What a trash take. Mind your fucking business. Worry about the cheats, thieves and criminals running AND ruining the highest office in the backwards, corrupt, rabid dog eats rabid dog, inequality laden shit hole that is the USA. More socialism and a stronger welfare system would do you primitive motherfuckers well.
As much as I love Nordic Europe and our way of life, I can not [disingenuously and hypocritically] weep for countries like Sweden, one of the top arms exporters of the world, and even to non democratic states responsible for horrible humanitarian atrocities that prompt and spur forced displacement and migration.
Even if, in this particular instance, Sweden’s contribution to this inhumanity is indirect, the result is the same. IMO, those who encourage suffering deserve to suffer themselves. And if that “suffering” comes by way of welfare blood suckers, OH WELL. I chalk that up to a sort of cosmic justice. There is certainly no nation in the Western hemisphere that has not achieved “success” by way of “cheating” in some form or another, usually involving some type of disenfranchisement of an adjacent, "weaker" neighbor/party. That being the case, we don’t have that much room to complain. And Americans, especially a certain breed of American, most of all, need to keep their mouths SHUT on the issue of cheating, greed and thievery by "others." Seriously, STFU.