OK, this isn’t about ESI-LIE conversations, but it could conceivably bear on them.

Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
I'm working with computers at my company, but you meet a lot of people who share stories and they are often very similar, like: hard working guy, wife left him after 10-15 years of marriage, he jumped in front of a train. the way people describe them often makes me think that they were EXTJ types.
When my (now) ex-wife left me, I was in a state of shock. I didn’t see it coming and really could not believe it was happening. She moved out and took our son with her.
About four or five days later this guy shows up at the front door and says he’s from my son’s school and could he come in? I said, Sure. It turns out my son mentioned the fact that he and his mother left, and the guy was actually from city services suicide watch or some crazy thing. I told him I was depressed but not suicidal. I don’t know why he would think I would be suicidal.
Ann Arbor is a very rich, liberal city. Personally, I think they go overboard in some areas.

Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
Probably because they realized they did not know what they lived for other than being financial providers... Sad, really.
Well, duh.

Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
well it's Fi as suggestive function, they are very suggestible by love. it's very painful for these types to lose a friend or a partner (I mean it hurts everyone obviously, but for these types it seems more painful). I've met quite a few LxE types that were in horrible relationships (conflict, superego etc.) and yet they stay with their partner for decades.
Interesting that you say that LxE types stay in horrible relationships. I, of course, married my Supervisor, which is generally considered to be a low 12 out of 16 on the Socionics Compatibility Scale, but I was pretty happy. Even after my ex-wife moved out, I tried to get her back. Eventually, I realized that she wasn’t coming back and I divorced her. Maybe I have a high tolerance for bullshit, IDK.
I had a Mirage GF within about six months, and while she wasn’t perfect, she was an improvement over the ex in many, many ways. So much so that when I told my ex that I was dating again and she said, “Why not date me?”, I mean, I could not believe it. After breaking our relationship, she wants to fuck me over again?
She’s gonna be single and alone for the rest of her life.