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  1. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I make automatic payments every month to three “save the earth” organizations, and I design weapons for the government (and others) which, because of their fearsome awesomeness, have made people think twice before getting into fights.

    What I don’t do well is what the ESI is training to do; mitigating the effects of inequality, one person and one family at a time.

    I mean, that’s like swatting individual locusts, when you should be looking for their breeding ground.

    ”Tax the Rich”, and “Fox News Delenda Est.”
    Well you get it even though you're on the "other side" as it were. Gotta burn the breeding ground. Kill the "summoner/healer" first or else you're being an idiot.

    The main reason I keep harping on attachment issues (glad to see you jumping on this ultimate bandwagon of mine BTW), is because it really is how you, as an individual, can strike real and telling blows against the Lord of this world. Most every form of propaganda, manipulation, and social engineering fails right out of the gate if tried on people who have healthy attachment.

    You can fix yourself and your partner, but the real blow is when you manage to raise/fix 2 or more kids, tell em' how and why you did it, and let that process flow from there. That follows an exponential growth curve. If we all did that for a few generations the Satanic PTB would be employing all their evil ways for naught for their hatred and lies would fall before the tidal wave of love and truth of a humanity raised right by loving people.

    It is a popular saying among us rather hardcore Christians. "12 is all we have. 12 is all we need." If but 12 people, being literally the only people acting upon that fact up and do it? They win long term. The 12 become 24 become 48... until the only 12 left are the final servants of Satan. Ironic, given how he scoffed at the original 12 at the time .

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    I know of Tax the Rich and I know that Fox News is a politicized news channel, but I don't know what “Fox News Delenda Est.” is, however.
    Cathargo Delenda Est. You didn't get the reference? Adam doesn't go as far as I would as I'd say "The entire MSM Delenda Est!" and you're damn right Fox News is included in my not inconsiderate amount of righteous indignation. I also wouldn't stop with news services. I'd include streaming services and Hollywood in its entirety. All big corps hate my guts because of my faith and what I stand/wish for thereby and boy do I wish I was engaging in hyperbole.

    The great enemy hates/fears one man above all, Christ. As a follower, their bottomless ire is directed towards me as well. Fuck em'!

    As for taxing the rich, I'd say do something more along the lines of allowing an individual to accumulate a set amount of resources and then just taxing the excess at 100 percent. Like, you can have 15 million dollars and spend/save it as thou would wish. Anything more than that and it gets taxed and used in the interest of the good of the nation. If you don't know about the concept of "Generational Wealth" I'd look into that. A very compelling argument can be made that explains that most all our modern-day problems are the result of the out-of-control generational wealth. That is, a few shitheads got really lucky to the point that our current wealth inequalities are handily explained by this little story I'm sure I've told before.

    Everyone starts the race at the same point. However, as is always the case, some people are just better at running and that advantage compounds. Eventually, the best runners (and the families they spawn) run so good for so long they get over the horizon and out of the sight of most everyone else. Now, they weren't just good at running, they were smart too and contemplated inventions and technology as they ran the race (that has no definite end goal). Once they were sure they were far enough ahead they realized "Hey, none of the others are around to see us. If we cheat they'll never know. I got a board and some wheels. Skateboarding takes way less energy to do and gets you to the same speed as running. So let's all build skateboards and use em' to ensure we never see those other bastards again! We shall eternally be the winners of this race even if we get a bit sloppy in regard to our personal health!"

    That too compounds. Skateboards become golf carts become Lamborghinis become aircraft become spacecraft. However, a curious inversion happens at the aircraft stage. Ever see the movie "Idiocracy"? Yeah, that happens to them at that point. The cheaters are eons ahead of the likes of you and me, but they're also unable to maintain the mechanisms built by their forefathers. Their forefathers built that kind of redundancy in (i.e. planned for a generation unable to really innovate or fix the complex system they created) but no genius, no matter how smart, can ultimately plan around the equivalent of the users falling below the base standard requirements for sentience (i.e. No human can make a system complex enough to control all of human civilization that could somehow be worked reliably by a Chimpanzee who suffered crippling brain trauma in infancy).

    The Chimp will be able to coast along thanks to all that redundancy for a time, but their time is ultimately limited as they can't even into the Wheel let alone how a skateboard is a good idea. We are currently ruled by said Chimps and the "Great Machine" constructed by their degenerate forefathers is creaking so loudly at the seams only the well and truly deaf are failing to notice the sound. Our only goal then is to survive the collapse. For the damnable Chimps do know of that one last primal instinct. If you're going down you take as many other people that you hate as you can with them!
    Last edited by End; 12-15-2021 at 04:12 AM.

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    @Adam Strange, such an epic story! (The one of how you met. I'm commenting on that one here!) I’m so glad you posted it! Wow, I think it’s so cool that you decided you wanted to purchase that first piece of art for yourself (without even knowing if it was for sale or not). And how cool of your friend that she (even 10 years ago) was confident and established enough in her artistry to allow you to commission a piece! She sounds like an Identical friend I would enjoy having.

    And of course, fuck your family’s expectations of who you should ‘bring home’! ((That's such a serious comment though from your sister, I don't really know how to respond to the sentiment, knowing it was said a long time ago and in a particular context, too...!))

  3. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by wonderwoman View Post
    @Adam Strange, such an epic story! (The one of how you met. I'm commenting on that one here!) I’m so glad you posted it! Wow, I think it’s so cool that you decided you wanted to purchase that first piece of art for yourself (without even knowing if it was for sale or not). And how cool of your friend that she (even 10 years ago) was confident and established enough in her artistry to allow you to commission a piece! She sounds like an Identical friend I would enjoy having.

    And of course, fuck your family’s expectations of who you should ‘bring home’! ((That's such a serious comment though from your sister, I don't really know how to respond to the sentiment, knowing it was said a long time ago and in a particular context, too...!))
    @wonderwoman, here's the thing about that story. I liked the ESI's art before I ever met her. I've told her sometimes, maybe when she is e6 doubting, that her art is an expression of who she it, as is everything that we do, and I liked it before I knew her.

    Oh, and neither of my sisters has ever had what I would call a good marriage, and the LII has had several.

    My family was pretty fucked up when I was growing up, and it affected all the kids. I'm still trying to ditch the bad baggage.

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    I asked the lesbian ESI/future social worker today if she knew that up until about 1966, women were not allowed to have bank accounts.

    "Yes, I knew that," she replied.

    "I think that's so funny!", I said.

    She looked at me and narrowed her eyes. "It's all about male power and oppression."

    "I don't know for sure what it's about, but it seems funny to me. I mean, did you ever see that Dave Chappelle skit? "They should never have given you **** money!" *"

    Now her eyes were slits and she looked like she was going to explode.

    "I love Capitalism," I said.

    From between clenched teeth: "Why do you love Capitalism."

    "Because Capitalism doesn't see people as human beings. It sees them as production units, and it pays them for being production units. But it turns out that being a dehumanized production unit is actually a higher status than women had in most pre-Capitalist societies, where they were valued somewhere between a dog and a cow. Around the 1960's, with nine million men in Vietnam and the need for more workers, women could get a good job and could get money, and now they have power.
    That's why I love Capitalism."

    Honestly, if anything, women should have more money and more power in society. The place would be better for it.


    Post Script:

    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to grow up in a society where I wasn't allowed to have a bank account. I'd honestly want to burn that place to the ground. "Take that, M******F******s!"
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-15-2021 at 05:01 AM.

  5. #445
    Psychology BSc and statistics MSc Armitage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    It is a popular saying among us rather hardcore Christians. "12 is all we have. 12 is all we need." If but 12 people, being literally the only people acting upon that fact up and do it? They win long term. The 12 become 24 become 48... until the only 12 left are the final servants of Satan. Ironic, given how he scoffed at the original 12 at the time .
    I believe that humanity is its own worst enemy, and I thus think that we should first focus on solving the problems that we caused before putting anymore children on the planet. Because if we do start a breeding war in no time will the Earth turn into a desert world as we exhaust its nature for our own greed. Stewardship of the Earth, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Cathargo Delenda Est. You didn't get the reference?
    LOL, I thought that Fox News had a new channel called "Delenda Est". I thought the reference to warfare was similar as to Alex Jones' Infowar. But now I get that Adam meant to remove the biased media!

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    All big corps hate my guts because of my faith and what I stand/wish for thereby and boy do I wish I was engaging in hyperbole.
    Yes, down with the Corpos! My political activities are a way for me to unleash that frustration about a crooked system. It's also why I love reading and watching the cyberpunk genre. Have you ever played a cyberpunk roleplaying game, like Cyberpunk Red, the Sprawl, or Urban Shadows? It gives me a nice feeling of catharsis, as I can actually take down those evil Corpos, instead of merely demonstrating at the driveway of their company.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As for taxing the rich, I'd say do something more along the lines of allowing an individual to accumulate a set amount of resources and then just taxing the excess at 100 percent. Like, you can have 15 million dollars and spend/save it as thou would wish. Anything more than that and it gets taxed and used in the interest of the good of the nation.
    A friend of mine had the same idea, I worked it out it a bit further and I actually think that an exponential tax formula would do even better. That way the Corpos cannot use loopholes as easily to stay artificially below the treshold for paying taxes. In addition, that means that you can tax them for more than 100%, because what Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg possess is simply ridiculous compared to the average American without healthcare. At the same time, the tax for the disadvantaged will remain low.
    Yet the real problem is not so much what system of taxation to apply, but to get it implemented across countries, because otherwise the Corpos will evade it still through tax havens like my country. Fortunately, at the G7 summit the most powerful finally agreed on a global tax minimum. Politics is the eye of the needle through which every solution has to pass.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    If you don't know about the concept of "Generational Wealth" I'd look into that. A very compelling argument can be made that explains that most all our modern-day problems are the result of the out-of-control generational wealth. That is, a few shitheads got really lucky to the point that our current wealth inequalities are handily explained by this little story I'm sure I've told before.
    I think this is a really good documentary on the topic:

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That too compounds. Skateboards become golf carts become Lamborghinis become aircraft become spacecraft. However, a curious inversion happens at the aircraft stage. Ever see the movie "Idiocracy"? Yeah, that happens to them at that point. The cheaters are eons ahead of the likes of you and me, but they're also unable to maintain the mechanisms built by their forefathers. Their forefathers built that kind of redundancy in (i.e. planned for a generation unable to really innovate or fix the complex system they created) but no genius, no matter how smart, can ultimately plan around the equivalent of the users falling below the base standard requirements for sentience (i.e. No human can make a system complex enough to control all of human civilization that could somehow be worked reliably by a Chimpanzee who suffered crippling brain trauma in infancy).
    I have seen Idiocracy, but the evidence actually points against it; the Flynn effect causes humanity to increase its intelligence. Better education leads to better IQ scores and the elite definitely pay for the best private education. In addition, the rich and powerful select the best partners based on their intelligence, wealth, and beauty, and they can do so, because some people's greed makes even the most vile person look attractive to them, as long as they're rich.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    We are currently ruled by said Chimps and the "Great Machine" constructed by their degenerate forefathers is creaking so loudly at the seams only the well and truly deaf are failing to notice the sound. Our only goal then is to survive the collapse. For the damnable Chimps do know of that one last primal instinct. If you're going down you take as many other people that you hate as you can with them!
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-15-2021 at 11:13 AM.

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    From a very old series. LIE-Ni and ESI-Se I think.

    As I remember, the ESI was trying to stop the LIE from being evil, but he didn't listen to her and still end up being the final boss of the series lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    ”She’s a sex therapist.”

    Funny, Gillian Anderson in the Netflix series "Sex Education" is also an EIE sex therapist with a son who is at the same time embarrassed about and kind of proud of her mother's job.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Armitage, the breeding ground of most social problems is structured inequality. People who have money get all the power, and then they structure society to keep it that way.

    If you couldn’t pass your wealth on to your undeserving family, but you still wanted to give your kids an opportunity to prosper, you would be forced to invest in a society in which they could do well. Into things like public schools, health care that doesn’t bankrupt you for one single event, the free exchange of information, etc. And with an equal-opportunity society (not an equal-outcome society), then merit would be the basis for advancement.

    So, tax the rich until they have nothing to pass on, and end the propagandist mouthpiece of the ruling class, Fox News.
    I'm fine that Fox News criticizes China so much and they also ran the Yan Report on the lab origins of covid.

    Its a shame the right wing took up the banner though, as it became a politicized issue instead of a conversation on unethical viral research that should be occurring but won't be.

  9. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I was talking to the ESI interior designer today and I have two conclusions.

    One, she is relentless in her efforts to eliminate all of her competition, even though she’s a lesbian and doesn’t want to have sex with me. This seems to be more about her feelings of being able to compete with others for my attention.

    Two, she is not telling me how to live my life, but is rather asking me hard questions about what I want to do with my life. Really hard questions. She’s like a great therapist, or a mechanic who absolutely knows how the engine works.
    She doesn’t know where the car is going, but she’s not letting it start until I have a destination for it.

    She’s only 27 and she’s kicking my ass. She’s eliminating all my excuses for bad behavior. Christ, if I had met her when I was 27, I’d be ten times richer now and a hell of a lot happier.

    I don’t think every Dual could do this for me. I get the sense that a lot of them (maybe all of them) would move me in this direction by default, but she’s particularly self-aware and isn’t allowing me any excuses for being anything other than my best. She’s taking my 4D Ne (hey, I could do this or I could do that or I could do anything at all) and is just grinding it into the dirt in favor of one clear direction.

    I’m an e8w7. Normally, I don’t let anyone control me or tell me what to do. But she’s not telling me what to do. She’s just pointing out that a lot of my present actions are not ever going to pay off, despite my optimistic Ni hopes for the future. She’s an e6w7, a loyal skeptic. She’s on my side but wants to know that I have a plan that is actually going to bear fruit.
    It’s kind of amazing that Socionics Duals have this kind of complementary enneatype arrangement, but I think that most Duals do.
    First I want to say you wrote this on Dec. 14, 2021, which was the 222nd anniversary of George Washington's death.

    222 is considered to be a very powerful message from God. According to scripture, seeing this number is symbolic of unity, love, and our relationship with God. Prophets say that this year, 2/22/2022, George Washington's birthday, will be a very significant day for our country. My prayer is that it will be so for you, because I think once you have a relationship with God, you will not only have deep, true joy and peace, but all the desires of your heart will follow. That has long been my prayer for you.

    I love this conversation you wrote here because it reminds me of my ESI Mom. She died on Valentines Day a few years ago. As her "Supervisor" I sometimes had trouble seeing her strengths, but I did (a bit grudgingly) see the value in this very quality you describe. Her frequent pressure that I have a plan for this or that was a thorn for me often. It felt like a relentless damper put on every new enthusiam I had for some new thing or direction. [And they way it worked with my parentts was that Dad would back up whatever she said, so everything with them was a solid wall of will]. But I eventually respected that quality in her.

    My desire was to major in liberal arts in college. To me college was a big buffet of things to learn about. Liberal arts was the prefect place for that, but I was allowed only two years of that and then was forced to pick a "real" major that would lead to a job. If I had been allowed, I would have taken the 5 or 6 year plan, taking lots of interesting classes and graduating with a Bachelor of Miscellaneous! Being forced to choose, I chose teaching, and then the pressure was on to land a teaching job. No sooner than that the goal was met there was another goalpost! A Masters, asap, before children, in order to secure my permanent certificaion. This Mom saw as important for if I took time off to parent and needed to return to work. I was teaching an extremely full load of classes, and I very much wanted to put my foot down, and say, enough with the goals! But my mother had that non-wordy stubborness, as you sort of describe here, and on top of that, it turned out I worked for the only district in the region that would foot the bill for the Masters. So those combined circumstances made me take on the challenge, which was huge, especially because I wanted to get it done as fast as possible.

    I have often been grateful that I made that goal, and credit my Mom that I did. Especially because I did take time off to parent, and I was very grateful to have that certifcation to return to my field of work when I suddenly needed to.

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    Lightbulb The Origins of Corona?

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I'm fine that Fox News criticizes China so much and they also ran the Yan Report on the lab origins of covid.

    Its a shame the right wing took up the banner though, as it became a politicized issue instead of a conversation on unethical viral research that should be occurring but won't be.
    In Europe these discussions fortunately aren't as politicized. At first it was researched if the virus showed signs of genetic modification, which it lacked the typical human-made code chunks for, so the hypothesis was discarded. But then a scientist realized something, in pharmacological research there exists a method to make animal experiments a more accurate model for humans by modifying the animals with human DNA. This makes rats susceptible to human diseases like HIV. That way you do not have to modify the disease to fit the animal, which could change the behaviour of the disease and thus the efficacy of the tested medication.

    What the scientist discovered was that you could inverse this process, instead of making the animal more susceptible to the disease, you can force evolve a disease to become virulent to other species. For instance, by gradually hybridizing bats with human DNA you can evolve diseases to become infectious to humans. Bats are the perfect breeding ground for this, because their immune system never fights any virus or bacteria directly, but only terminates infected cells to prevent the bat's body from succumbing. Certain experts believe that this method might be what enabled the creation of the SARS-Cov-2 ( Corona ) virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, while using the original, already highly infectious SARS virus as a starting point.

    This also explains why on the entire Wuhan meat market not a single infected pangolin was found. It already is a rare occurence for a disease to mutate to infect other species, let alone to make the jump twice from bats to pangolins and from pangolins to humans. If this chance occurence actually had happened, you would have seen many infected pangolins at the market, especially since the human variant of the virus would remain infectious to the animals.
    No-one outside of the Chinese Communist Party knows if the virus was developed as a bioweapon, or they simply wanted to develop medication against a potential new SARS outbreak.
    The latter and more mundane explanation I deem more probable, because no bioweapon worth its money would target the enemy's elderly and frail over its working population and soldiers. Moreover, any self-respecting geneticist would ensure that the bioweapon only locks onto the enemy population and not also the own.
    Either way, Chinese laboratories have been reprimanded before by World Health Organization inspectors for their lack of hygiene and safety protocols. And if I recall correctly, at least in one instance a disgruntled and underpaid laboratory assistant was found to sell former laboratory animals to red markets, such as the one in Wuhan. As Hanlon's Razor states: Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.

    But perhaps I'm all wrong about this, because no-one knows for sure, as no Western virologist is allowed unsupervised access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Probably we'll thus never learn what happened.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-21-2021 at 09:07 AM.

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    This is a great example, @Eliza Thomason! So everything worked out for you in the end? Do you have more examples of your Mom's ESI characteristics? Also, do you believe that your Father's type might have interacted with your Mother's to form this solid wall of will?

  12. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    In Europe these discussions fortunately aren't as politicized. At first it was researched if the virus showed signs of genetic modification, which it lacked the typical human-made code chunks for, so the hypothesis was discarded. But then a scientist realized something, in pharmacological research there exists a method to make animal experiments a more accurate model for humans by modifying the animals with human DNA. This makes rats susceptible to human diseases like HIV. That way you do not have to modify the disease to fit the animal, which could change the behaviour of the disease and thus the efficacy of the tested medication.

    What the scientist discovered was that you could inverse this process, instead of making the animal more susceptible to the disease, you can force evolve a disease to become virulent to other species. For instance, by gradually hybridizing bats with human DNA you can evolve diseases to become infectious to humans. Bats are the perfect breeding ground for this, because their immune system never fights any virus or bacteria directly, but only terminates infected cells to prevent the bat's body from succumbing. Certain experts believe that this method might be what enabled the creation of the SARS-Cov-2 ( Corona ) virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, while using the original, already highly infectious SARS virus as a starting point.

    This also explains why on the entire Wuhan meat market not a single infected pangolin was found. It already is a rare occurence for a disease to mutate to infect other species, let alone to make the jump twice from bats to pangolins and from pangolins to humans. If this chance occurence actually had happened, you would have seen many infected pangolins at the market, especially since the human variant of the virus would remain infectious to the animals.
    No-one outside of the Chinese Communist Party knows if the virus was developed as a bioweapon, or they simply wanted to develop medication against a potential new SARS outbreak.
    The latter and more mundane explanation I deem more probable, because no bioweapon worth its money would target the enemy's elderly and frail over its working population and soldiers. Moreover, any self-respecting geneticist would ensure that the bioweapon only locks onto the enemy population and not also the own.
    Either way, Chinese laboratories have been reprimanded before by World Health Organization inspectors for their lack of hygiene and safety protocols. And if I recall correctly, at least in one instance a disgruntled and underpaid laboratory assistant was found to sell former laboratory animals to red markets, such as the one in Wuhan. As Hanlon's Razor states: Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.

    But perhaps I'm all wrong about this, because no-one knows for sure, as no Western virologist is allowed unsupervised access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Probably we'll thus never learn what happened.
    Errr, dark and pessimistic ILI here. I can tell you a very compelling reason or two why you'd actually want to eliminate your own elderly in a nice and quiet like manner like this and perhaps the elderly in general (even if it's within an enemy nation).

    See, China has a huge demographic problem. Decades of a One Child Policy combined with their overall Confucian value system produced 2 predictable yet ultimately deleterious results. The first is elderly care. We here in the West face the same problem from a different angle but basically aging populations are expensive and that compounds in regards to an ultimately shrinking population. Old people are pretty damn expensive to keep around and that goes double if your population is shrinking over expanding.

    They ought not be and in the past they weren't really but that was before Mammon logic infected and took over the food and medical "industries" as it were. Thus "healthy" elderly people are now a rarity and now most require assisted living or other such arrangements. In my case, I am the assisted living for my... that's potentially identifying info so I won't say more. I am currently trying to fix this as there is a way but it'll take time and I damn the corporate fatcats for making them suffer so unnecessarily as I work this out! Had they ate truly right and exercised likewise decades ago they'd be just like their grandfather. Fit as a fiddle and walking about with his sword cane (that he kept mainly because it was useful in keeping the muts at bay. It even has clear teeth marks on the sheath where they tended to chomp down on it as he blocked their attacks) and nothing else. I was lucky enough to actually inherit that item and they always mentions how much I resemble him in most every way. I bet he was a fellow ILI though of the variant .

    The second one is more "meta" as it were and ties into the concept of the PTB. See, those elderly folks have living memory of different times. This is also why they're pushing the vax so hard as "elderly" at this point is, like hippies said back in their heyday, is anyone over 30. You, I, and most other Gammas here might well be within this cohort. Living memories of a time before cell phones and universal internet access. Where you were lucky to have an "OG" NES (I did/do and boy does that bring me back), "Blockbuster" was a rental place over a term, and it was not at all unusual for you go unsupervised by your parents if you were only riding a bike around the block or something like that. Hell, you remember when the "average" gas price was "$0.99" and was even less than that on a good day? I do.

    If all that resonates with you on a visceral level you're a Gen-Y exemplar. Give that concept a gander. Truly an intentionally memory holed concept by said PTB.

    Oh, there is a third I almost forgot to mention in regards to Confucianism and China. See, if you told the average Confucian what gender they'd prefer their only child to be they'd almost universally answer "male" and that played out rather hardcore to the point that there are literally not enough women to go around in China.

    Now to be perfectly honest there is always a slight bit more women than men in the sexual market if everything is "healthy" as it were as we comprise the majority of workplace deaths given how men tend to gravitate towards dangerous things. But if you combine a one child policy with that fact and enforce it over the time period of decades? Ho boy, that's a problem as you'd get way more men than there are enough women to satisfy. That is, imagine if there are 60 men to 40 women over 60 women to 40 men. In the latter example, assuming Monogamy, 20 women get screwed over. Sucks to be them but them's the breaks. If it's 60 men to 40 women, well, that's a war. The excess men will fight and kill each other until such time they all can secure a woman for their own. Don't blame me or God for this, blame biology.

    Shameless attempt at gathering data: I hear Japan is about to throw open their borders to Westerners who know how to work farmland effectively and efficiently. So long as they aren't running an obvious ploy to trick Westerners into training their replacements they may well succeed in achieving their goal of food independence. I mean, if we made a serious effort with Aquaponics (so long as everyone is OK with eating Fish as their primary protein source) we could grow enough food to feed everyone currently on the planet on the landmass occupied by Texas.

    This scales pretty nicely no matter what number you'd spit at me and hence why I and those like me hold that Malthus was full of shit. Archologies are easy to set up once you've the resources and will .
    Last edited by End; 12-21-2021 at 05:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    See, China has a huge demographic problem. Decades of a One Child Policy combined with their overall Confucian value system produced 2 predictable yet ultimately deleterious results. The first is elderly care. We here in the West face the same problem from a different angle but basically aging populations are expensive and that compounds in regards to an ultimately shrinking population. Old people are pretty damn expensive to keep around and that goes double if your population is shrinking over expanding.
    Yup, China's biggest threat is not the West, but populational collapse, hence they recently abolished the one child policy completely. Yet it will not be enough, which is why I predict that they will invest in automation as much as or even more than Japan does. Also because the Chinese culture harbours an even greater disdain for foreigners than Japanese culture. In a way that had to be expected given that China has a population of 1.4 milliard self-reliant citizens and thus little need for foreign labour. Et plus, their previous isolationist policies before Deng Xiaoping rose to power still affect their culture. Moreover, it fits with their ambitions of becoming the next technological superpower. Just like "Made in Japan" once referred to cheap knock-offs of American products and "Made in Germany" to copies of British goods, so will "Made in China" in the near future turn from a warning for cheap products into a quality label. It's why the Chinese state is investing more than anyone in 5G-networking technology and even 6G already. America's Cisco Systems is rapidly losing terrain to China's HUAWEI, which is why America is putting political pressure on its allies to boycot them and has banned HUAWEI's products from the global consumer market. It has nothing to do with consumer privacy, because in Cisco's products an equal number of backdoors are discovered every year. For the Americans it's to whom the backdoors are reporting to that makes the difference. After all, who controls the technology, controls the flow of information and who controls the flow of information, controls the minds of the people.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    In my case, I am the assisted living for my... that's potentially identifying info so I won't say more. I am currently trying to fix this as there is a way but it'll take time and I damn the corporate fatcats for making them suffer so unnecessarily as I work this out!
    I'm sorry to hear that, End. It's really unfortunate that the costs of healthcare are so unevenly distributed to benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else. And that healthcare prevention is not high on the political agenda, due to Big Pharma lobbying.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Had they ate truly right and exercised likewise decades ago they'd be just like their grandfather.
    Multiple friends are urging me too to go exercising again, because ever since I started my statistics master I sit most everyday programming behind my computer and eat something sweet whenever I solve a problem. Whereas during my psychology bachelor I used to walk every evening for an hour or two together with a friend and cycled daily for two or more hours as well and never did I have a taste for candy. It really seems that the lifestyle comes with the job ( or study ), as the couldn't be more apart.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Fit as a fiddle and walking about with his sword cane (that he kept mainly because it was useful in keeping the muts at bay. It even has clear teeth marks on the sheath where they tended to chomp down on it as he blocked their attacks) and nothing else. I was lucky enough to actually inherit that item and they always mentions how much I resemble him in most every way. I bet he was a fellow ILI though of the variant .
    You must have had a great relationship with your Grandpa then! This sounds in a way similar to the story of my ILI best friend and his grandfather.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The second one is more "meta" as it were and ties into the concept of the PTB. See, those elderly folks have living memory of different times. This is also why they're pushing the vax so hard as "elderly" at this point is, like hippies said back in their heyday, is anyone over 30. You, I, and most other Gammas here might well be within this cohort. Living memories of a time before cell phones and universal internet access. Where you were lucky to have an "OG" NES (I did/do and boy does that bring me back), "Blockbuster" was a rental place over a term, and it was not at all unusual for you go unsupervised by your parents if you were only riding a bike around the block or something like that. Hell, you remember when the "average" gas price was "$0.99" and was even less than that on a good day? I do.
    What's PTB? Yes, the death of the elderly means the death of an era. My Grandpa passed away less than a month ago, with him so many of experiences, memories, and untold stories vanished...
    I only experienced the unsupervised biking first-hand, but so does the youth of today here too, because bicycles > cars in the Netherlands. We literally have more bikes than people.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    If all that resonates with you on a visceral level you're a Gen-Y exemplar. Give that concept a gander. Truly an intentionally memory holed concept by said PTB.
    OK, Boomer. ( It's a joke, because you know that I appreciate you! )

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    See, if you told the average Confucian what gender they'd prefer their only child to be they'd almost universally answer "male" and that played out rather hardcore to the point that there are literally not enough women to go around in China.
    From the analyses I read men were assigned a higher cultural value, because guys could do heavier work on their parent's land. Confucianism, on the other hand, wasn't named as a contributor to men's higher status. Once the one child policy was enforced parents started doing improvised abortions to ensure that their only child would be male, because of this higher status. Only those high enough within the party ranks and/or rich enough to pay the fines would keep their daughters and beget some sons in addition without having to worry about the law. This is how having multiple children became a status symbol in China.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Now to be perfectly honest there is always a slight bit more women than men in the sexual market if everything is "healthy" as it were as we comprise the majority of workplace deaths given how men tend to gravitate towards dangerous things.
    True, it's why even without an one child policy more boys are born than girls, in order to offset some of the later deaths due to general male risk-seeking behaviour, as well as due to a greater risk of congenital diseases for men, because the Y-chromosome doesn't function as a backup genome like women's double X-chromosome does.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    That is, imagine if there are 60 men to 40 women over 60 women to 40 men. In the latter example, assuming Monogamy, 20 women get screwed over. Sucks to be them but them's the breaks. If it's 60 men to 40 women, well, that's a war. The excess men will fight and kill each other until such time they all can secure a woman for their own.
    Indeed, for instance Rwanda used to be one of the most dangerous countries of Africa, due to the Hutu-Tutsi civil war, but in recent years it has become one of the safest and most developed African nations, because women took control after many of the men had died fighting. I recall that at my elementary school we organized a charity action every year for a Dutch-Rwandan woman who returned to her birth country to work in the country's recovery program.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Shameless attempt at gathering data: I hear Japan is about to throw open their borders to Westerners who know how to work farmland effectively and efficiently. So long as they aren't running an obvious ploy to trick Westerners into training their replacements they may well succeed in achieving their goal of food independence.
    Probably @AWellArmedCat can tell us more about this, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I mean, if we made a serious effort with Aquaponics (so long as everyone is OK with eating Fish as their primary protein source) we could grow enough food to feed everyone currently on the planet on the landmass occupied by Texas.
    Yup, as well as through sea weed and vertical farming. We're doing those things here actually, you can look it up at the website of Wageningen University. It's why the Netherlands is the food producer of the entirety of Europe and the second largest food producer of the world, just after the United States of America, even though we only have the size of Maryland.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    This scales pretty nicely no matter what number you'd spit at me and hence why I and those like me hold that Malthus was full of shit. Archologies are easy to set up once you've the resources and will .
    Agreed, I myself believe that the stair graph respresents population growth versus resource availability better; once we have hit a limit we begin investing our time and energy in developing new technologies to more easily access previously unavailable resources. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all. Though the question is if we do so in time to mitigate the worst effects of Global Warming.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-22-2021 at 01:24 PM.

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    Yesterday evening I visited my neighbour for his birthday. Because of the Corona measures it was just a few of us. At this birthday visit was his Russian teacher, who I believe to be an ESI based on her stories about justice, sharing everything with those close to you, and not being afraid of standing her ground even when outnumbered. She has a degree in Russian and one in English. Her late husband was trained as a biologist. Together they ran a food transport company for three decades, of which he was at the helm and she backed him up. From her stories I think that he might have been a LIE.

    ESI: "... There I was at the Russian border, handing over the certificates to the customs officer, and he tells me that the papers are incorrect. So I call our client to ask him about it and he assures me that everything is filled in as it should. I discuss it again with the customs officer, yet he doesn't budge one inch: 'Papers are wrong. You can pass if you pay special fee and send correct papers.' Again I call my client, however, he doesn't want to pay a single penny and insists that the certificates are correct.
    I then call the buyer of the meat that we're transporting, in order to inform him that we are held up at the border. He proposes to share the price of the fee between him and the seller. My client tells me that he is not going to pay for anything and that the responsibility lies upon the buyer, because this is his territory. Of course, the buyer doesn't agree with that. This back and forth continues for two days.
    On the third day the client finally comes to terms with that he cannot eat his cake and have it too and tells the recipient that he is willing to take the offer of the first day. To this the recipient tells him that that offer has long since passed, as the meat has been lying in the freezer truck for three days and the quality has inevitably deteriorated. The buyer no longer wants to purchase it. It was not a loss for my transportation company, but still the haul has been made for naught, time has been wasted, and good food has become unsellable. Why are some people so ignorant? Why did the Dutch client not take his buyer's offer immediately?"
    Me: 'Stubbornness; they weren't wrong, or so they thought, hence the burden shouldn't fall upon them. When that didn't work, they expected that they could still return to the initial offer, because a promise is a promise and thus what's offered cannot change, at least not in their mind. '
    ESI: "What I don't understand is that the Dutch always seem to want to one-up the other party at bargains. I have been thinking for a long time about this, is this sheer arrogance?"
    Me: 'Hmm, I wouldn't call it arrogance in as much as a blind faith in bureaucracy. They followed the protocol, so they believed that everything would work out for them in the end.
    ESI: "That seems short-sighted."
    Me: 'It is.'

    ESI: "There's something else I have been wondering about; when the company had to file for bankruptcy after 30 years, none of the employees ever contacted my husband or me to ask how we were doing, with the single exception of your neighbour. He even brought us to my husband's family in Deutschland for Christmas when we had no car, nor money to travel with. [Looks at my neighbour gratefully.]
    LSI neighbour: 'That's what you do for each other.'
    ESI: "That's what I think too, but not everyone does so. One of our employees had worked with us since we established the company, while the shortest employee had been working with us for 5 years. We had treated them as family all those years; organizing lavish Christmas and aniversary dinners, giving them Christmas packages stocked full with quality meat and the freshest vegetables, even granting the longest employee a loan of €10.000,-. Afterwards none even gave us as much of a phonecall to see how we were doing. Previously we had five different telephones constantly ringing, now none.

    We had creditors who had to be paid. I thought that in a rich country like the Netherlands there would be a good social welfare system, but nothing could be further from the truth. When my husband applied for it a pile of letters arrived asking us all kinds of questions about our possessions. My husband looked through them and quickly said: 'We're not going to do this.' In his hand he held a letter that demanded us to sell the house, the car, and even the jewellry I inherited from my mother."
    Me: 'Yes, they're Scrooges like that. When my favourite cousin got cancer and could not work during her treatment they made her sell her silver flute. She was heartbroken about it, because music is her passion.'
    ESI: "Exactly, but I didn't let that happen to us. Instead I called everyone, my husband said it was no use, but I did nonetheless. The employees didn't pay any of their loans back. I was devastated. The longest employee didn't even give us back a sliver of his loan.
    Fortunately there also were good people. When our company was in its high tide we had also lent money to other companies when they needed it. Some of them returned the favour, and I got €15.000,- with which we could at least settle some more debts.
    One thing I know for sure, though, if my husband had known how little loyalty our employees had, he would never have hired them."

    It sounds to me like her LIE husband got trapted trying to impress people who didn't care about them by spending more money than they earned on stuff they didn't need, just like Stratiyevskaya warned.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-22-2021 at 01:27 PM.

  15. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Yesterday evening I visited my neighbour for his birthday. Because of the Corona measures it was just a few of us. At this birthday visit was his Russian teacher, who I believe to be an ESI based on her stories about justice, sharing everything with those close to you, and not being afraid of standing her ground even when outnumbered. She has a degree in Russian and one in English. Her late husband was trained as a biologist. Together they ran a food transport company for three decades, of which he was at the helm and she backed him up. From her stories I think that he might have been a LIE.

    ESI: "... There I was at the Russian border, handing over the certificates to the customs officer, and he tells me that the papers are incorrect. So I call our client to ask him about it and he assures me that everything is filled in as it should. I discuss it again with the customs officer, yet he doesn't budge one inch: 'Papers are wrong. You can pass if you pay special fee and send correct papers.' Again I call my client, however, he doesn't want to pay a single penny and insists that the certificates are correct.
    I then call the buyer of the meat that we're transporting, in order to inform him that we are held up at the border. He proposes to share the price of the fee between him and the seller. My client tells me that he is not going to pay for anything and that the responsibility lies upon the buyer, because this is his territory. Of course, the buyer doesn't agree with that. This back and forth continues for two days.
    On the third day the client finally comes to terms with that he cannot eat his cake and have it too and tells the recipient that he is willing to take the offer of the first day. To this the recipient tells him that that offer has long since passed, as the meat has been lying in the freezer truck for three days and the quality has inevitably deteriorated. The buyer no longer wants to purchase it. It was not a loss for my transportation company, but still the haul has been made for naught, time has been wasted, and good food has become unsellable. Why are some people so ignorant? Why did the Dutch client not take his buyer's offer immediately?"
    Me: 'Stubbornness; they weren't wrong, or so they thought, hence the burden shouldn't fall upon them. When that didn't work, they expected that they could still return to the initial offer, because a promise is a promise and thus what's offered cannot change, at least not in their mind. '
    ESI: "What I don't understand is that the Dutch always seem to want to one-up the other party at bargains. I have been thinking for a long time about this, is this sheer arrogance?"
    Me: 'Hmm, I wouldn't call it arrogance in as much as a blind faith in bureaucracy. They followed the protocol, so they believed that everything would work out for them in the end.
    ESI: "That seems short-sighted."
    Me: 'It is.'

    ESI: "There's something else I have been wondering about; when the company had to file for bankruptcy after 30 years, none of the employees ever contacted my husband or me to ask how we were doing, with the single exception of your neighbour. He even brought us to my husband's family in Deutschland for Christmas when we had no car, nor money to travel with. [Looks at my neighbour gratefully.]
    LSI neighbour: 'That's what you do for each other.'
    ESI: "That's what I think too, but not everyone does so. One of our employees had worked with us since we established the company, while the shortest employee had been working with us for 5 years. We had treated them as family all those years; organizing lavish Christmas and aniversary dinners, giving them Christmas packages stocked full with quality meat and the freshest vegetables, even granting the longest employee a loan of €10.000,-. Afterwards none even gave us as much of a phonecall to see how we were doing. Previously we had five different telephones constantly ringing, now none.

    We had creditors who had to be paid. I thought that in a rich country like the Netherlands there would be a good social welfare system, but nothing could be further from the truth. When my husband applied for it a pile of letters arrived asking us all kinds of questions about our possessions. My husband looked through them and quickly said: 'We're not going to do this.' In his hand he held a letter that demanded us to sell the house, the car, and even the jewellry I inherited from my mother."
    Me: 'Yes, they're Scrooges like that. When my favourite cousin got cancer and could not work during her treatment they made her sell her silver flute. She was heartbroken about it, because music is her passion.'
    ESI: "Exactly, but I didn't let that happen to us. Instead I called everyone, my husband said it was no use, but I did nonetheless. The employees didn't pay any of their loans back. I was devastated. The longest employee didn't even give us back a sliver of his loan.
    Fortunately there also were good people. When our company was in its high tide we had also lent money to other companies when they needed it. Some of them returned the favour, and I got €15.000,- with which we could at least settle some more debts.
    One thing I know for sure, though, if my husband had known how little loyalty our employees had, he would never have hired them."

    It sounds to me like her LIE husband got trapted trying to impress people who didn't care about them by spending more money than they earned on stuff they didn't need, just like Stratiyevskaya warned.
    When you say "Me" are you referring to yourself? I think I heard that Stratiyevskaya got burned rather hard in a romantic relationship with a LIE (whom I can almost guarantee you had deep attachment issues) and thus developed a deep-seated enmity towards them as a result. Of course that particular LIE started spending money like an unrestrained and broken SEE who somehow got their hands on a "Black Card" in an attempt to impress people and did everything I'd tell you broken people do regardless of type!

    I digress. Though @Adam Strange and I agree that one does not fuck with the equivalent of the IRS in any way on this front I'd actually have risked it in this form. Silver flutes are easy enough to acquire and I'd have pulled a switcheroo. Totally sold "my" (quote unquote) silver flute. Done deal. Gibs me dat now?

    Usually/on its face a bad idea I'll admit but bureaucrats truly are the lowliest of lifeforms who are almost universally crippled by an absolute need to abide by logic without the IQ necessary to realize how their "perfect" system can be exploited or evaded by others and how to compensate for that. They only really need me to sell some form of silver flute in this case. They didn't tell me anything else really. I, thus, just need a receipt that says one silver flute was sold to someone else and that I sold it to them for the amount they believe it's worth roundabouts. Unless you're plagued by a desperate glowie eager to suck Satan's cock and swallow that thick brimstone flavored molten tar jizzim with glee within your most inner circle that'll work pretty damn certainly. The "fake" will get sold for the requisite amount and it will appease the PTB enough for them to grant you/them their dark blessing.

    You ultimately retain full possession of that silver flute of immense sentimental value by sacrificing a flute that meant nothing to you and likely was actually worth less than the one you acquired and sacrificed in its place. Furthermore, you pulled it off thanks to how bureaucrats are stupid fools who overvalue and are perfect examples of evolutionary dead ends thereby !
    Last edited by End; 12-23-2021 at 04:22 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Yesterday evening I visited my neighbour for his birthday. Because of the Corona measures it was just a few of us. At this birthday visit was his Russian teacher, who I believe to be an ESI based on her stories about justice, sharing everything with those close to you, and not being afraid of standing her ground even when outnumbered. She has a degree in Russian and one in English. Her late husband was trained as a biologist. Together they ran a food transport company for three decades, of which he was at the helm and she backed him up. From her stories I think that he might have been a LIE.

    ESI: "... There I was at the Russian border, handing over the certificates to the customs officer, and he tells me that the papers are incorrect. So I call our client to ask him about it and he assures me that everything is filled in as it should. I discuss it again with the customs officer, yet he doesn't budge one inch: 'Papers are wrong. You can pass if you pay special fee and send correct papers.' Again I call my client, however, he doesn't want to pay a single penny and insists that the certificates are correct.
    I then call the buyer of the meat that we're transporting, in order to inform him that we are held up at the border. He proposes to share the price of the fee between him and the seller. My client tells me that he is not going to pay for anything and that the responsibility lies upon the buyer, because this is his territory. Of course, the buyer doesn't agree with that. This back and forth continues for two days.
    On the third day the client finally comes to terms with that he cannot eat his cake and have it too and tells the recipient that he is willing to take the offer of the first day. To this the recipient tells him that that offer has long since passed, as the meat has been lying in the freezer truck for three days and the quality has inevitably deteriorated. The buyer no longer wants to purchase it. It was not a loss for my transportation company, but still the haul has been made for naught, time has been wasted, and good food has become unsellable. Why are some people so ignorant? Why did the Dutch client not take his buyer's offer immediately?"
    Me: 'Stubbornness; they weren't wrong, or so they thought, hence the burden shouldn't fall upon them. When that didn't work, they expected that they could still return to the initial offer, because a promise is a promise and thus what's offered cannot change, at least not in their mind. '
    ESI: "What I don't understand is that the Dutch always seem to want to one-up the other party at bargains. I have been thinking for a long time about this, is this sheer arrogance?"
    Me: 'Hmm, I wouldn't call it arrogance in as much as a blind faith in bureaucracy. They followed the protocol, so they believed that everything would work out for them in the end.
    ESI: "That seems short-sighted."
    Me: 'It is.'

    ESI: "There's something else I have been wondering about; when the company had to file for bankruptcy after 30 years, none of the employees ever contacted my husband or me to ask how we were doing, with the single exception of your neighbour. He even brought us to my husband's family in Deutschland for Christmas when we had no car, nor money to travel with. [Looks at my neighbour gratefully.]
    LSI neighbour: 'That's what you do for each other.'
    ESI: "That's what I think too, but not everyone does so. One of our employees had worked with us since we established the company, while the shortest employee had been working with us for 5 years. We had treated them as family all those years; organizing lavish Christmas and aniversary dinners, giving them Christmas packages stocked full with quality meat and the freshest vegetables, even granting the longest employee a loan of €10.000,-. Afterwards none even gave us as much of a phonecall to see how we were doing. Previously we had five different telephones constantly ringing, now none.

    We had creditors who had to be paid. I thought that in a rich country like the Netherlands there would be a good social welfare system, but nothing could be further from the truth. When my husband applied for it a pile of letters arrived asking us all kinds of questions about our possessions. My husband looked through them and quickly said: 'We're not going to do this.' In his hand he held a letter that demanded us to sell the house, the car, and even the jewellry I inherited from my mother."
    Me: 'Yes, they're Scrooges like that. When my favourite cousin got cancer and could not work during her treatment they made her sell her silver flute. She was heartbroken about it, because music is her passion.'
    ESI: "Exactly, but I didn't let that happen to us. Instead I called everyone, my husband said it was no use, but I did nonetheless. The employees didn't pay any of their loans back. I was devastated. The longest employee didn't even give us back a sliver of his loan.
    Fortunately there also were good people. When our company was in its high tide we had also lent money to other companies when they needed it. Some of them returned the favour, and I got €15.000,- with which we could at least settle some more debts.
    One thing I know for sure, though, if my husband had known how little loyalty our employees had, he would never have hired them."

    It sounds to me like her LIE husband got trapted trying to impress people who didn't care about them by spending more money than they earned on stuff they didn't need, just like Stratiyevskaya warned.

    First of all, I think it's a huge mistake to think of employees as family. If they were family, you wouldn't have to pay them money.

    Second, when the company filed for bankruptcy, I assume that all the employees lost their jobs. In situations like that, former employees have their own problems with meeting their bills.

    Third, loaning money to employees and expecting them to pay you back is a bad bet. You can loan money to them if you wish, but don't expect to be paid back. If they do pay you back, well, it's Christmas. Don't loan money. That's what banks are for. If a bank won't lend them money and you choose to act as their banker, you might find out why the bank is solvent and you are not.
    When you think of your employees as family, and you close the doors and break up the family, you can't expect the employees to think of you as anything other than bad parents who lost the house and sent the kids to an orphanage to fend for themselves.

    I haven't dealt with crooked customs agents, although I've been in some countries where the law was the point of a gun. I think, in situations like that, you can stand on principle if you insist, but you are going to be the only one in the transaction doing that, and whoever has the bigger guns usually wins.
    Cut your losses. Always. And try not to lose your life. You can always get more money.

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    Good morning @End, I'm indeed referring with "me" to myself, because if I had used "LIE" it might have thrown confusion with her late husband.
    In the end my Aunt and Uncle "bought" the silver flute from my Cousin for a symbolic price. The tax agency stipulates that one has to sell all their belongings in order to apply for social welfare, but they never went to dictate the price.
    In the case of bureaucrats, these are mostly people just wanting to uphold their own little family. Instead of getting a kick out of being evil, most of them do their job, but very mediocrely just to get paid. It's yet another example of Hanlon's Razor; there exist both good civil servants and evil bureaucrats, but most of them are single-minded drones without a life purpose besides continuing their mundane existence. I pity them.
    They do not think about the fairness of the system. Even when they contribute to something so appalling as the Dutch childwelfare benefit scandal, they will have to feel bad, but are too scared about losing their petty job to take it up against the system. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-23-2021 at 09:32 AM.

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    You're totally right, @Adam Strange, lending money is a risky business, if one doesn't know the history of the borrower well. And even more so in the case of lending large sums of money. That's why I didn't lend any money to the money ESI-Se I dated, because I knew that there was no way that he could pay it back; he literally wanted to borrow money from me to pay back the money he borrowed from his best friend. Unwittingly he started his very own Ponzi Pyramid scheme and it was inevitable that it would collapse, yet he was too busy bandaging the short-term problems to see this in his chase of moving to Paris. If I had continued dating the guy I probably would have ended up broke like the Russian teacher, so the relationship was doomed to fail either way. And then there also was the language barrier on top of it all. ... It sure wasn't the best of circumstances to date, but the heart knows no logic. I'm still a tad sad whenever I think of him.

    However, I now have a date with the bicycle guy from my psychology study, as he turned out to be gay. With him I can laugh easily, he hasn't asked me for any money, and he gives me advice on sports and I him on how to efficiently pass his psychology and statistics courses. He'll be back after Christmas from visiting his family in Deutschland. I look forward to seeing him again, let's just hope that by that time the COVID-lockdown has been lifted a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Good morning @End, I'm indeed referring with "me" to myself, because if I had used "LIE" it might have thrown confusion with her late husband.
    In the end my Aunt and Uncle "bought" the silver flute from my Cousin for a symbolic price. The tax agency stipulates that one has to sell all their belongings in order to apply for social welfare, but they never went to dictate the price.
    In the case of bureaucrats, these are mostly people just wanting to uphold their own little family. Instead of getting a kick out of being evil, most of them do their job, but very mediocrely just to get paid. It's yet another example of Hanlon's Razor; there exist both good civil servants and evil bureaucrats, but most of them are single-minded drones without a life purpose besides continuing their mundane existence. I pity them.
    They do not think about the fairness of the system. Even when they contribute to something so appalling as the Dutch childwelfare benefit scandal, they will have to feel bad, but are too scared about losing their petty job to take it up against the system. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
    I didn't mention that one but that's the other big loophole they tend to forget about. It's a similar trick people here in the US use. For example, if you "give" someone something like a car it counts as "income" for the person you gave it too so far as the IRS is concerned and it gets logged as income at the "blue book" value of the car. That means you actually fuck over your friend or family if you "give" them the car for free as their income shoots up by 20 something grand and kicks them up into the next highest tax bracket. Instead, you sell it to them for the ripe and round sum of 1$. That way they only gotta pay the sales tax of 5-10% (depending on the state) on a single dollar and hell, even a totally broke person can pick up a buck by scanning the sidewalks and parking lots for change.

    I likewise agree with your viewpoint on bureaucrats. Pitiable creatures who basically are the embodiment of IRL NPCs. Might be my kicking in but I still can't help but look upon the likes of them with disdain. That quote at the end is probably the reason. They don't just "do nothing" ya see, they push the paperwork and actively manage the logistics that enable the evil. If only they would, once they realized evil was being committed, engaged in the practice of Malicious Compliance. That's the big Achilles Heel of most any vast bureaucratic network. Once the peons and low-level paper pushers (who can instruct the possibly ignorant peons on how to do this) start doing that the machine grinds to a halt and there ain't much of anything the upper management can do about it. Well, they can, but believe you me writing orders for every low-level paper pusher like they are a "Literal Genie" or a dumbass robot is going to drive most people, even evil sociopaths, absolutely insane.

    Sadly, such thinking requires one have a purpose in life beyond mere existence and, like you said, they don't. Pure frustration on my part. I may value my own self-preservation but mere self-preservation only for its own sake? How does one live like that?

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    Indeed, the people in that one show in which Oprah Winfrey gave everyone a car were actually worse off in the end, due to this. Not only did they have to sell the car to pay their heightened taxes, but the IRS now also started taking a bigger share from what income they earned. Oprah meant well, but she clearly is no accountant.

    Yup, just look up Milgram's experiment and see for yourself how compliant most people are.
    I neither could imagine a life without a bigger purpose, yet most people are perfectly content doing the same routine over and over again ad infinitum. It's because they take joy from their daily habits, instead of the realization of greater ambitions like we do.

  21. #461


    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    First of all, I think it's a huge mistake to think of employees as family. If they were family, you wouldn't have to pay them money.
    why not

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    why not

    Because they'd work for trading favors, and if there are non-equal trades, then the difference is subsumed into the support for the other's genetic success, which is your own success, in a way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    why not
    @Adam Strange has already laid out one angle and I'll lay out another. The concepts of filial duty and how they are absolute. You "owe" your children your best (especially if you're the literal genetic father). You "owe" them your full and undivided attention if they ever call for it within reason (as you do your lover/their mother if you are the male). Your Father was a sack of shit? I can tell you why he was and why, unless your most earnest pleas for bonding and reconciliation were answered with blunt refusal and/or demonic hatred, you still owe him your earnest attempt to love and save him no matter how badly he hurt you. We can inverse the genders and still arrive at the same place.

    Filial duty is a most grave and serious matter. You do not say that some other person is "like family" lightly. For the bonds of blood and spirituality are the most grave and serious of matters. Again, the concept of "family" is not a thing to ever be thrown about in jest or taken lightly. Your "family" consists of the people you are literally willing to die slowly for. Are you truly willing to endure the equivalent of Christ's passion for them? Would you trade your life in that way for theirs? If yes than I can understand your glib response. If no than try to understand why us Gamma's got so worked up over that blatantly ignorant turn of phrase. Why not? WHY NOT!? You have no idea how works for us it would seem...

    I am essentially a faulty AI that somehow attained a soul. I believe all ILI's that manage to fix their issues resonate with that sentiment somehow. It's a compelling narrative if nothing else and I would like to hear what "narrative" most strongly resonates with all the other types. If nothing else it may well explain the relations each one has with the others in a way they interact. It's an interesting line of inquiry if nothing else.

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    Indeed, with all the people I know and through all these years there are in total three non-biologically related people who I see as part of my family, it's very exclusive. I don't use the term lightheartedly, because for the people who I see as my family and those who I deem my closest friends I would do so much for when they need me. It's a tremendously strong and deep feeling.

    My former neighbours have seen me grow up since I was born and have played an active role in my upbringing. With them I played games ( and learned to accept defeat ), I developed my love for dogs based on all the good memories I have with their dog, Morris, who has been there the larger part of my life, and the many nature trips we went on have taught me a lot about recognizing birds and plants. I'm always suprised when I point out a common kestrel versus a peregrine falcon to someone and they are awed by my knowledge about birds, because they don't know the difference. And then I think fondly of all those field trips with my neighbours.
    In a weird way I have a memento of it; when I was so little that I could not even talk nor walk my neighbours already took me out on these trips. On one of these trips I was lying in the arms of my neighbour, while she was birdwatching. Then suddenly Morris saw a group of geese after which he started running and barking. In her surprise my neighbour turned around and lost grip of me, after which I fell out of her arms. Unfortunately for me, the bird that she was spotting was sitting next to barbed wire and I fell right into it. So just above my left eye I have this scar, it's barely visible after all these years, but if the barbed wire had hit me not even half a centimeter lower, I would have been blind on that side. It's a blessing in disguise that that didn't happen, especially since I'm left-handed and thus my left eye likewise provides me my primary vision.
    My neighbour is still heartbroken that it ever happened. The story came up when I asked why I have this scar, because I was too young to remember any of it at all, which is a good thing.
    Anyway, even though I'm no longer living in the same village as them, I still visit them every month, even now when my statistics master takes so much time. Next week I'll visit them again to wish them happy holidays in person.

    The one other person I'd call family is my current neighbour, the one from the previous story. We have been living diagonally of each other for 11 years now and my father and I help him out with technology, and he helps us with carpenting. Every summer he gives us cucumbers and cabbages from his greenhouse, and we give him tomatoes and zucchinis from ours. We know that we can count on him and he on us, and we regularly visit each other for coffee or tea. Each winter, just before the prices skyrocket for Christmas, he visits the wholesale store and buys a large and expensive piece of quality meat to give to us as a "Thank you for all the help and being there for me." gift, which we then make our Christmas dinner from. With Old Year's Eve we give him in turn a share of oliebollen, apple flaps, and Belgium waffles that we bake to celebrate the holiday with.
    Often he has said how we're family to him and for us the feeling is absolutely mutual.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-24-2021 at 08:26 AM.

  25. #465


    Tbh, most of my venting also consists of teaching him how to respond to my venting...lmao. "Quit debating it, I know it doesn't make logical sense, just let me emotionally vomit saying things I don't mean coz I'm just upset and then hug me"

  26. #466


    Me: *does basically anything*
    Him: "So cute"

  27. #467


    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    In Europe these discussions fortunately aren't as politicized.
    Translation: in EU people aren't as bat shit crazy. (Seriously, there is something up with USA. I legitimately suspect that the food issues are making people more aggressive and etc. That is part of why I'm abandoning ship and immigrating to EU.)

    At first it was researched if the virus showed signs of genetic modification, which it lacked the typical human-made code chunks for, so the hypothesis was discarded. But then a scientist realized something, in pharmacological research there exists a method to make animal experiments a more accurate model for humans by modifying the animals with human DNA. This makes rats susceptible to human diseases like HIV. That way you do not have to modify the disease to fit the animal, which could change the behaviour of the disease and thus the efficacy of the tested medication.

    What the scientist discovered was that you could inverse this process, instead of making the animal more susceptible to the disease, you can force evolve a disease to become virulent to other species. For instance, by gradually hybridizing bats with human DNA you can evolve diseases to become infectious to humans.
    Somehow, this is really creepy to me.

    Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
    Lol, it's China...don't put it past them for it to be a combination of both. Probably just more world domination schemes. (I'm not completely serious, don't mistake me for a conspiracy theorist rn lol)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Translation: in EU people aren't as bat shit crazy. (Seriously, there is something up with USA. I legitimately suspect that the food issues are making people more aggressive and etc. That is part of why I'm abandoning ship and immigrating to EU.)
    Aggressive AND armed. I feel a lot safer here in Europe where we are about to implement a sugar tax, where when you mention "arms" people refer to their limbs, and the police complains about being underequipped and understaffed to catch criminals, instead of shooting bullets at black people. Well, the being underequipped and understaffed issue might not be so great, because drug gangs still exist for the drugs that we haven't yet legalized and until the plan to collectivize the brothels is passed, human trafficking from Africa also remains a problem. But school shootings fortunately aren't a thing here, I cannot remember a single one having happened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Somehow, this is really creepy to me.
    That's not because of you, that's because it's actually kinda creepy.
    Disclaimer: Shameless self-promotion ahead.
    But all animal experiments are creepy in a way, that's way I'm proud of the Bioscience Park cell-on-a-chip program, where they grow human cell cultures from a simple scratch. They use these cell cultures as alternative for animal experiments to see how medication and cosmetics potentially affect different organs. Donating blood is generally more invasive than donating a couple of cells, unless they are stem cells. To remidy the problem of stem cell donation Leiden University is further developing techniques to revert any cell, even skin cells, back into stem cells. This will also greatly reduce the waiting lists for organ transplantation!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Lol, it's China...don't put it past them for it to be a combination of both. Probably just more world domination schemes. (I'm not completely serious, don't mistake me for a conspiracy theorist rn lol)
    I cannot afford being undiplomatic in public, because as a programmer there is no greater mistake to make than to presume privacy on the Internet. We have a joke in the programmer community: "There are only two types of people, those who have been hacked... And those who have yet to find out." The German chancellor definitely belonged to the latter group, when she previously thought that her American allies wouldn't possibly spy on her private phone.
    Last edited by Armitage; 12-27-2021 at 10:57 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Tbh, most of my venting also consists of teaching him how to respond to my venting...lmao. "Quit debating it, I know it doesn't make logical sense, just let me emotionally vomit saying things I don't mean coz I'm just upset and then hug me"
    So is this the ideal way of consoling an upset ESI or are there also other best practices? Because my normal inclination would be to either come up with a solution for said problem or to explain how the problem isn't actually a problem at all. Also, we definitely do love debating anything and everything.

    Yup, ESIs do a lot of moral mentoring, because LIEs like myself can be rather clueless at times.

  30. #470


    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    So is this the ideal way of consoling an upset ESI or are there also other best practices? Because my normal inclination would be to either come up with a solution for said problem or to explain how the problem isn't actually a problem at all. Also, we definitely do love debating anything and everything.

    Yup, ESIs do a lot of moral mentoring, because LIEs like myself can be rather clueless at times.
    I'd say this has more to do with emotional intelligence than morality. It's not immoral to debate someone when they are trying to vent, but there are some good odds that it's only going to further frustrate/upset them. They are trying to get something out of their system ("emotionally vomit," if you will,) and before they can do that, you are basically countering it all. In some cases (such as mine), they may have already tried several solutions, and when you offer them, they have to go through the process of explaining everything to you (AKA justifying their venting and frustrations to you). As you can likely imagine, this becomes a matter of having to "prove" that your venting is valid, rather than simply getting something off of your chest and purging the emotions from your system, and feeling like the other person understands and empathizes with your emotional experience (which doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with it).

    It's always good to have some clarity in mind before offering solutions. Determine whether it's mere ventilation or the person is in distress and seeking solutions. Personally, I say things I know I don't really mean when I am in “venting only” mode, which is part of why that distinction is necessary. I actually very rarely vent, but when I do, all I'm wanting is to release the feelings from my system. I am self-sufficient in resolving the problems from there about 99% of the time. The last thing I need is for someone to try to stop me because I "shouldn't" feel how I feel. It crosses the line into "unethical" once it becomes emotionally invalidating.

    For me, at least, venting is an opportunity to let go of self-restraint so that I can go back into self-restraint with a firmer grip on it while resolving issues or recovering from things that cannot be resolved.

    EDIT II:
    IDK, men in general are often stunted in the emotional department due to society pressuring them in various ways. It's why if things ever go south with my hubby I'll never be with another man. I'd still be bi, obviously, but I just would refuse to be with anyone who is not a woman - and not trans woman raised on society's values for men, but someone who grew up culturally treated as female. More emotionally open, etc.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 12-30-2021 at 05:35 PM.

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    Thanks for the advice, @Neuroplasticity. Yes, when someone comes to me clearly with the intention to vent, I always listen first. I think it's a pretty universal need to have some time to vent and feel listened to regarding family, university, or the office for instance. And especially now during the holiday season, when all of a sudden you have to organize festivities with family members who might hold very different opinions. It takes quite a bit of give-and-take from all parties involved to make that a success.

  32. #472


    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    Thanks for the advice, @Neuroplasticity. Yes, when someone comes to me clearly with the intention to vent, I always listen first.
    I think it's a pretty universal need to have some time to vent and feel listened to regarding family, university, or the office for instance.
    You'd think so, but science is beginning to prove otherwise. It can sometimes merely cement emotionally biased (and thus inaccurate) views instead. I think it's just a matter of being self-aware enough to recognize that your emotions are clouding your judgment and you don't mean what you're saying, so I don't really buy that completely. I think this study is missing the "middle ground" of not taking your own views too seriously when you're emotional. Still, though, according to this study, less need for venting is a sign of higher emotional intelligence...supposedly. I find it questionable, as I said.

    Just about every successful self-disciplined person seems to share a pattern: they all have some way to just let loose and be unfiltered somehow. The successful dieter has a time in which they splurge, and so forth. I think that's necessary: if you're going to be controlled, you've got to be able to release it someplace, somehow. That's what venting lets me do, boyfriend can't seem to discern whether I'm saying things from an emotional place, or not. He either doesn't take what I say seriously enough (and is thus dismissive when I'm sincere), or he takes it too seriously (and is therefore getting upset with me and arguing when I say things that are kind of ridiculous during vents—not about him, but about some other thing, he's just upset because I'm "overreacting" or something along those lines), because he doesn't realize it's just an emotional purge and I don't mean all of what I'm saying. venting can actually transform into an argument with him, lol.

    "my boyfriend can't seem to discern whether I'm saying things from an emotional place, or not."
    Meanwhile, I recently had to point out that he was angry even though in his mind, he felt numb. He had to reflect awhile before realizing he was, in fact, angry. He thought I was misreading him initially. I had to insist and make points, etc. I'm better at detecting his emotions than he is sometimes. He isn't very good at detecting mine—but he is clever as fuck when it comes to putting two and two together with deduction. He knows me well and catches onto plenty about me that nobody else notices or recognizes. It's sort of funny, in a times, emotionally, I feel unseen and unheard. Yet, overall, when viewing the big picture, I've never felt so seen or heard by anyone before.

    A good practice with venting is always to just listen and empathize first, and wait until they've finished to begin offering solutions (not to be mistaken with just waiting for your turn to speak instead of truly hearing them). Most people won't even have enough self-awareness to be able to say, "I don't actually mean the things I'm about to say, but..." the way I've started doing for my LIE. Depending on variables, it might be best to ask first, "Can I offer a suggestion?" That can prompt them to clarify their intentions for you, like, "no, I know what to do, I'm just ranting," or go ahead and agree to/accept, which can actually make them more receptive anyway. That is, if you say it right...and not in a way that just makes them brace themselves for an attack. Tone and phrasing is important.

    Other times, asking is not so necessary; if anything, a bit of forcefulness with it is necessary...but not through debate, but rather, through empathizing and relating. Letting them know you understand their frustrations, and you hear them, and echoing back some things that convey an understanding of things from their point of view, before gently suggesting. If you can relate firsthand, or communicate your own experiences with solving something similar, people lean more toward receptiveness. You don't need to hold their mouths open and shove the medicine in (debate), you can just show them it's harmless by exposing how you drank it yourself before. It helps people to lower their guard and be less on the defensive. "You need to do this" VS "You know, I went through X before, and I felt really similarly to what you're describing. What helped me was Y and Z." (You don't want to say it in a way that comes off as, "I know exactly what your experience was like for you" or something, so phrasing is important there.) It offers solutions from a stance of camaraderie as opposed to instruction (and said instruction can be interpreted in a number of ways...bossiness/pushiness, condescending/patronizing, [insert Ne list of other possibilities I'm not bothering with here], it really depends on the other variables that are present).
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 01-02-2022 at 11:32 AM.

  33. #473


    IDK, tbh this may just pertain to my logical reasoning process
    not being objective enough or something



    what do you mean
    not being objective

    im trying to understand why i am defensive
    but it's hard without having a pattern in front of me

    i mean... its possible you just dont trust external information untill its evaluated through by yourself. But then you dont see yourself as defensive or struggle to see external perceptives, how you affect others with your behavior or how you come off
    ill help you there
    in time

    i think thats accurate though

    i mean its my job to help you with your polr

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    LIE, after volunteering to fix an ESI’s snowblower: “I can’t fix this thing in your garage. I need a heated workshop and my fingers are freezing in this ten-degree weather. I’ll take this to my shop and I’ll fix it there and I’ll bring it back on Sunday.”

    ESI, watching the LIE load the snowblower into his car: “You’re not stealing my snowblower, are you?”

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    @Adam Strange, ESIs tend to be suspicious of people, aren't they, due to their strong Fi, yet inexperienced Ne?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    All the protection…all the Sp…gimmeeee
    Last summer, I was working with a 27-yo ESI-Se and I was dating an older ESI-Fi RN. I was pretty much in hog heaven, or as close to that as an LIE can be, and I found it interesting to compare the two subtypes. They are very different in many respects, but one thing they have in common is that they are both Sp/sx.

    I, myself, am sx/so, and to encounter someone whose main program is to protect themselves by having stuff is pretty different. I mean, having stuff (money, houses, cars, clothes, etc.) isn't my main focus, but I could see that, for both of these women, their worlds centered around having material resources.

    Hey, my world centers on having intimate relationships. No one's perfect.

    Anyway, the ESI-Fi RN had first been married to an SEE who spent all their money on drugs and on having a good time. She left him because there was no money left for their kid. Her second husband was an LSI union auto-worker who made a lot of money, but he took almost all of it with him when he left her. So she was pretty devastated, and she was spending all her time working to get some sense of security, instead of going out with me a lot.

    Anyway, I was talking to the ESI-Fi RN about the ESI-Se interior decorator. I told the RN that I was paying the ESI-Se to redecorate my house, and was paying her well, because she was going to need money to get her degree in social work and I didn't think she'd make much money in that profession, so I was paying her enough to live on and to start a significant investment for her future.

    I told the ESI-Fi RN, "The interior decorator's dad is the same personality type as your first husband." (They are both SEEs.)
    She sat there and thought about that for a minute. "Imagine having your first husband as your father," I laughed.
    "Oh, no," she exclaimed.
    "Yes, she needs money, because her family doesn't have any."
    "Her grandmother left her $10,000 in her will, but she was only 17 when her grandmother passed away, and that inheritance was given to her parents for safe-keeping because she was underage. So all this time, she thought she had $10,000 sitting in a bank account, waiting for her to pick up when she needed it."

    The ESI-Se RN got an alarmed look on her face. "Don't tell me. They spent her money?"

    "What do you think?"

    Lol. Yep. Every cent.

    Anyway, I paid the ESI interior decorator enough this last summer to make it back up, with ten years of interest. She got more value from it than I would have.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-12-2022 at 03:33 PM.

  37. #477


    I recently had this conversation with my caught me off guard, I blushed and felt tsunere

    ik hes not a psychopath
    but tbh
    itd be better for him if he was, almost, in my book
    at least then he would have a genetic disorder as an excuse
    but no, instead, it's purely his own moral character

    You are so cute

    suddenly blushing and being tsundere
    thats not supposed to be cute

    Its cute to see you triggered over something so trivial like a tv show


    You have a pure heart
    You can't take corruption or darkness, things that a lot of people just accept as flaws

    it pisses me off lol

    Your ideals shine against accepting them
    Dont change that

    ....ive tried
    i couldnt

    Ill tolerate
    Your complaining
    Against characters I like
    As long as you Keep shining
    Like this
    Being better than others... Incorruptible
    Pure light

    *strikes a high horse "holier than thou" justice warrior pose....whatever the hell that looks like*
    blech lol
    i dont like
    feeling placed in such a ... title
    i dont see myself as better than anyone

    I wanna kiss you to shut you up rn

    .....................I just realized, I think he was fucking with me in the last part, when he said "better than others..." Lmao, why am I so serious...

  38. #478


    Btw, if anyone is curious...I was referring to Ragnar from Vikings. I can't stand him. What do you guys type him as? My partner seems to think he is LIE and Lagertha is ESI. I agree with Lagertha, but I'm not sure what to think about Ragnar. (Is "douchebag" a personality type option I can select?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neuroplasticity View Post
    Btw, if anyone is curious...I was referring to Ragnar from Vikings. I can't stand him. What do you guys type him as? My partner seems to think he is LIE and Lagertha is ESI. I agree with Lagertha, but I'm not sure what to think about Ragnar. (Is "douchebag" a personality type option I can select?)
    My impression of Ragnar is that he is a clear SLE, but that’s from Google images and one brief scene I watched.

    Remember, LIE and SLE have the same dimensional Fi and Fe.

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    Reposting here, because.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreymagine View Post
    I only vaguely remember it, but I had a dream in which I married my crush and then he turned into a literal monster hell-bent on eliminating all of humanity, so I had to kill my former-husband-now-monster-enemy to save the world.

    If I believed that dreams had deeper meaning (which I don't), I'd say I unconsciously believe that—upon growing closer to my crush—I would discover he's a "monster" and a menace to society.
    So, does this explain why every Fi-dom ESI I've ever dated will go out with me once and then starts to postpone further dates?

    It happened again yesterday with the latest ESI I met. Dinner at a nice restaurant (bill was $106 for two, or nice enough), and then "I'm pretty busy with work. I guess I filled my time with work and other things, like volunteering, etc. I guess I didn't want to have any free time for relationship distraction. Don't take this personally."
    WTF? Of course it's personal. It doesn't get any more personal than this.
    "Don't take anything personally about relationship distractions. Everyone has their personal focus and timeline."

    Evidently, her timeline is forever while she waits for evidence that I'm a "monster" and a menace to society.

    TBH, 2D Ni without an emergency to galvanize them is a pain in the ass.

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