Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
Umm, I hate questions like these because my brain automatically points to “both” in most cases... because I feel like people are way too complex to be black & white. I DO mirror outside emotions and try to stay connected to them, ex. if we’re all having fun I’m having fun... then everyone suddenly gets quiet and I’ll try to bring it back up again but if they’re not going for it I will get quiet too. Whatever the situation calls for. But I’m an empath in general and understand others by getting into their shoes too.

And if I’m feeling some type of way, nine times out of ten I’m gonna let you know regardless of the emotional environment.

And thanks! I have seen you around a bit here, you seem cool too.
After seeing you, I'd say that you are EIE.

And after reading this response (which I somehow missed ), I'd definitely say EIE because only Fe valuers, especially strong ones, have relatively easy access to both forms of empathy, if they so choose. Fi types don't access affective empathy via the same mirror neuron system that Fe valuers do. Don't forget, when I speak of affective empathy and mirror neurons, I'm speaking of a physiological phenomenon, something that has been observed, recorded, studied and documented--and the science has shown that not everyone has access to that, and that one doesn't necessarily have to access affective empathy channels in order to experience empathy in another form. I know for damn certain that I'm not physiologically capable of affective empathy. lol And neither is my SEE mom, for example. High D Fi valuers can mimic high D Fe by way of their Fi > because they are so in touch with their own subjective feeling, it's possible for them to serve that up for everyone else's consumption, to wear it ostensibly, as far as nurturing an upbeat and pleasant environment, when and if they care to. But that's not the same thing as physiologically taking on/mirroring someone else's emotional state (as if beyond your control) or that of the environment they're apart of, as in feeling pushed to cry at the sight of someone else crying, for example. Even I access my weak ass Fe in a similar manner, by way of Fi. If I truly, genuinely like someone, I can pour out emotion onto then with effusive hugs, kisses, mobile facial expressions, praise and all that and it will come off as real Fe and not forced. But heaven forbid I don't like the person (or am neutral about them, like I generally feel for most people), then I ooze stiff, stilted, forced, fake ass MFer when stepping into role Fe. lol

Fe doms have 4D Fi and if necessary, can adeptly explore their own inner sentiments concerning other people in order to close or increase psychological distance; it's just that viscerally picking up emotional feedback by way of Fe (read: affective empathy) is a quicker, more immediately telling way of interfacing with another person's emotional state. Fe users prefer to see/discern, clearly, how someone else feels for them based on the outward, external expression of emotionality, as in, if you are happy to see me, then bitch you'd better be all smiles and all teeth. lol It's just that, whereas ESEs are more inclined to minimize and desire to minimize negative emotions and their display within the environment, EIEs don't mind amping them up, especially in an argument or where they are strongly trying to get a certain point across. EIEs don't mind shaking the table, so to speak, which is why I generally love them. lol

Does any of this make sense to you?