@FreelancePoliceman Yes, that's what I mean. The American ruling class is so strongly opposed to feudal-esque ideas it's insane. I would expect the two groups to have a large amount of overlap, but I don't want the mighty dollar to become the almighty dollar, which it has. My dad has spent $100,000 on comic books and he doesn't seem to have read them. Buying comic books, also known as what Comic Book Guy in The Simpsons likes, solely as a form of social capital and not even reading them is the epitome of "late capitalism" also known as The Glut since I'm not sure capitalism is dying though something clearly is. Money has negative value when you look at it, so the rotting corpse of dead capitalism with insects feeding on it is about right.

There's no way to abolish class stratification. Even Marx wasn't a Marxist at the end of his life. Also: why would you want to? If you force class equality on everyone, not only will all the people who like being superior die, all the people who like being inferior will die. I think we can only make one society of stratified people and one society of equal people and avoid trying to go to war at best.