I think word mercurial might fit you. SEE creative aka mercurial. EIE's due to Fi ignoring might experience relations problematic or their own personal weak spot.

Mercurial Personality Type

The interests of the Mercurial Personality Type include (Oldham, pg. 293):

insisting that others come along for the ride
yearning for experience
jumping into a new love or lifestyle with both feet
being ardent in your desire to connect with life and with other people
being able to endure changes in the emotional weather

Main Interests of the Mercurial Personality Type

being involved in a romantic relationship

being intensely attached in all your relationships

showing what you feel; being emotionally active and reactive; putting your heart into everything

being uninhibited, spontaneous, fun-loving and undaunted by risk

being lively, creative, busy, and engaging; showing initiative and stirring others to activity

being imaginative and curious; being willing to experience and experiment with other cultures, roles, and value systems and to follow new paths

being skilled at distancing or distracting yourself from reality when it is painful or harsh