Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
"Love it or leave it!" Well ironically this is the exact kind of tribalism that you were talking about. You're typing yourself Fe-valuing, so at least you're consistent.

I mean you're right though, this forum sucks and is full of idiots like you who have abandoned any kind of rational thinking.

It's just a testament to how irrational thoughts and blind beliefs in whatever fads can manifest. It has been a trainwreck of amusement, but tragic.

Nobody outside of this forum will ever take Socionics seriously, noob.
Your framing of your "socionics cult" as an alternative-hypothesis that has no value, and which people only believe because of herd-mentality, also implicitly casts whatever your own idea of "The Truth" or "The Pursuit Of Truth" is as if it is the null hypothesis, and that it has inherent value by default.

But truths are just phrases. Ideas. Scaffolds for one's thoughts. You only need truths for the act of thinking and speaking. So they're just human institutions. They may be useful to your wants, but they're still alien to you. There's no inherent reason they should be your wants, rather than a mere means to an end.
You can think as reason as much as you want for your own wants, but no one is making you do it. If you've lost the pleasure in contemplating something before you've gotten to the bottom of it then there's no compulsion for you to keep digging unless you have some other personal purpose in doing so. If you no longer believe in something, as a cause-in-itself, you don't need to waste any more energy on it either.

No "highest cause" is worth you serving it for its sake. Thoughts tend to form a hierarchical structure as they go along, so if you serve the highest cause of Truth in itself, you're as servile as a theologian would be to his religious convictions.

Truth is just another thing to possess you.