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Thread: Clubs.

  1. #1
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Default Clubs.

    Features of profile training

    Installation Low level of development High level of development
    Management ST rudeness, despotism, intellectual underdevelopment, primitive interests, imposing one’s will, mechanistic, soulless organization, responsibility, attitude to coordinate efforts, business cooperation, consideration of mutual interests, objective control, possession of emotions
    Social SF philistinism, mood for entertainment, gossip, easy life without effort, flirting, scandalous, nepotism caring, fair distribution of benefits, respect for human rights, collectivism, sociability, benevolence, authority of the family
    Humanity NF resonance, mysticism, fear of life, self-reliance, low competitiveness, decadence, theater effects instead of specific technologies sublimity, spiritual search, noble ideals, the ability to selflessly love and believe, empathy, psychologism, mastery of the word
    Science NT unrealistic projects, isolation from life, schematism, reassessment of one's intellectual qualities, helplessness in organization communication democracy, connection with practice, socially significant discoveries, high intellect, breadth of mind, independence of judgment, optimism

    Intelligence Scientist and Social

    Management installation
    Social installation
    Humanitarian installation
    Scientist installation

    Modernization of the classroom system
    Structuring the learning place
    Structuring Learning Time

    IME social intelligence is mostly related to SF's. There seems to be lots of misconceptions between SF's and NF's.

    However, such a side as receptivity, built on subtle sensations, especially the visual distinction between the nuances of a person’s mood, is very important. If you cannot catch a person’s emotional state, you won’t be able to give feedback on ethics.
    I have seen quite few NF's who can be blind to social signals while they respond to personal states from developmental POV as an example.
    For example see this
    Humanitarians, unlike more optimistic and democratic societies, do not possess the gift of collectivism. They prefer either isolated communication with the circle of the elect, or speeches in front of large groups of people.
    NT's can be quite negligent towards the managerial sphere of actions and comforts like tolerating bad organization if they are still able to go to the next data point.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

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  2. #2
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Interesting series of articles.

    I do butt heads with the managerial sphere at work. I think it's not for the reasons you mention here, which I feel is describing alpha NTs more:

    NT's can be quite negligent towards the managerial sphere of actions and comforts like tolerating bad organization if they are still able to go to the next data point.
    Personally, I am quite critical of how work is organized where results are involved, mainly because I think managerial types I know too easily overlook aspects of a strategy they can't see. A dumb example. At work today we were refurbishing pcs that were to be sold as orders, and one labtop I tried to install there was no output on the screen. Pretty sure it was graphics card problem but I wanted to be sure, but LSI told me that I should just take another pc of the same model and produce that one for the order. Problem is, we have alot of orders, more than we have pcs of the model in question, and this will probably go on for a long time. So in terms of orders being delayed it made no difference if I fixed it now or later. It probably would add value even, because if it was really was a graphics card problem, we couldn't fix it, so might as well use that one for spares that will be used to fix others of the same model, and knowing this would speed up the process. The LSI didn't understand this reasoning. To him, I was wasting my time, and he thought it better I go about with the order now.

    It's fine to take two steps back if it implies taking five steps forward in the future.

    Not sure why I share this, perhaps it helps others understand how I think Ni blocked with Te works. Certain outcomes lead to either profits or losses, and there are outcomes which are never considered because they never come to be. "We earned so much this month". Great. If we had done it that way instead we would've earned twice as much, but we'll never know since some people don't believe outcomes can be foreseen in a more or less consistent manner.
    Last edited by Ave; 11-28-2019 at 09:47 PM.
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  3. #3
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I think I put a lots of consideration of people's facial expression and such. I consider this side being quite important – keeping up the mood and stuff. Anyway I can enter into la la land too easily so listening part seems less necessary.

    Lately, I have been analyzing ST's and IxTX in general and it seems like they do not really pay attention to this so much at all. Some are quite dumbfounded.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    The LSI didn't understand this reasoning. To him, I was wasting my time, and he thought it better I go about with the order now.
    Things are bulk for managers lots of the time. That is the basis of their program. I adjusted work laptop with different OS using memory cards and sticks. I was the only one who went through that trouble to get comfortable flexible work system. I got some admiration and people labelled me rebel. Nagging seems to be the default way to go about it and no wonder I look out of place everywhere I go. Like I was supposed to stand as part of uniform front against the elite and politics. I say that I appreciate my own convenience too much.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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  4. #4
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    Things are bulk for managers lots of the time. That is the basis of their program. I adjusted work laptop with different OS using memory cards and sticks. I was the only one who went through that trouble to get comfortable flexible work system.
    Taking space at work and rejecting imposed ways of doing things - to I do this too, and ILI I used to work with also. They tried to get rid of my work labtop with desktops we all alternate using, which I hate. They keep saying we don't have enough space for the labtop plus the desktops. Not enough space. So today I got rid of the 27 inch screen, keyboards, mouse, and took my labtop back - after all it takes up less space than all that shit. Hell, since I can do everything I need with my labtop, and since I am supposed to alternate between different desks, it saves up the space used by more than one desktop. This type of rebellion annoys the hell out of those above me in the hierarachy. Seems NTish attitudes for sure.
    Last edited by Ave; 11-28-2019 at 10:20 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Science NT
    > isolation from life
    it can be related to introvertion only

    banal things + strange bs

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