Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
Haha, no problem regarding missing the post, I actually thought you were postponing it to formulate a reply. Actually it seems like you did both - “after seeing you” - you must have been watching me somewhat to confirm whatever you were already speculating. That’s something I always appreciate in people here and will never stop announcing my appreciation for lol. Feels good when people are genuinely interested in figuring someone out rather than simply slapping a label on after one second based off how they feel about you (Cough, MARITSA, cough, SOL - fight me).

And yeah, that all makes perfect sense to me. My whole life I have had those knee jerk reactions to the emotions around me: if I see someone crying I will tear up and run to console them, if there’s laughter around me I’m compelled to laugh even if I didn’t hear the joke... if you’re talking shit, I’m talking shit. And so on. Not that I don’t have my own independent feelings - I certainly do and like I said I will express them most of the time, which is kinda where “EIEs shaking the table” comes from. Though I would say ESEs CAN sometimes be that way depending on enneagram, ex. my ESE mother (yes she’s really ESE I know we’re all compelled to type our mothers Alpha SF...) seems to be 261, and when she’s unhealthier the claws really come out - the 2 disintegrating to 8 is definitely nasty. And on the other side of the coin, I prefer to have fun which can come off as preferring the positive and I most likely am a positive type in the enneagram (7 or 2 or 3 which isn’t in the positive triad but competency recognizes that being more positive is a greater path to success).

But I get a rush out of intense emotions and loud arguments, even physical brawls. Which I won’t always admit. And sometimes it’s really another way of me having fun. I get infuriated when people cut me off before I’m finished chewing them out, for example, and I think cutting someone off is more Fi valuing whereas going the full length of expressing what you feel is more Fe valuing. Lately, I’ve been practicing cutting people off more myself which is foreign to me because I never have in my life before but as I get older and as anyone gets older it starts to become necessary.

And I do have my inner sentiments and ability to see psychological distance but that’s just a weaker option whereas seeing the emotional feedback is a STRONG need. I can get lost without it and question where the psychological distance is even if deep down I know where it’s at for the most part. If you love me you better show it, if you hate me don’t hide it behind your back - either way I probably know because #NiKnowsThings but I need my confirmation.

Ironically, there are times when my feelings are totally shut off and I’m dissociated too, though. Like, I know I’m supposed to be feeling this way or that way but instead I’m apathetic and blank. “I’m not as sad as I should be about this”, etc. Perhaps that is another symptom of Ni.

sbbds/n4/niffer said in another thread that I talk about too many concrete things which makes me SEE which did not compute with me, I mean just look at LIEs (who I also like).


P.S. ExFx have 3D Fi, not 4D
You know what I type you and that will never change