Quote Originally Posted by Andreas View Post
Okay, so in model A, my PoLR is Se.
If it being pointed out even in public and maybe they go deeper into personal life, I feel theories already explain it clearly. It is mental, so I aware. But it also devalued, so I don't put that point as a matter for me.

I feel the hurt feeling that I experienced in exchanging Se information is not when they mentioned my weak Se, but when they expect me to see and understanding (and practicing) the bigger dimension of Se function in real life. So, it might be like this...

(In a public discussion about social issues)
X : "Yeah, this issues is need to be concern for us because this is important for our future"
Y : "And don't forget about increasing funding for defense and military."
Me : "Okay, I will put all your concern as my consideration before I made my decision"
(See, I am fine if anyone notice my weak Se)
X : "Why do you need to consider? This situation is emergency."
Y : "Yes, you are the leader. You should make decision now or never."
Me : triggered
(Then, tomorrow, I wrote a resign letter, leave public discussion, and let decision for issues remain undecided)
This is a great example, thank you!