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Thread: Nine fixations

  1. #1
    Number 9 large's Avatar
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    Default Nine fixations

    The Mental Habits (Fixations) of Each Style

    Enneagram One: Resentment
    Paying attention to flaws so that nothing ever seems good enough

    Enneagram Two: Flattery
    The gaining of acceptance through giving compliments or other forms of attention to others

    Enneagram Three: Vanity
    The strategic thinking about how to create an idealized image based on being or appearing to be successful

    Enneagram Four: Melancholy
    Thinking continuously about what is missing, with accompanying thoughts of being disconnected or separated from others

    Enneagram Five: Stinginess
    A scarcity paradigm that leads to an insatiable thirst for knowing, a reluctance to share – knowledge, time, space, and personal information – and to strategizing about how to control one’s environment

    Enneagram Six: Cowardice
    The thoughts of doubt and worry that cause the continuous creation of worst-case or anticipatory scenarios

    Enneagram Seven: Planning
    The mental process by which the mind goes into “hyper gear,” moving in rapid succession from one thing to another

    Enneagram Eight: Vengeance
    The process of rebalancing wrongs through thoughts related to anger, blame, and intimidation

    Enneagram Nine: Laziness
    Lethargy in paying attention one’s own feelings and needs, thus disabling him or her from taking the action you most desire

    Whats yours and why?

    Also needless to say but type 6 looks like Ne polr to me. Aswel as 9 looks Te polr, and type 2 Fe lead. Just sayin.

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    Can Enneatype change?

    I think I was once a 5. Now I relate a bit more to the 1 or 9 descriptions, but I’ve never found a description that seems spot-on.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Can Enneatype change?

    I think I was once a 5. Now I relate a bit more to the 1 or 9 descriptions, but I’ve never found a description that seems spot-on.
    Nah they cant

  4. #4
    Muddy's Avatar
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    The way I see it, all enneagram types at their core are basically unhealthy fixations.

    I remembering watching a video a while that back explained that explained what zen is. According to zen, distortions in our personality occur whenever we attach ourselves to certain habits and ideas. Optimizing our mental well-being comes down to letting ourselves "flow" through life and no letting ourselves become stuck with following certain ideas and thoughts. What is tricky about zen however is that not trying to hold onto ideas is, itself, holding onto an idea. Zen can only be achieved through a slow process of mediation and attunement with the immediate physical world around us.

    Each of the enneagrams types describe different fixations/traps in behavior and personal philosophy. The more that someone can be easily and obviously be identified as any single enneagram type, the less healthy that person is mentally.

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    Enneagram One: Resentment
    Paying attention to flaws so that nothing ever seems good enough
    - Can’t help but pay attention to flaws but wouldn’t think of it as resentment.
    So I decided to check the resentment attitude out today after fault finding and it is indeed that, my eyes have been opened!
    First issue was two faulty new necklaces.
    I resent they were made faulty, sold faulty and then when you try to point out the faults to the seller they try to pretend that’s how they are meant to be even when you show them their own web photos, your photos. They want to suggest that every item is different and aren’t easy to receive a refund from and so on.
    Second issue is the new bin system is a struggle each weak. How are we meant to fit everything in the tiny waste bin, where do they think we should put all the excess, do they want rubbish piling up in backyards etc and rats and cockroaches becoming prolific...

    Enneagram Two: Flattery
    The gaining of acceptance through giving compliments or other forms of attention to others
    - I am capable of this as I try to give attention when needed and can compliment when it’s praiseworthy.

    Enneagram Three: Vanity
    The strategic thinking about how to create an idealized image based on being or appearing to be successful
    - Am not very good at this but find it can be easily enough spotted in others.

    Enneagram Four: Melancholy
    Thinking continuously about what is missing, with accompanying thoughts of being disconnected or separated from others
    - Yes I do this. I know what was, is and will continue to be missing. I am disconnected and separated and mostly it’s my own fault.

    Enneagram Five: Stinginess
    A scarcity paradigm that leads to an insatiable thirst for knowing, a reluctance to share – knowledge, time, space, and personal information – and to strategizing about how to control one’s environment
    - I wouldn’t like to think I’m stingy. I guess I do like to know, I don’t like to share knowledge or personal info too much but will share my time and freely give things away.
    I will on occasion share space as currently a sister lives on the property. This isn’t easy but easier than having visitors stay in the house unless they are my children.
    I do come up with strategies to make the environment more private...does that apply...

    Enneagram Six: Cowardice
    The thoughts of doubt and worry that cause the continuous creation of worst-case or anticipatory scenarios
    - I don’t think I doubt or worry too much. I more just choose to not do something I don’t want to particularly do though of course can on occasion get stressed but who doesn’t...

    Enneagram Seven: Planning
    The mental process by which the mind goes into “hyper gear,” moving in rapid succession from one thing to another
    - I’m not much of a planner but can be fast of mind.

    Enneagram Eight: Vengeance
    The process of rebalancing wrongs through thoughts related to anger, blame, and intimidation
    - I’m not into revenge but do somewhat like poetic justice. I would like things rebalanced when wrong has occurred with humanity, to those I care about including myself.

    Enneagram Nine: Laziness
    Lethargy in paying attention one’s own feelings and needs, thus disabling him or her from taking the action you most desire
    - whilst being far from lazy I have put others needs and feelings above mine and thus have in some important moments not taken the most desired action.
    Last edited by Hays; 10-26-2019 at 11:30 AM.

  6. #6
    Muddy's Avatar
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    E1- I don't generally think I'm a nitpicker
    E2- I do like to flatter people through humor often, I'm not big on compliments though
    E3- While I'd think it'd be nice to be/appear successful, it's far from being the forefront of my agenda and I disdain the actions/personality traits it typically requires
    E4- On occassion, depends on how sucky things are at the given moment
    E5- I suppose I'm indeed quite stingy when it comes to my free time, everyone else can fuck off whenever I'm off work
    E6- I guess maybe when it comes to specific things like driving in unknown areas, but typically I'm quite careless about most dangers like theft and whatnot.
    E7- Don't really understand what "the mind going in to hyper-gear" means tbh.
    E8- I do fantasize quite a bit about murdering people I hate, I'm typically chill most of the time though.
    E9- I'm not lazy when there are things I actually want, but I'm quite lax when it comes to day-to-day task.

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