Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
This interior decorator/artist ESI that I've been working with to redecorate my house in the city knows that I also have a house on five acres in the country that I almost never use, so she asked me if she could use it this weekend, probably to entertain someone, IDK. I told her, Sure, because I know she's responsible and won't burn the place down, and also because she'll clean up after herself.

She asked me why I don't live there, since the place is paid for and pretty private. It's surrounded by a small grassy field but the property is half-wooded and is next to a little lake.

I told her that the guy I bought it from was a single guy who died there, and I don't want to live my life the way he lived his.

She laughed and said "Yeah, you don't want to be a lonely old man living alone."

WTF? Aren't ESIs supposed to have a modicum of ethical sensitivity?

Maybe not.
Maybe she just interpreted things as-is, and didn't think anything of it? I myself am not sure why this seems insensitive to you, tbh. To me it seems like repeating the same thing you just said, but in different words. Of course, I don't have all the context, though.