Quote Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
My mum used to think I was autistic but she thinks everyone who isn't like her is. Maybe it's just being Ni. Actual autism is a bit different, though I suppose it's not entirely wrong to say that Ni can show certain traits of autism, but not enough to be equivalent to actual autism. You could argue the same for stuff like Ti.
I wont say Ni is the polar opposit of autism, but it's close enough. People who don't know shit about autism should not throw out those lables so readily. They are only making themselves look like shitheads and encourage misinformation.

By that I'm illustrating what they mean when they say "knowledge is power" to the ones not knowing slapping a faulty label on something in order to devalue them is wielding power. Make sure that you always know the facts before backing down to someones criticism.