sided in all cases. If ppl is going to open a " type me" thread but they dont even want to know others opinions, then why I should even bother?
    If they ask for typings then they have no right to get offended. But you can still type celebrities.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah trying to explain just gets written off as offensive trolling or engaging in "battletyping" anyway. if you take it a step further dumping a "SLI-Te sx/sp 592384239842 (final answer)" is equally stupid, so the real point here is I think people should be less defensive unless they want people to not talk about it all (I think you can actually infer this as a subconscious motive much of the time). you can say these dump and runs are directed at third parties but "battletyping" is engaging with someone directly, but its all the same analysis such that they implicate eachother anyway, one just involves a person who is here to "hear" it. why people think knowledge is going to develop while simultaneously tip toeing around people's sentiments seems strange to me. the two are manifestly at odds whenever any opinions differ, and if the controlling factor is who is in the room the truth loses all meaning
    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    people always say stuff like "man these forums really have gone downhill"

    then its like, wow I wish this really productive poster was still around

    "nah we don't need people worship"

    its like okay, well
    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Well i've been in the forum in the years before 2010 and recall it was a much more productive place in terms of discussion and getting feedback from people. I think that compared to then it has gone downhill. I was only on and off on the forum in 2010 so don't recall it well what it was like then. Anyway, Raver - if i'm not mistaken - too has been in the forum prior to 2010 so i don't know what he thinks of those earlier years (which, again, to me seemed the forum was more conducive to productive discussion back then). Just imo
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Yeah, the golden years for Socionics discussion in this forum was 2006-2009 for sure. There were heavyweights around then that really knew their stuff like Expat among several others. 2010-2014 was the drama years, every week there was something new for people to fight about and Socionics discussion was decent, but most of it was non-Socionics related. The modern era of this forum (2015-2018) has similar drama of 2006-2009, but without the high quality Socionics discussions basically.

    So if you were looking for high quality Socionics dicussions then 2006-2009 was the time to be active in this forum, if you were looking for entertainment with intense and vicious drama then 2010-2014 was the time for that and if you were looking for a place to sit back and relax to discuss Socionics casually with the occasional mostly light hearted drama then 2015-2018 was the time for that. I took several breaks that lasted either months or even years, but that's the gist of what I got from my time in the forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    A lot of people lurk this forum, but the interaction has really gone downhill. Most of the socionics interaction occurs now on the Facebook socionics groups. There are some very intelligent people there.
    Quote Originally Posted by ballistic gerbil View Post
    this forum is going downhill.
    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    Always always downhill into the abyss
    Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 12-14-2019 at 10:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    mgh=½ mv2--->

    v=(2gh)½--> inserts values and gets v>c. It is all relative!
    Winning is for losers


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    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  3. #3
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    It's basically a gravity well but with extremely slow centripetal speed
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #4
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    Does dark energy even exist anymore?

    Does dark matter?

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    Actually, there are some perpetual motion machines, but not ones that can generate energy. Frankly, the drinking bird seems like a near-perfect metaphor for this forum: going nowhere, just bobbing up and down stupidly in a bored person's cubicle.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    mgh=½ mv2--->

    v=(2gh)½--> inserts values and gets v>c. It is all relative!
    Lol. Yeah, and I guess you're smart enough where the misconception here is. All is relative, especially the speed of moving objects (compared to the speed of light).

  7. #7
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    Does dark matter?
    Let's just take this question out of context.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie the Child View Post

    Let's just take this question out of context.
    Dark is good for sleeping.

  9. #9
    Glorious Member mu4's Avatar
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    We all know socionics solved human thermodynamics.

  10. #10
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    The thing with this is that it's only a few powerhouse individuals that keep the forum active and filled with quality content at any given time. When something happens to those individuals or they leave it can make the forum feel like it's dying even though only a few people left. It's stays feeling that until someone else takes up the mantle and thus the cycle continues.

  11. #11
    Professional Turtle Taknamay's Avatar
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    Does this mean I am included?
    What is a utopia? A dream unrealized, but not unrealizable. -- Joseph Dejacque
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  12. #12
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    The aforementioned colloquium decidedly gravitates earthward.

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