Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
Would like to hear more about this part.
You seem like you have the gamma quadra's individualism, which I would describe as doing your own thing and not letting society stop you from doing your own thing. See Strat's complex of the tied hands article. Gammas are likely to see groups as something that benefits them and those they care about, and once the group stops being beneficial to them, there is no need for blind loyalty to anything in gamma. I see you as having this attitude, which I also recognize in myself, which is to do your own thing, so that it brings you what you want (pleasure, happiness, money, achievement, whatever). Betas are likely to see the group (s) they are a part of as something demanding loyalty, even when the group stops brinnging any real benefits (devalued Te).

Of course I could be wrong, as I don't know you that well but that's my impression, plus I thought I'd play along in explaining why I type you as I do before the 24hrs end lol.