Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
I had a therapist like your IEE one at one point. She constantly contradicted and invalidated me, and always supported the main person I had a problem with. She was either EIE or ILE, or maybe SLI. She had a very soft feeling but steely at the same time. Silk glove that conceals the iron hand. I never really wanted her as a therapist, but she pulled me into her range when I needed some help with necessities to keep attending school. There was a red flag of criticism at the beginning of the relationship, and I didn't feel right about it, but I didn't have a choice if I wanted to get the help offered to students who needed it. She was pretty perfect when it came to meeting all the technical requirements of her job and defending her position, so there was nothing I could have done about what I saw was basically abuse in itself. I came to her taking about how I had basically been fucked with, and she continued fucking with me herself by "trying to get me to see his perspective." Basically. And trying to make me like him. It was probably the most terrible experience I've had with therapy. I'm not inclined to do it again.

Side note: I've also known an IEE who would totally pretend to be on your side but always gave me the feeling of being on someone else's side and somehow managed to subtly guilt me. Some bitches are good at manipulation. No matter how long I live i doubt I'll ever understand all that crap.
Wow. I concur with that last sentence. I hope since then you’ve found better connections and healthier people to aid you. What you described with your IEE is exactly to a T what happened with mine.