Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
I've noticed, even though with a small sample size, that the ESI-Ses i was courting in one way or another were always keeping me at arms-lenght, they did not close the distance by themselves but showed when i could (sometimes while saying no) and when i decided for me that this thing is over because i did not get anything back, they reached out for me to keep me interested.
It's not only ESI-Se women who do this. The men do it too! Interesting since the aggressor is supposed to be the one initiating intimate relations, specially if they are the ethical type. But with ESI-Se this cycle of LIE showing interest, them pushing you away/hiding themselves, you pushing, they repeating this behavior, you getting tired of this game, them suddenly starting to show interest, has been very prominent.

The scary point, however, is when they finally start showing interest and giving hope and then for some weird reason suddenly start disappearing with excuses like "i'm busy" and after a few months of you pushing again (starting from the beginning of this vicious cycle), they show no interest in keeping you anymore if you get tired of pushing.

This means that the ESI can get used to you pushing and treat you like an annoying fly if you don't learn to respect yourself and leave when it's time for you to leave.

I hadn't learnt this. Stayed too long. The ESI thought I would stay no matter what demands he enforced on me. That I would stay even if he wanted to have an "open relationship". If he ignored me and lied to me. If he never answered any of my questions, even though they were serious and important ones, because I was "impeaching" him and ruining his "privacy".

I hope it's not so terrible with ESI-Fi.
Maybe it doesn't work with the Se subtype because I am the Te subtype.