Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
Your response is exactly what I expected @coeruleum, so now I must implore you to pass a witch test before I even bother to invest yet more of my precious time. You need not mean a single syllable or letter of it. Just type out these words: "Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead". Say and mock the lord all you want afterwards in that post, just have those exact words typed in that exact order and properly spelled out in it. I'll bet actual money you will not, because of reasons I know and your response to this may well confirm .
You want her to say it to claim some kind of victory over her? How can you ask people to say it then mock god or praise satan after? It doesn't give the impression you have a strong belief in your faith since that would be worse than not saying the words, wouldn't it? It looks like you are the one mocking it by this silly "witch test". This isn't the inquisition. I remember similar games as a child where someone wanted me to just say something so when I would refuse they had to walk away with the feeling they couldn't break me.

Your posts remind me of people new to a religion that don't fully understand the faith. This might not be your case. It looks like it to me.