So far, from my research, for general health, most people should take 10g of garlic, 1g of Cod Liver Oil, and 0.5-1g of activated Curcumin. If they don't take Cod Liver Oil, they should take a Vitamin D3 supplement during darker months (combined with Vitamin K2). I've started taking 1g of panax ginseng once a week because mentions its strong anti-cancer properties (perhaps based on limited research). Other compounds of particular note I think are Melatonin and Spirulina (although with Spirulina, it is important to not get it from China because of an increased likelihood of excessive heavy metal content and tampering with the product).

Things I think are also worth looking into (based on's analysis so far): Creatine, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Kava, Krill Oil (if you take this, then there is less need to take Cod Live Oil), Nitrate, Rhodiola rosea, and Salacia reticulata.

Of lesser interest: Ashwagandha, Bacopa monnieri, Berberine, Blueberry, Caffeine, Coenzyme 10 (CoQ 10), Echinacea, Feverfew, Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Hesperidin, Inositol, Lavender, Peppermint, Psyllium, Pycnogel, S-Adenosyl methionine, Saffron, Tetradecyl thioacetic acid, and Theanine.

I'm probably going to research herbs/spices/vegetables/fruit more in the future.