I think she likes me (maybe so much it scares her) but she is super-Avoidant.
This is a pattern i seem to see with "my" esi-ses all the time. I think a good idea is to simply note what they are saying but listen to what your intuition tells you about the whole thing. One of them made me know for sure what she really meant with her "no" because she clearly had a heavy crush on me at this time. I think she would have needed me to take the responsibility off her shoulders and simply pull through. Didn't do it because while she was about perfect for me, she was not in the age range to found a family on with me.

I do start to think the whole ambiguity thing could be a way to screen for lie traits, it takes a type with 4Dne to figure them out.
Right now I am at a point where i tend to believe that there are two important things when interacting with them:
Trust your gut (intuitive understanding) and -as soon as you have made your interest known-ether pull it through or leave them alone. I've noticed, even though with a small sample size, that the ESI-Ses i was courting in one way or another were always keeping me at arms-lenght, they did not close the distance by themselves but showed when i could (sometimes while saying no) and when i decided for me that this thing is over because i did not get anything back, they reached out for me to keep me interested.
I start to thing that you can, while courtship is on, not take a lot of what they say at face value, a lot of it is regulating the distance and screening, some of it is being cautious because of ne-polr.

Also, i do think, that without a clear sign of "leave me alone" confronting them and being direct can be a good thing. So maybe just ask her why she does not want to meet with you again, tell her that you really liked it and are interested. She may not give you any clear information at all but she will be assured of your feelings and when she cares about you she at least has a perspective of your interests she can't really deny.