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Thread: which type do you dislike the most?

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    Investigator's Avatar
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    This is truly a rare occasion, I actual agree with @coeruleum on this. I have no clue why the ILI isn't hated on more. If you think about it we are contradictory beings. We wish for a prosperous life, but we are lazy, we seek to be stoic, but seek moral support, we ooze pragmatism, but reliant on our intuition. We are disgusting to people on average and the people we do like, we are terrible showing our affection for them. On top of all of this, when we do get up and put our mind to a goal; we have no qualms stepping on peoples toes and resorting to trickery to accomplish it.

    Evidence of our atrocious nature is in the fact our conflict is the ESE who are go-getters, help the community, socially diligent, etc. People tend to hate on these attributes on personality theory forums because they are absolutely the ideal talents and motivations for rising social hierarchy. Let's be honest, many people on this forum (and many other cognitive function theory forums) are intuitives and have inclination towards social reservation and as a result aren't going to be high on the social ladder. As of a result they feel a bit of admiration for a type that seems destined to be at the bottom (or at least near it) of the social hierarchy, but are capable of achieving success (material) without closely adhering to rules set by those of higher social status than them.

    At the same time, I believe this admiration is misplaced for the reasons stated earlier. I remember seeing a comic that was supposed to represent the duality between ILI's and SEE's. It consisted of of the SEE cartoon throwing themselves (physically and emotionally) at the ILI cartoon despite how little effort and attention emanates from the ILI. At one point, the SEE holds up a picture of a ugly monster, and says something like "Even if you looked like this, I would still love you." In the end the ILI falls in loves with the SEE. I mean if you think about it, that is what this duality represents. A hunter who has fallen in love with an ugly monster as they know this ugly monster can provide order and wisdom that the hunter desires once they are caught. Despite their high social status they don't care what their friends and family would say when they bring this monster home because at heart they don't care about this social hierarchy. However, eventually they know they are going to need this social status to get something they want (like admiration). So they "groom" the monster to be bearable enough to look at. This grooming isn't necessarily from a selfish place. They truly desire to help the monster obtain the status needed to effectively use its talents to achieve its goals.

    A Quote that I personally believe accurately describes my existence:
    There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster.”

    The description of the lying monster is not an exaggeration, everyone of its attributes could be assigned to me. I have been blessed (very undeservedly) with an abundance food, but I rarely get hungry (I force myself to eat). I study even though I don't have any interest in benefitting society or academia (it is just a means to an end), I seek social interaction/friendship/love, but I am horrible at supporting my friends and dedicating time to their well-being (though I try to do better). I once met another ILI, and on one occasion he realized one of my tricks and ever since then I made sure my cunning stepped up about 10 notches. In truth, if I didn't, I would be eaten alive. It is a power-struggle that I have to win.

    If Gammas showed their genuine self all the time, no one would like us. Which is why we develop methods to mask ourselves as we move forward to complete our goals. Even among this basket of social outcasts, the ILI is at the bottom. I could easily see why someone would hate me and I would not hold it against them.

    All the same, I couldn't picture myself being anyone else, neither do I want to be and I am thankful for all attributes that I was born with.

    It is not that I don't love people; I just don't know to love. In fact, if your really close to me, I probably love you more than you think is humanly possible. As a result, to make up for being a terrible monster, I put monstrous effort to see you are well taken care of.
    Last edited by Investigator; 12-30-2019 at 07:23 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
    This is truly a rare occasion, I actual agree with @coeruleum on this. I have no clue why the ILI isn't hated on more. If you think about it we are contradictory beings. We wish for a prosperous life, but we are lazy, we seek to be stoic, but seek moral support, we ooze pragmatism, but reliant on our intuition. We are disgusting to people on average and the people we do like, we are terrible showing our affection for them. On top of all of this, when we do get up and put our mind to a goal; we have no qualms stepping on peoples toes and resorting to trickery to accomplish it.

    Evidence of our atrocious nature is in the fact our conflict is the ESE who are go-getters, help the community, socially diligent, etc. People tend to hate on these attributes on personality theory forums because they are absolutely the ideal talents and motivations for rising social hierarchy. Let's be honest, many people on this forum (and many other cognitive function theory forums) are intuitives and have inclination towards social reservation and as a result aren't going to be high on the social ladder. As of a result they feel a bit of admiration for a type that seems destined to be at the bottom (or at least near it) of the social hierarchy, but are capable of achieving success (material) without closely adhering to rules set by those of higher social status than them.

    At the same time, I believe this admiration is misplaced for the reasons stated earlier. I remember seeing a comic that was supposed to represent the duality between ILI's and SEE's. It consisted of of the SEE cartoon throwing themselves (physically and emotionally) at the ILI cartoon despite how little effort and attention emanates from the ILI. At one point, the SEE holds up a picture of a ugly monster, and says something like "Even if you looked like this, I would still love you." In the end the ILI falls in loves with the SEE. I mean if you think about it, that is what this duality represents. A hunter who has fallen in love with an ugly monster as they know this ugly monster can provide order and wisdom that the hunter desires once they are caught. Despite their high social status they don't care what their friends and family would say when they bring this monster home because at heart they don't care about this social hierarchy. However, eventually they know they are going to need this social status to get something they want (like admiration). So they "groom" the monster to be bearable enough to look at. This grooming isn't necessarily from a selfish place. They truly desire to help the monster obtain the status needed to effectively use its talents to achieve its goals.

    A Quote that I personally believe accurately describes my existence:
    There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster.”

    The description of the lying monster is not an exaggeration, everyone of its attributes could be assigned to me. I have been blessed (very undeservedly) with an abundance food, but I rarely get hungry (I force myself to eat). I study even though I don't have any interest in benefitting society or academia (it is just a means to an end), I seek social interaction/friendship/love, but I am horrible at supporting my friends and dedicating time to their well-being (though I try to do better). I once met another ILI, and on one occasion he realized one of my tricks and ever since then I made sure my cunning stepped up about 10 notches. In truth, if I didn't, I would be eaten alive. It is a power-struggle that I have to win.

    If Gammas showed their genuine self all the time, no one would like us. Which is why we develop methods to mask ourselves as we move forward to complete our goals. Even among this basket of social outcasts, the ILI is at the bottom. I could easily see why someone would hate me and I would not hold it against them.

    All the same, I couldn't picture myself being anyone else, neither do I want to be and I am thankful for all attributes that I was born with.

    It is not that I don't love people; I just don't know to love. In fact, if your really close to me, I probably love you more than you think is humanly possible. As a result, to make up for being a terrible monster, I put monstrous effort to see you are well taken care of.
    Wow, you really seem to hate yourself.
    I get what you are trying to say, but i have to disagree in a some points.
    First, being an NT does not really predispose you to an place on a hierarchy. There are many different (social) groups and people can fall or work their place at the hierarchy despite being any type.
    SFs are better at all of this social stuff, but how will you use this to come up a military hierarchy or become a respected member of a philosophy circle for example. Hierarchy depends on many things and i guess what we can say is, that ESE cares a lot more about it as ESXj and Ethical than a lot of NTs, especially IP NTs.

    Also your description of ESEs does not really match my expierence, I know useful ESEs and i know nice ESEs, but the most cruel people i have ever witnessed were ESE.
    Their Fi ignoring and lack of Ni gives a lot of them an unreflected way to interact with others, following the whims of their emotions and mistreating and disregarding the needs and feelings of their surroundings, while being well informed on them which becomes evident when they use them to their own gain.

    I can't follow your conclusion how ILIs or NTs in general are destined to be at the bottom of a social hierachy. When i am at the top, there certantly won't be anybody on the bottom who does not earn it in a way for example as the way described in the paragraph above. Social hierachies, which i really think are a terrible concept, at least how you describe them, don't exist in an objective way and are never everywhere the same. They are defined by people and interactions. Your thinking seems to be very Ti-Fe there which could explain why you hate your own quadra so much, since you seem to have internalized Values from another Quadra to that degree. A lot of Gammas are very respected and and well positioned in their relation systems and if not they will propably leave very soon because their quadra Values would not allow them to be mistreated without fighting back. I guess being an Outcast is more Related to your Flow stacking, and also by compatibility and contrast.

    If you are beautiful and under envious ugly people you can very quickly become an outcast,
    smart and surrounded by dumb people, you will propably not fit in,
    moral and surrounded by machiavellistic sociopaths, propably also not the most popular.
    Its all very relative and depending on the circumstances, is what i am trying to say.

    Also, no, if Gammas showed their genuine self all the time, propably only other Gammas, Deltas and Betas would like them. Mostly other Gammas.
    Gammas are great people and i would love to have more Gammas of matching instincts in my life.
    Gammas are usually moral, Efficient, no bullshit, honest (SEE usually keeps it at a tolerable level), Loyal and not afraid to stand up for what they believe. They do not shy away from confrontation when it is about their Values and Friends and will usually not fuck you over.

    I can't see how a blabbering, superficially nice but backstabbing, manipulative and machiavellistic ESE, (most that i know are) should be any better than an Honest but reserved, Hard working, Insightful and adhering to principles ILI.

    Of course i am biased, and yes, even though i know one nice and one okay ESE i really do dislike them in general. They are a terrible Super-Ego because they are too dumb to reflect that the Polr hits they get from my normal Te-Ni usage are not an attack and that their problem lies in themselves. Instead they usually try to bully me and tell on me as soon as I react in a mild or appropriate way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
    This is truly a rare occasion, I actual agree with @coeruleum on this. I have no clue why the ILI isn't hated on more. If you think about it we are contradictory beings. We wish for a prosperous life, but we are lazy, we seek to be stoic, but seek moral support, we ooze pragmatism, but reliant on our intuition. We are disgusting to people on average and the people we do like, we are terrible showing our affection for them. On top of all of this, when we do get up and put our mind to a goal; we have no qualms stepping on peoples toes and resorting to trickery to accomplish it.

    Evidence of our atrocious nature is in the fact our conflict is the ESE who are go-getters, help the community, socially diligent, etc. People tend to hate on these attributes on personality theory forums because they are absolutely the ideal talents and motivations for rising social hierarchy. Let's be honest, many people on this forum (and many other cognitive function theory forums) are intuitives and have inclination towards social reservation and as a result aren't going to be high on the social ladder. As of a result they feel a bit of admiration for a type that seems destined to be at the bottom (or at least near it) of the social hierarchy, but are capable of achieving success (material) without closely adhering to rules set by those of higher social status than them.

    At the same time, I believe this admiration is misplaced for the reasons stated earlier. I remember seeing a comic that was supposed to represent the duality between ILI's and SEE's. It consisted of of the SEE cartoon throwing themselves (physically and emotionally) at the ILI cartoon despite how little effort and attention emanates from the ILI. At one point, the SEE holds up a picture of a ugly monster, and says something like "Even if you looked like this, I would still love you." In the end the ILI falls in loves with the SEE. I mean if you think about it, that is what this duality represents. A hunter who has fallen in love with an ugly monster as they know this ugly monster can provide order and wisdom that the hunter desires once they are caught. Despite their high social status they don't care what their friends and family would say when they bring this monster home because at heart they don't care about this social hierarchy. However, eventually they know they are going to need this social status to get something they want (like admiration). So they "groom" the monster to be bearable enough to look at. This grooming isn't necessarily from a selfish place. They truly desire to help the monster obtain the status needed to effectively use its talents to achieve its goals.

    A Quote that I personally believe accurately describes my existence:
    There are many types of monsters that scare me: Monsters who cause trouble without showing themselves, monsters who abduct children, monsters who devour dreams, monsters who suck blood... and then, monsters who tell nothing but lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance: They are much more cunning than others. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. If I were to encounter such monsters, I would likely be eaten by them... because in truth, I am that monster.”

    The description of the lying monster is not an exaggeration, everyone of its attributes could be assigned to me. I have been blessed (very undeservedly) with an abundance food, but I rarely get hungry (I force myself to eat). I study even though I don't have any interest in benefitting society or academia (it is just a means to an end), I seek social interaction/friendship/love, but I am horrible at supporting my friends and dedicating time to their well-being (though I try to do better). I once met another ILI, and on one occasion he realized one of my tricks and ever since then I made sure my cunning stepped up about 10 notches. In truth, if I didn't, I would be eaten alive. It is a power-struggle that I have to win.

    If Gammas showed their genuine self all the time, no one would like us. Which is why we develop methods to mask ourselves as we move forward to complete our goals. Even among this basket of social outcasts, the ILI is at the bottom. I could easily see why someone would hate me and I would not hold it against them.

    All the same, I couldn't picture myself being anyone else, neither do I want to be and I am thankful for all attributes that I was born with.

    It is not that I don't love people; I just don't know to love. In fact, if your really close to me, I probably love you more than you think is humanly possible. As a result, to make up for being a terrible monster, I put monstrous effort to see you are well taken care of.
    Hah, rings true. It's quite the task to stave off the monster.

    Out of the introverted NTs I know in my life, I'm probably the most productive and successful financially. My biggest motivation and what keeps me progressing (by far) is mostly to just help my loved ones be better off. And when it comes to helping my community, I have a tenet I repeat to myself often : I may not be able to save the world, but I can help the people that I see. I might not be involved with larger community endeavours, but when it comes time for Christmas (or whatever) I can at least make sure they got the resources to do what they want to do.

    And as for thread contribution here, I don't really dislike any type in particular, although when I was younger I disliked LSEs. Not anymore though (I've come to appreciate their level of local optimization), so I might jump on the ESE hate train. I'm not going to flip out and cheer just because "my team" got a touchdown, and just because I don't doesn't mean I'm upset.
    Last edited by ItsJustin; 01-09-2020 at 02:11 AM. Reason: Deleting an incomplete phrase

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