Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
Socionics has some seriously dogmatic followers that will get offended by what I'm about to say...

Socionics needs to learn from western personality typing systems like...MBTI. To type yourself you only need to know very simple straightforward things, first choose either NT, NF, SF, ST. After that you basically have the same dimensionality of functions no matter the type. Then choose temperment, EJ, IP, EP, IJ. Then you're done. There is no need to make it complicated.

Another flaw is VI. VI is pseudoscience and it veers away from the actual point of personality, which is everything inside not outside. What do you do with someone that looks like an LSE that acts and behaves like an EIE? At that point you're attempting to make the world fit your theory and not the other way around.

There may be facial expressions or body language that types may have in common you can't do a study on a personality system that is based on a series of dichotomies that have yet to be proven, once you get to Visual Identification you are so far into basing your theories on "facts" not at all backed by scientific analysis. That means it must be replicated by numerous actual social scientists numerous times to be accepted, it would take decades of research to verify the most basic claims of socionics.

What I'm saying is that none of this is going to be all that objective so you shouldn't take it too seriously.