The ESI-Se won't be seeing me for a few weeks or months while she starts grad school, so she came over with a recorder to capture my voice.
(I once had a GF who, when I was out of town, would sleep with my unlaundered T-shirts.)

ESI-Se, turns on recorder: "OK, tell me what type I am."

LIE-Te: "You're an ESI-Se and an enneagram 6w7 with a Secure attachment style, and are also extremely smart and healthy."

ESI-Se: "What do all those things mean?"

LIE-Te goes into a long explanation of information exchange and the enneagram. ESI-Se gets bored.

ESI-Se: "I think it's time to do something."

LIE-Te: "You look like you hate this personality stuff."

ESI-Se: "I do hate it. I hate the idea that people are placed into categories. That they can't be anything that they want to be."

LIE-Te: "I used to think that everyone I met was a special snowflake. That they might be anything at all. I quickly saw that Socionics does put them into defined categories in many respects. Not in all respects, but in enough to be useful."

ESI-Se: "OK. Enough. Time to work."
She turns off the recorder.