Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
Please debate and discuss: I'm now of the opinion America needs an entitled aristocracy in order to save culture and individuality from being drowned under the values of the bourgeoisie.
This is where you go wrong: thinking that the problem is caused by the bourgeoisie and the lack of an aristocracy. You are leaving out the group that was created by the Industrial Revolution, i.e. the working class, or proletariat.

The Middle Ages were the age of the aristocracy, the Modernity is the age of the bourgeoisie and Post-Modernity is the age of the working class. The Postmodern age is what we are currently heavily moving into, and it will be dominated by the culture of the working classes, that have, in an economic sense, been upwardly mobile, but culturally have pretty much stayed on imbecile levels of behaviors driven by a need for short term gratification. You can see it on facebook and twitter day after day.

This is what drives current western societies: the bourgeois are losing cultural power in favor of working class. Now lots of working class people nowadays do not consider themselves working class, because they think they have been upwardly mobile relative to their parents and grandparents, but like I said, that's just in the economic sense. In the cultural sense, they still have working class attitudes.

You do not believe me? Well, read this and I rest my case:


People queuing and getting aggressive over chicken sandwiches? GTFOOH!