Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
Things they've had in common:

-visibly/obviously monitoring my emotions for appropriateness to the situation, and sometimes commenting on whether they're incorrect

-attributing positive qualities to me that I don't really have and praising them, either to push me in that direction, or out of delusion, not sure (or just that they perceive as positive. I remember saying some guy was hot and an ese laughed and was like, "of course you're joking. You prefer men like David hasselhoff." That kind of thing.)

-brewing about their invasive helpful gestures not being appreciated with enough gusto
This EXACTLY describes my problems with some ESE's. However, I get along very well with another ESE, except that he is financially irresponsible and only does exactly what he wants, when he wants.

Of all the types, I'd say that I've had the worst, the absolute worst, experiences with SEI-Si's. I try to kid around with them in a nice way, and they then publicly and loudly label me as a pervert. It's not so much that they offend me by what they do normally, so much as they really take a dislike to me and make it public.

ILE's, of course, are random crazies whom I sometimes want to strangle but who also make a hell of a lot of sense half the time. It's a weird relationship.

All in all, I don't think I hate any particular type. There are types that I can get along with effortlessly, and types that require some distance, but I certainly don't hate any type values.

Now, some individuals, yes. I have met some people who are living proof that God does not exist. Or if He/She does, she's operating on assumptions that don't make sense to me.