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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    You want her to say it to claim some kind of victory over her? How can you ask people to say it then mock god or praise satan after? It doesn't give the impression you have a strong belief in your faith since that would be worse than not saying the words, wouldn't it? It looks like you are the one mocking it by this silly "witch test". This isn't the inquisition. I remember similar games as a child where someone wanted me to just say something so when I would refuse they had to walk away with the feeling they couldn't break me.
    Depends on what they wanted you to say, shit could have been juicy blackmail if recorded so you did the smart thing. Actually, in this instance, if you're a certain kind of person, what I'm asking actually would be funnily enough so perhaps you're onto something here. I wouldn't go that far really (couldn't even if I wanted to, I don't do social media and I ain't about to start as it's a fast path to dopamine addiction), but it's a potential thing. I'd wager real money that the clique she runs with would shun, ostracize, and mock her if she typed out the words and were made aware of that fact somehow (and that's only the least bad thing that could happen).

    Many cliques in the modern world would if you really think about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If there were legit powerful witches they wouldn't have been caught.
    Well, that's the thing. For instance, the "famous" ninjas actually sucked because you'd never really hear about a truly good one. Same would go for witches I'd say. The "famous" or "burned" ones sucked as if they didn't they wouldn't have gotten found out as such and immolated by a bunch of superstitious idiots with torches and pitchforks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hatchback176 View Post
    Except you stupidly think categorizing doesn't include Causality and Functions when this is obvious to thinkers who are the ones that categorize in the 1st place. (Causality) (Functions)
    ...What? You obviously don't come up with any causality by just categorizing things. At best, you can have correlations.

    Ti, Te, Fi, Fe, etc., are just categorizations that don't really mean anything (i.e. not explanations). Get over it.

    Anyway, you're just regurgitating a bunch of "facts" without ever understanding what any of them actually mean.

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    Priest *do you singu, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

    Singu *well I don't believe there is data either way.

    Also singu *I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Well, that's the thing. For instance, the "famous" ninjas actually sucked because you'd never really hear about a truly good one. Same would go for witches I'd say. The "famous" or "burned" ones sucked as if they didn't they wouldn't have gotten found out as such and immolated by a bunch of superstitious idiots with torches and pitchforks.
    I can't believe there's a split in your head that allows you to use the phrase "superstitious idiots" without also reflexively comparing the term to the hot garbage you've internalized, and questioning it for a second. Seriously, man, I know you're personally smart enough to be better than this.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    I can't believe there's a split in your head that allows you to use the phrase "superstitious idiots" without also reflexively comparing the term to the hot garbage you've internalized, and questioning it for a second. Seriously, man, I know you're personally smart enough to be better than this.
    If you think faith in God is "internalized hot garbage" than I will simply point out, as I have again and again, that you yourself have a "God" as I do. What it is I do not know, but you are "religious" about something, not a single solitary human being on this planet is not. If you don't know what yours is and thus cannot have full faith and confidence in it than you will be enslaved to those who do. Your "God" is essentially your morality, and that trumps all other arguments made on any other plane. "Ought" beats "is" every single time no matter what "reality" says. This is why the witches burned. For all their arguments to what was factual, what the community thought ought to be trumped that readily. This is human nature, accept and adapt or get wrecked one way or another.

    They were still superstitious idiots though. I mean, if they really were witches you didn't need to burn them at stakes or see if they sunk when thrown into water before administering a harmless non-lethal test first. Instead of skipping right to the burning/purging option, ask them instead to partake in Christian worship services, praise Jesus in an earnest tone, take communion, pray a rosary or three with some nuns/monks, etc. I mean fuck, the Japanese have a fable where they did essentially that to a suspected "Witch" from their perspective. It did in fact out her as such. Then, then they sent out the kill team, not before. The superstitious idiots I mentioned should have done to suspected witches what the Heian Japanese did to Tamamo. Kill smarter, not harder folks.

    I would actually challenge anyone with a social media account/presence to try a little experiment now that it occurred to me. Ask some randos to praise Jesus just because. Note who does and who does not. Come back to me with some screenshots. I'll bet real money that the results match my own theories and speculations to a frightening degree.
    Last edited by End; 10-22-2019 at 07:33 AM.

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    Spooky shit.

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    Singu type 6 the loyal skeptic

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Priest *do you singu, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

    Singu *well I don't believe there is data either way.
    Well actually that's exactly the opposite of what I said and the exact opposite of what I'm advocating.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Depends on what they wanted you to say, shit could have been juicy blackmail if recorded so you did the smart thing. Actually, in this instance, if you're a certain kind of person, what I'm asking actually would be funnily enough so perhaps you're onto something here. I wouldn't go that far really (couldn't even if I wanted to, I don't do social media and I ain't about to start as it's a fast path to dopamine addiction), but it's a potential thing. I'd wager real money that the clique she runs with would shun, ostracize, and mock her if she typed out the words and were made aware of that fact somehow (and that's only the least bad thing that could happen).

    Many cliques in the modern world would if you really think about it.
    Sorry, but I don't worship Satan or have any demon friends. I don't even have a "clique." It's also incredibly obvious that no one should touch the "witch test" from the point of view of modal logic. You are paranoid and your brain is mush.

    However, social media is great. Please try it.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Sorry, but I don't worship Satan or have any demon friends. I don't even have a "clique." It's also incredibly obvious that no one should touch the "witch test" from the point of view of modal logic. You are paranoid and your brain is mush.

    However, social media is great. Please try it.
    Then prove my paranoia to be utterly unfounded by passing said test in its final form. Praise the Lord, but no blasphemy allowed this time. Ya gotta sell me on it in regards to this final version. In text form that means just typing out the words that praise the one true Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Trinity, stop at that, and hit post. No pictures, no codes, no any form of BS that'd indicate you're not serious in any way. You can't and won't, but I do dearly wish for you to prove me wrong .

    And no, social media is shit. Dopamine "So" factory. Only useful if you're trying to market something. If you wanna be a "successful" artist, author, or something along those lines (i.e. be a profitable creative/creator) it becomes a necessity if you're not willing to sell your soul to the PTB and push their Satanic BS narratives. Otherwise fuck it, there are far better uses of your time.
    Last edited by End; 11-11-2019 at 04:40 AM.

  11. #91

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Then prove my paranoia to be utterly unfounded by passing said test in its final form. Praise the Lord, but no blasphemy allowed this time. Ya gotta sell me on it in regards to this final version. In text form that means just typing out the words that praise the one true Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Trinity, stop at that, and hit post. No pictures, no codes, no any form of BS that'd indicate you're not serious in any way. You can't and won't, but I do dearly wish for you to prove me wrong .

    And no, social media is shit. Dopamine "So" factory. Only useful if you're trying to market something. If you wanna be a "successful" artist, author, or something along those lines (i.e. be a profitable creative/creator) it becomes a necessity if you're not willing to sell your soul to the PTB and push their Satanic BS narratives. Otherwise fuck it, there are far better uses of your time.
    Great is the daughter of Heaven who tortures babies
    Her hand is a net, her embrace is death
    She is cruel, raging, angry, predator
    A runner, a thief is the daughter of Heaven
    She touches the bellies of women in labor
    She pulls out the pregnant women's baby
    The daughter of Heaven is one of the Gods, her brothers
    With no child of her own.
    Her head is a lion's head
    Her body is a donkey's body
    She roars like a lion
    She constantly howls like a demon-dog.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Great is the daughter of Heaven who tortures babies
    Her hand is a net, her embrace is death
    She is cruel, raging, angry, predator
    A runner, a thief is the daughter of Heaven
    She touches the bellies of women in labor
    She pulls out the pregnant women's baby
    The daughter of Heaven is one of the Gods, her brothers
    With no child of her own.
    Her head is a lion's head
    Her body is a donkey's body
    She roars like a lion
    She constantly howls like a demon-dog.
    OK that's an attempt to fail as spectacularly as you possibly can. Good job on that front BTW. Now prove me wrong in my assertions by composing a post that convinces me that you have come to believe in the lord of hosts

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    OK that's an attempt to fail as spectacularly as you possibly can. Good job on that front BTW. Now prove me wrong in my assertions by composing a post that convinces me that you have come to believe in the lord of hosts
    ...That was Grendel quoting an ancient Near East religion, not me politely ignoring a crazy person who can't tell the difference between the people he's arguing against.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    As his campaign slogan so eloquently put it: "Why vote for the lesser evil?"

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As his campaign slogan so eloquently put it: "Why vote for the lesser evil?"
    People who like Pathfinder and horror books are Satanic now according to End, who conspicuously never makes any statements beginning with "I" and barely makes any definite statements about anything at all. What a good thing 16t is almost dead now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    People who like Pathfinder and horror books are Satanic now according to End, who conspicuously never makes any statements beginning with "I" and barely makes any definite statements about anything at all. What a good thing 16t is almost dead now.
    As Voltaire so eloquently put it, he had but one prayer. "Lord make my enemies ridiculous" and God granted it. I must ask what you're on because damn that's gotta be some good shit. So long as it doesn't cause physiological withdrawal symptoms I gotta try it.

    You're talking to a dude who lived through that period of time my deluded millennial/boomer clone. I played D&D and laughed at those poor fuckers. How they missed how utterly rooted in Christianity horror and Pathfinder/D&D were back then was a constant source of amusement for me. It's obvious if you know how this all works. I mean fuck, it even crosses cultures. Try reading "Trigun" or "Battle Angel Alita" with the background of "this is some Christian shit" inside the back your head. Did they believe? Questionable. Do those themes and story structures speak to pretty much every human on this planet hard enough that they just ran with it? Undeniably. Did they notice that at some point and say "ah fuck it" and just lean into it hardcore? Yeah, they did, and their story was made all the more glorious for it.

    Jung was right, and it backs up my assertion that God is Truth. Humans resonate with the truth, our reason qua reason leads us to it, and ain't it just the darnedest of coincidences that the more you deny the Christ and try to argue against his truths the more you approach the conclusions of his faithful?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As Voltaire so eloquently put it, he had but one prayer. "Lord make my enemies ridiculous" and God granted it. I must ask what you're on because damn that's gotta be some good shit. So long as it doesn't cause physiological withdrawal symptoms I gotta try it.

    You're talking to a dude who lived through that period of time my deluded millennial/boomer clone. I played D&D and laughed at those poor fuckers. How they missed how utterly rooted in Christianity horror and Pathfinder/D&D were back then was a constant source of amusement for me. It's obvious if you know how this all works. I mean fuck, it even crosses cultures. Try reading "Trigun" or "Battle Angel Alita" with the background of "this is some Christian shit" inside the back your head. Did they believe? Questionable. Do those themes and story structures speak to pretty much every human on this planet hard enough that they just ran with it? Undeniably. Did they notice that at some point and say "ah fuck it" and just lean into it hardcore? Yeah, they did, and their story was made all the more glorious for it.

    Jung was right, and it backs up my assertion that God is Truth. Humans resonate with the truth, our reason qua reason leads us to it, and ain't it just the darnedest of coincidences that the more you deny the Christ and try to argue against his truths the more you approach the conclusions of his faithful?
    I think you have me confused with someone else, because I never said any of the things you attributed to me and I told you to read Boethius's account of the Good while you insisted on Kierkegaard's eternal folly, but OK.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If there were legit powerful witches they wouldn't have been caught.
    "Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognising it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises."
    —Bathilda Bagshot, A History of Magic

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    This is good for showing science vs. pseudoscience in various contexts. I'm not tagging everyone who might sort of be interested.

    I would also argue that string theory and Freudian psychoanalysis aren't completely pseudoscientific either, just horrifically insular to the point large numbers of prominent "researchers" have built careers entirely on pseudoscience just by appealing to sentimental ideals.

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    In Defense of "Pseudoscience"

    Here's an article where what they really mean is fringe science. Between this one and the last, we see the difference between social normativity regarding the idea of science and the results of the scientific method.

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