Quote Originally Posted by Investigator View Post
Strange, when I read up on DCNH, I saw it as equivalent to the two subtype system, but I won't getting into how. I am planning a big thread soon.
I'm looking forward to it. in general it seems to me that the two subtype system describes the dominant and creative subtype, but it doesn't make sense. an LII-Ti would be a dominant subtype, but with accentuated introverted Ti. the basis of it is very questionable imo. I'm also critical of Meged and Ovcharov, who wrote stuff like sexual behaviour of subtypes...

"ILE-Ne: May show little initiative, but once he is assured of reciprocity of feelings he becomes kind, affectionate, and agreeable. Not inclined to hurry, likes extended preparations. Strives towards new impressions, but tries to be diplomatic to avoid conflicts. His sexual interest is periodic in its nature. With him it is necessary to show patience, modesty, and restraint. First of all, one must evoke his respect and confidence in one's feelings, and then lightly and diplomatically nudge him towards showing some initiative in physical enjoyment, as a great source of health, happiness and pleasure.

ILE-Ti: Somewhat distrustful of feelings and may be tactless. But if he is certain of love, he shows initiative, becomes kind, tries to do something enjoyable and pleasing for his partner, improves sexual techniques. Needs a decisive, emotional, and sexual partner, who is able to quickly convince him of his feelings and evoke reciprocity in him. With him it is necessary to constantly use emotional stimuli: quips and jokes, coquetry and jealousy."

but let's discuss it in a seperate thread.