Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
In Europe these discussions fortunately aren't as politicized.
Translation: in EU people aren't as bat shit crazy. (Seriously, there is something up with USA. I legitimately suspect that the food issues are making people more aggressive and etc. That is part of why I'm abandoning ship and immigrating to EU.)

At first it was researched if the virus showed signs of genetic modification, which it lacked the typical human-made code chunks for, so the hypothesis was discarded. But then a scientist realized something, in pharmacological research there exists a method to make animal experiments a more accurate model for humans by modifying the animals with human DNA. This makes rats susceptible to human diseases like HIV. That way you do not have to modify the disease to fit the animal, which could change the behaviour of the disease and thus the efficacy of the tested medication.

What the scientist discovered was that you could inverse this process, instead of making the animal more susceptible to the disease, you can force evolve a disease to become virulent to other species. For instance, by gradually hybridizing bats with human DNA you can evolve diseases to become infectious to humans.
Somehow, this is really creepy to me.

Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
Lol, it's China...don't put it past them for it to be a combination of both. Probably just more world domination schemes. (I'm not completely serious, don't mistake me for a conspiracy theorist rn lol)