@Investigator thank you for the in depth response dear dual ^_^ if what you're describing is true, then I do relate to SEE-Fi more than SEE-Se. I guess if I had to answer the question why I'd really like to continue working is to keep seeing people but also contribute to society, which is a more altruistic goal even though still self-oriented. I don't relate to manipulating people overtly, in fact I feel like if I do it I'm actually doing it unconsciously with emotional pressuring. Usually I feel like it's quite useless to do so though because I can just get what I want on my own. The biggest reason why I feel like SEE-Fi is not applicable is that to my understanding the emphasis of one of the functions comes at the cost of another; in that vein, I felt that my Te is not weak enough to be a Fi subtype, whereas I need guidance in Ni matters quite frequently. But I see that may have been a misguided understanding, since the subtype doesn't really change the underlying functions anyway. I'm not socionics-savvy enough or even willing to look for the details that might really differentiate the two.

Would you say the Fi sub is more flexible in Fi matters than the Se sub, and vice versa about Se matters?