Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
Ur right theres no T or F dichotomy every person is the same person with the same personality with the same strengths and weaknesses with no differences in between. Bruh get ur Ne polr checked <- inb4 ur just gonna reply to the Ne polr thing cuz u got no retort
Well that's not what I said, but you can believe whatever you like.

The point is that there are no fundamental differences in people's ability to be logical and rational. It doesn't matter how emotional or unemotional you are. There are also no limits in being able to be logical and rational, which means that there are also no limits in being illogical and irrational. Which is why you can have otherwise well-educated scientists believing in batshit insane stuff.

Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
yeah and thats the difference between Ti and Te with Te always needing evidence, but i think youre just trying to sound intellectual or sth
The "needing evidence" has more to do with the influence of LOGICAL POSITIVISM and VERIFICATIONISM, which has already been debunked and fallen out of fashion. Of course you can call that "Te", but it's kind of pointless to do so. What's really happening is that there are still Logical Positivists and Verificationists in disguise. And I doubt that people are born with certain belief systems, or that there are certain brain structures that make some people susceptible to those belief systems.

The fact is that evidence "confirms" Newton's theory of gravity. And yet Newton's theory has been proven wrong by Einstein. And it couldn't have ever been proven wrong without Einstein coming up with a better theory than Newton's.

So people's belief in a theory with "evidence" could still be wrong. The "certainty" of "Te types" being always right or even needing to be right and objective has been put into doubt. In fact, the entire criticism of "Te types" by Jung was that these people were relying too much on external "facts", and that they needed to have more balance instead of just lifelessly and mindlessly collecting a bunch of facts. But what Jung himself didn't realize was that he was basically creating a categorization system based on EMPIRICISM and INDUCTIVISM.