I was thinking about the patriotism thing today. (I guess according to the OP author, nationalism is defined differently and if you want the thread straight on that, @coeruleum, I'll back off.)

But if patriotism is like what I've been thinking, wanting the best possible things to happen in your country and endorsing the well-being of the people surrounding you, then yeah, that's everyone, really, lol, so patriotism wouldn't be, like, a distinct feature. So I actually don't understand what it is, other than a right wing buzzword. Is it about viewing your country as literally superior in terms of intrinsic goodness, like I said before? (I was only making an attempt at inference, out of confusion.) And descriptors like "tribalism" are equally vague to me. The comparison of nation and family would need clarification to me because my son, my sister-in-law who deleted my texts when I was in a coma in hopes I'd lose my memory and believe her when she said my boyfriend is a heroin addict, and my cherished aunt that I grew up very close to are in very different categories of "family."
I feel like it's basic as hell to ask for a definition to be placed on basic concepts, but if you're in the mood, it's not a rhetorical question. Im all ears.