Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
lol Dat Ne PoLR, which is why in my dealings with ESIs I'd avoid leading with anything that might denote uncertainty as opposed to a strong, confident likelihood (Ni), because Ni would've already integrated or cut down on the Ne possibilities in order to arrive at an optimal (read: the best) singular idea/vision/path/whatever--this is a major factor that distinguishes the more compatible LIE from IEE (supervisor) or ILE(conflictor), who would mercilessly beat the ESI over the head with too many "random" ass potentialities.
Yeah, I agree. Ne PoLR can be a bitch sometimes. I do have a lot of ideas but the way I operate is that I have a MAIN goal. Then if that doesn’t work out, I have backups, and I choose the best backup out of that, and so on. Which I find Ne PoLR will be in agreeable that way.