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Thread: Realizing You've Typed Yourself Incorrectly

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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeBeyondEarth View Post
    There are a billion reasons why I've mistyped myself but I just wanted to say I'm not an EIE. I'm actually SEE.
    actually, you may change your opinion later again

    > I often see people defend that they are a certain type like it's a death sentence for them not to be that type.

    Emotional argumentation to protect own opinion is more common for F types as they:
    1) have more doubts in own thoughts to be true (about own type, for example) and weaker logical basis to use it,
    2) are more emotionally attached to the opinion, for example when this, as they think, means good IR with someone important for them or better fits to the chosen occupation, etc

    On socioforum damn F types noobs were so annoyed by disagreements with their incompetent opinions about own types that forced admin to forbid to say disagreements with the type they wrote in own profile. I was baned 3 times there just for saying to people their correct types. It's often mistakes to close types alike IEI, EIE -> IEE. Without IR usage to understand correctly own types is hard and the majority never checks this thoroughly. There are many mistakes in own types, mb ~50%. People are typed by tests and by other people, - while those objectively match in <50% of cases.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    actually, you may change your opinion later again

    On socioforum damn F types noobs were so annoyed by disagreements with their incompetent opinions about own types that forced admin to forbid to say disagreements with the type they wrote in own profile. I was baned 3 times there just for saying to people their correct types.
    I actually thought about the reason why you're posting on an english speaking socionics website and I thought "hmm he's probably banned on every russian website". lol

    you told me 5 times now that I'm an F type when I'm really sure that I'm an LII. I think that russia is more of a beta society, so I guess they just don't have the patience for your mistypings there, which is more than understandable.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    7w6 LifeBeyondEarth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    actually, you may change your opinion later again

    > I often see people defend that they are a certain type like it's a death sentence for them not to be that type.

    Emotional argumentation to protect own opinion is more common for F types as they:
    1) have more doubts in own thoughts to be true (about own type, for example) and weaker logical basis to use it,
    2) are more emotionally attached to the opinion, for example when this, as they think, means good IR with someone important for them or better fits to the chosen occupation, etc

    On socioforum damn F types noobs were so annoyed by disagreements with their incompetent opinions about own types that forced admin to forbid to say disagreements with the type they wrote in own profile. I was baned 3 times there just for saying to people their correct types. It's often mistakes to close types alike IEI, EIE -> IEE. Without IR usage to understand correctly own types is hard and the majority never checks this thoroughly. There are many mistakes in own types, mb ~50%. People are typed by tests and by other people, - while those objectively match in <50% of cases.
    I'm not trying to be rude but this has nothing to do with why I've come to my conclusion nor why I believe finding one's type is terribly hard...

    You are right that I MIGHT change my type because that's part of learning. If I were to it would be an issue between T/F. (I highly doubt it, though.)
    Last edited by LifeBeyondEarth; 11-09-2019 at 05:20 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LifeBeyondEarth View Post
    I'm not trying to be rude but this has nothing to do with why I've come to my conclusion
    The said strongly relates to the general situation of self-mistyping, changes in opinions about own types, how people react on doubts and criticism in those opinions, - what is according to theme's title and the cited parts of your initial text.

    > I believe finding one's type is terribly hard...

    It's not. Needs basic theory (better goten from books) + IR check with >10 people IRL (better among emotionally important ones). This gives initial typing skills, their check and enough data to get the correct and stable opinion about own type with good chance. Without IR theory this would be harder.
    For example. From me it took about 1 year to understand own type. I also used tests and got opinions of several people about own type - that was among factors to be more sure in some type's traits. I then typed people IRL which were near or had significant influence. This was step by step proces until all fited good to IR theory and type's model. I was not assured in own type (and in Socionics) until that happened. I never then doubted in own type.

    > You are right that I MIGHT change my type because that's part of learning

    IR theory should be used to be sure in own type. Until this you'd better doubted in it.
    Besides people having much of communications with you. Also there were _irrationally and highly_ positive and negative people in your life, which inspired a friendly sympathy or a antipathy (you perceived and remembered them so). It's highly possibly poles of IR. Among those best could not be bad IR people, and among worst good IR ones.
    With this approach it should not be terribly hard. You either will be geting a mess or clear match to the whole theory. But you'll be doubtful to mistake in own type or to change the opinion after became sure. You'll understand the typing process and the theory of IR and types, during this typing.

    among books I may recommend only by Filatova's in English. Jung is also useful - 10 chapter of "Psychological types". you should to watch tests. other texts should be read as additional. what is important to know: dichotomies, 8 functions, strong/valued/supplementing functions, IR. other is lesser important. or better to reject as Reinin's traits and subtypes

    also you may post your videointerview to get opinions about your type

    mb this will help you. there is nothing terribly hard. just takes some efforts and time which the most people do not do. they try to get it quickly and this leads to mistakes and a mess in the head

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