Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
This makes sense, maybe my indifference is due to the fact that I don't have some good or ideal society in mind that the one in my location and time could negatively be contrasted with.

After giving it a couple seconds thought, I came to a similar conclusion wrt enneagram instincts as @squark, and I think this line of reasoning lends itself to that. (I know you don't like the type stuff, but it belongs in the same post)
That is actually interesting.

But it doesn't necessarily have to be some ideal, it could be based on experiences of being exposed to different cultures or countries.

If you've ever only known a single person in your entire life, can you hate him? Or can you even love him? What does "love" and "hate" would even mean in that context? I don't think that you can love or hate someone without comparison. And if that's the case for people, then it should be the same for things, or abstract ideas.

Say you might've grown up with abusive parents, and you thought you "loved" them. Or at least, you were indifferent or had no special thoughts. Until you've met some other parents, and started to think that your parents are a little different, or odd. Then you start to find out that they were even abusive towards you. They treated you horribly. Other parents were much nicer to you than them, and you started to prefer them instead. You start to resent your own parents, and even start to feel "hatred" for them. That's when the split of "love" and "hate" started: you made comparisons about who is better than whom.

But some people say "I hate society (in general)" without ever being exposed to some other society. Or they don't like how they're being treated by society. Does that mean that they're consciously or unconsciously comparing to some ideal society, like how society "should" be?