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Thread: Dietary Supplements (for optimal health)

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default Dietary Supplements (for optimal health)

    I've long been concerned that I've not been getting enough of particular vitamins in my diet and also lament that I do not habitually consume the wide range of herbs and spices that are said to be elixirs.

    I've started this thread to echo the quacks I have consumed so far, and so that others can offer insights they've found.

    According to The Government of my country (that is, the health service), the only vitamin that they recommend everybody takes as a supplement is Vitamin D during the darker part of the year (I don't mean night, unless you are very far north or south). I actually found it hard to find doses sold that only meet the Recommended Daily Allowance and no more. The one I actually bought says it is 2000% of the RDA (although I think it's actually 1000% going on the 8.5 to 10mg figure recommended the NHS). Apparently if you take too much Vitamin D (in one go, or over time), this is very bad for your bones & kidneys (or was it the liver). But it seems that I would be OK to take one every week or two.


    I have been utilising this website:

    for research into herbs and spices, but ideally I would like for similar for all legal over-the-counter compounds that are safe.

    The chart there is out of date it seems, based on the downloadable database, and should be more like:

    Common Name Scientific Name NCBI TAX ID No. of Positive associations No. of Negative associations
    garlic Allium sativum 4682 1092 Positive 66 Negative
    ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 3311 830 Positive 37 Negative
    ginger Zingiber officinale 94328 795 Positive 3 Negative
    turmeric Curcuma longa 136217 739 Positive 9 Negative
    liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra 49827 365 Positive 216 Negative
    black cumin Nigella sativa 555479 278 Positive 9 Negative
    saffron Crocus sativus 82528 237 Positive 5 Negative
    ceylon cinnmaon Cinnamomum verum 128608 220 Positive 20 Negative
    fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum 78534 188 Positive 17 Negative
    safflower Carthamus tinctorius 4222 182 Positive 10 Negative
    chinese cinnamon Cinnamomum aromaticum 119260 154 Positive 7 Negative
    sesame Sesamum indicum 4182 141 Positive 19 Negative
    rosemary Salvia rosmarinus 39367 132 Positive 7 Negative
    peppermint Mentha x piperita 34256 114 Positive 7 Negative
    clove Syzygium aromaticum 219868 92 Positive 16 Negative
    avocado leaf Persea americana 3435 83 Positive 15 Negative
    holy basil Ocimum tenuiflorum 204149 82 Positive
    sunflower Helianthus annuus 4232 77 Positive 30 Negative
    common chamomile Chamaemelum nobile 99037 76 Positive 7 Negative
    evening primrose Oenothera biennis 3942 70 Positive
    garden thyme Thymus vulgaris 49992 67 Positive 6 Negative
    red sorrel Hibiscus sabdariffa 183260 66 Positive 3 Negative
    common oregano Origanum vulgare 39352 65 Positive
    jiaogulan Gynostemma pentaphyllum 182084 64 Positive
    flax Linum usitatissimum 4006 63 Positive 5 Negative
    lemon balm Melissa officinalis 39338 60 Positive
    common lavender Lavandula angustifolia 39329 59 Positive 1 Negative
    bell pepper Capsicum annuum 4072 57 Positive 12 Negative
    borage Borago officinalis 13363 54 Positive 1 Negative
    black pepper Piper nigrum 13216 50 Positive 4 Negative
    celery Apium graveolens 4045 49 Positive 46 Negative
    coriander Coriandrum sativum 4047 49 Positive 9 Negative
    basil Ocimum basilicum 39350 49 Positive
    fennel Foeniculum vulgare 48038 46 Positive 7 Negative
    long pepper Piper longum 49511 44 Positive
    ajowan Trachyspermum ammi 52570 43 Positive
    mastic Pistacia lentiscus 371726 42 Positive
    chilli pepper Capsicum frutescens 4073 41 Positive 24 Negative
    chicory Cichorium intybus 13427 40 Positive 3 Negative
    european barberry Berberis vulgaris 258209 40 Positive
    common purslane Portulaca oleracea 46147 40 Positive
    asafoetida Ferula assa-foetida 52471 39 Positive
    dandelion Taraxacum officinale 50225 37 Positive 4 Negative
    cumin Cuminum cyminum 52462 37 Positive
    curry leaf Murraya koenigii 159030 36 Positive
    absinthium Artemisia absinthium 72332 33 Positive 5 Negative
    lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus 66014 31 Positive 2 Negative
    tanner sumac Rhus coriaria 298661 30 Positive 5 Negative
    westen yarrow Achillea millefolium 13329 28 Positive 4 Negative
    green cardamom Elettaria cardamomum 105181 28 Positive 3 Negative
    guinea pepper Xylopia aethiopica 1317910 27 Positive
    watercress Nasturtium officinale 65948 26 Positive 15 Negative
    nutmeg Myristica fragrans 51089 26 Positive 6 Negative
    german chamomile Matricaria chamomilla 98504 26 Positive 1 Negative
    common sage Salvia officinalis 38868 26 Positive
    fish mint Houttuynia cordata 16752 26 Positive
    aniseed Pimpinella anisum 271192 25 Positive 4 Negative
    spearmint Mentha spicata 29719 24 Positive
    caper Capparis spinosa 65558 22 Positive 1 Negative
    juniper Juniperus communis 58039 21 Positive 3 Negative
    beafsteak plant Perilla frutescens 48386 21 Positive 1 Negative
    star anise Illicium verum 124778 19 Positive 3 Negative
    zedoary Curcuma zedoaria 136224 18 Positive
    kencur Kaempferia galanga 97750 18 Positive
    mugwort Artemisia vulgaris 4220 17 Positive 57 Negative
    marjoram Origanum majorana 268884 17 Positive
    brazilian pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolia 169191 16 Positive
    greater galangal Alpinia galanga 94327 16 Positive
    common rue Ruta graveolens 37565 15 Positive 8 Negative
    wormseed Dysphania ambrosioides 330163 15 Positive
    indian borage Plectranthus amboinicus 204180 14 Positive 2 Negative
    lesser galangal Alpinia officinarum 199623 14 Positive
    achiote Bixa orellana 66672 13 Positive 6 Negative
    chia seed Salvia hispanica 49212 13 Positive 1 Negative
    ashitaba Angelica keiskei 357850 13 Positive
    spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi 179860 13 Positive
    wasabi Eutrema japonicum 75806 13 Positive
    summer savory Satureja hortensis 49987 13 Positive
    lemon verbena Aloysia triphylla 542672 12 Positive
    bay laurel Laurus nobilis 85223 11 Positive 7 Negative
    quinoa Chenopodium quinoa 63459 11 Positive 7 Negative
    parsely Petroselinum crispum 4043 11 Positive 1 Negative
    babasu oil Attalea speciosa 145700 11 Positive
    dill seed Anethum graveolens 40922 11 Positive
    melegueta pepper Aframomum melegueta 637930 10 Positive
    kokum Garcinia indica 547469 10 Positive
    caraway Carum carvi 48032 9 Positive
    catnip Nepeta cataria 39347 8 Positive 1 Negative
    willow herb Epilobium parviflorum 644182 8 Positive
    szechuan pepper Zanthoxylum piperitum 354529 8 Positive
    tarragon Artemisia dracunculus 72341 8 Positive
    water pepper Persicaria hydropiper 46901 8 Positive
    welsh onion Allium fistulosum 35875 8 Positive
    california bay laurel Umbellularia californica 3438 7 Positive 3 Negative
    indian bay Cinnamomum tamala 397098 7 Positive
    quassia Quassia amara 43725 7 Positive
    garlic chives Allium tuberosum 4683 7 Positive
    allspice Pimenta dioica 375272 6 Positive
    corn mint Mentha arvensis 292239 6 Positive
    breadseed poppies Papaver somniferum 3469 6 Positive
    alkanet Alkanna tinctoria 543564 5 Positive
    alligator pepper Aframomum daniellii 199616 5 Positive
    common verbena Verbena officinalis 79772 5 Positive
    clary sage Salvia sclarea 38869 5 Positive
    fireweed Chamerion angustifolium 13055 5 Positive
    horseradish Armoracia rusticana 3704 5 Positive
    water mint Mentha aquatica 190902 4 Positive
    cinnamon myrtle Backhousia myrtifolia 178105 4 Positive
    fingerroot Uvaria chamae 174970 4 Positive
    mexican marigold Tagetes minuta 169607 4 Positive
    boldo Peumus boldus 63812 4 Positive
    alfalfa Medicago sativa 3879 4 Positive
    checkerberry Gaultheria procumbens 157519 3 Positive 4 Negative
    hyssop Hyssopus officinalis 39324 3 Positive 2 Negative
    chive Allium schoenoprasum 74900 3 Positive 1 Negative
    long coriander Eryngium foetidum 477864 3 Positive
    shea butter Vitellaria paradoxa 292385 3 Positive
    spotted orchis Orchis mascula 59338 3 Positive
    sassafras Sassafras albidum 46945 3 Positive
    black mustard Brassica nigra 3710 2 Positive 2 Negative
    musk okra Abelmoschus moschatus 1170222 2 Positive
    pot marjoram Origanum onites 452416 2 Positive
    cubeb pepper Piper cubeba 405322 2 Positive
    oil seed camellia Camellia oleifera 385388 2 Positive
    black cumin Bunium persicum 377494 2 Positive
    persian cow parsley Heracleum persicum 360621 2 Positive
    pandan flower Pandanus odoratissimus 240453 2 Positive
    wild thyme Thymus serpyllum 204219 2 Positive
    indonesian cinnamon Cinnamomum burmannii 119261 2 Positive
    sheep's sorrel Rumex acetosella 61450 2 Positive
    herb bennet Geum urbanum 57919 2 Positive
    lemon myrtle Backhousia citriodora 39976 2 Positive
    white mustard Sinapis alba 3728 2 Positive
    brown mustard Brassica juncea 3707 2 Positive
    mexican oregano Lippia graveolens 1986359 1 Positive
    korarima Aframomum corrorima 1765291 1 Positive
    black cardamom Amomum subulatum 1008370 1 Positive
    pineapple sage Salvia elegans 888065 1 Positive
    saigon cinnamon Cinnamomum loureiroi 688535 1 Positive
    curry plant Helichrysum italicum 261786 1 Positive
    pandan leaf Pandanus amaryllifolius 260201 1 Positive
    red torch ginger Etlingera elatior 188493 1 Positive
    salad burnet Poterium sanguisorba 137456 1 Positive
    linden Tilia tomentosa 121718 1 Positive
    yellow water lily Nuphar lutea 77113 1 Positive
    vanilla Vanilla planifolia 51239 1 Positive
    winter savory Satureja montana 49988 1 Positive
    peruvian pepper Schinus molle 43851 1 Positive
    locoto Capsicum baccatum 33114 1 Positive
    mountain pepper Tasmannia lanceolata 3420 1 Positive
    sago palm Metroxylon sagu 93297 2 Negative
    kawakawa seed Macropiper excelsum 130373 1 Negative

    In red, I've (subjectively) highlighted those that had a particular high ratio of negative assosiations (research reports) compared to the number of positive ones. But each individual will have to do their own reseach to see if the spice/herb is liable to be harmful for them (bearing in mind their individual health issues & also possible conflicts with medicines they take). For example, in my case, I have crossed out ginkgo.

    The long and the short of this is that so far, I've determined that it would be good for me to definitely take garlic and tumeric (actually, the deriative active compound curcumin specifically) taking into consideration the diverse health benefits (seemingly without negative implications for my own health) and the cost. (which seems to be a generally reliable website for reviewing such compounds recommends about 10g (or equilavent) of garlic a day - I now 12g simply because of the dose I purchased. This costs about 8 pence a day or 11 cents.

    With curcumin, it is very important for it to be activated, otherwise it won't be adequate unless you take a very large dose (research papers generally cite the use of black pepper for this purpose). I have purchased curcumin in the "Meriva" form, which is an alternative method. I take 500mg a day, which costs 27 pence or 35 cents.

    Suggested websites (at your own own risk, fingers crossed!):

    When I was going further down the list of herbs/spices, I was encountering positive associations/research for health conditions/health preservation etc. that had more positive associations with herbs/spices further up the list. Of course it is possible and likely that multiple selections compliment each other. Also, there are many conditions that are person specific, e.g. diabetes rather likely to be of general interest. Other than Garlic and Turmeric (Curcumin), so far, I have asterisked ginger, cinammon, and black cumin for my further consideration.
    Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 11-02-2019 at 02:58 PM.

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