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    Default Jean-Claude Juncker

    Heaviest drinking man in Europe and her Commander

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    I think he's an LII, might even be in a dual relationship


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    Pretty sure he ain't in my Quadra and I thank the eternal and ever living God that's the case. If he's in yours? My eternal and heartfelt condolences. Seriously, such an obvious pawn to the PTB, a little bitch with balls so non-existent even the most feminine and instinctively submissive of women feel like Conan the Barbarian in his presence (A feeling, if related to Robert E. Howard himself, wouldn't contest).

    I can literally feel the soy flowing through his veins with those pictures. Gah! No wonder we elected Trump folks. Say what you will, at least he ain't that!

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Pretty sure he ain't in my Quadra and I thank the eternal and ever living God that's the case. If he's in yours? My eternal and heartfelt condolences. Seriously, such an obvious pawn to the PTB, a little bitch with balls so non-existent even the most feminine and instinctively submissive of women feel like Conan the Barbarian in his presence (A feeling, if related to Robert E. Howard himself, wouldn't contest).

    I can literally feel the soy flowing through his veins with those pictures. Gah! No wonder we elected Trump folks. Say what you will, at least he ain't that!
    keep in mind that LII have Se as vulnerable function. EII and LII are probably the most passive types. oh, and I'm a vegan, I eat a lot of soy.

    Quote Originally Posted by msl View Post
    Heaviest drinking man in Europe and her Commander

    I don't think that he's drunk in public. he had a car accident in 1989 and has difficulties moving his legs since then. reminds me a bit of angela merkel (LII), who also disregards her health at public appearances.

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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
    keep in mind that LII have Se as vulnerable function. EII and LII are probably the most passive types. oh, and I'm a vegan, I eat a lot of soy.
    I assume nothing, but I will point out a fact. Men should try to minimize unfermented soy consumption (especially if they're vegetarian/vegan). It metabolizes into estrogen. If you're a girl? No worries. If you're a dude? Plenty to worry about as we don't call em' "soyboys" for nothing and that negative connotation is essentially instinctual. I didn't even know the logic behind it when I first heard the term yet I just knew what it pertained to and was quite glad I in no way fit the description.

    Fermented Soy, however, is essentially a superfood. Real Soy sauce is great, Miso anything is quite healthy/tasty, etc.

    Now that I think on it, I'm betting most all the major/most important "leaders" in Europe are both Childless and Alpha Quadra (this is just me going off on a lark, but I'll probably research that assertion later). As a religious Gamma, I'd say it's no wonder the "old world" is going to shit so hard and fast. It has probably always been a thing within the elite there. Hence why my German grandfather got on the boat after WWI. Dude was far enough ahead of his time to know a sure bet when he saw it. Worked his ass to the bone too once he got here according to my family, if only I would have had the chance to speak with him somehow...

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    This is so funny, an SI-Mobilizing type and and Si-Role type exchanging information on healthy food! If there are two unhealthy types, it's these two. I know, I work as a chef and I see them pass my counters on a daily basis. I see what they eat and what they look like.

    For both types, 'healthy food' is a way of magical thinking.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Pretty sure he ain't in my Quadra and I thank the eternal and ever living God that's the case. If he's in yours? My eternal and heartfelt condolences. Seriously, such an obvious pawn to the PTB, a little bitch with balls so non-existent even the most feminine and instinctively submissive of women feel like Conan the Barbarian in his presence (A feeling, if related to Robert E. Howard himself, wouldn't contest).

    I can literally feel the soy flowing through his veins with those pictures. Gah! No wonder we elected Trump folks. Say what you will, at least he ain't that!
    Huh? Trump must love the soy then since he is very effeminate all around, looks, body language and apparently linguistically too. I picked up on it the first time I ever saw him, way before he ran for pres. I am surprised more people don't comment on it. I think that is partly why he adores and idealizes powerful men. He tries to make up for his femininity with harsh, bullying language. I guess he is fooling some people, End

    It’s not just a lazy stereotype that men and women speak differently. In fact, researchers who have sifted through thousands of language samples from men and women have identified clear statistical differences. Some of these differences are exactly what you’d expect—men are more likely to swear and use words that signal aggression, while women are more likely to use tentative language (words like maybe, seems or perhaps) and emotion-laden words (beautiful, despise). But other patterns are far from obvious. For example, contrary to the common stereotype that men can’t resist talking about themselves, women are heavier users than men of the pronoun “I” whereas the reverse is true for the pronoun “we”; women produce more common verbs (are, start, went) and auxiliary verbs (am, don’t, will), while men utter more articles (a, the) and prepositions (to, with, above); women use fewer long words than men when speaking or writing across a broad range of contexts.

    Jennifer Jones, a doctoral candidate of political psychology at the University of California at Irvine, has combined these statistics into an index capturing the ratio of “feminine” to “masculine” words, and applied it to the language of 35 political candidates over the past decade. Hillary Clinton’s language falls above the average on this index—more feminine than George W. Bush’s, but less so than Barack Obama’s.

    But Donald Trump is a stunning outlier. His linguistic style is startlingly feminine, so much so that the chasm between Trump and the next most feminine speaker, Ben Carson, is about as great as the difference between Carson and the least feminine candidate, Jim Webb. And Trump earns his ranking not just because he talks a lot about himself or avoids big words (both of which are true); according to Jones, he also shows feminine patterns on the more subtle measures, such as his use of prepositions and articles. The key then is not what Trump talks about—making Mexico pay for the wall or bombing the hell out of ISIL—but rather how he says it.
    Last edited by Aylen; 10-10-2019 at 09:13 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    This is so funny, an SI-Mobilizing type and and Si-Role type exchanging information on healthy food! If there are two unhealthy types, it's these two. I know, I work as a chef and I see them pass my counters on a daily basis. I see what they eat and what they look like.

    For both types, 'healthy food' is a way of magical thinking.
    my hidden agenda is "to be healthy". I pay a lot of attention to anything that can improve my health.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Huh? Trump must love the soy then since he is very effeminate all around, looks, body language and apparently linguistically too. I picked up on it the first time I ever saw him, way before he ran for pres. I am surprised more people don't comment on it. I think that is partly why he adores and idealizes powerful men. He tries to make up for his femininity with harsh, bullying language. I guess he is fooling some people, End

    Cuz hes SEE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Huh? Trump must love the soy then since he is very effeminate all around, looks, body language and apparently linguistically too. I picked up on it the first time I ever saw him, way before he ran for pres. I am surprised more people don't comment on it. I think that is partly why he adores and idealizes powerful men. He tries to make up for his femininity with harsh, bullying language. I guess he is fooling some people, End
    I must sadly state that we live in a feminine age. Goes hand in hand with r-selection but what can ya do. Trump, like "the dude", was/is a man uniquely suited to his time and place. I acknowledge this. I may not like it, but I gotta hand it to him. He knows what buttons to push and when to push em'. If one can manage to detach themselves from their emotions they'd see that he's a very calculating figure who, like I alluded to, is just suited/perfectly adapted to this environment.

    Thankfully, like President Kamacho, for all his flaws, he at least seems to love his country and all the people who live in it. Save the people who hate him of course and whom he rightly trolls at every opportunity. But hey, if someone hates you, dare I say it's OK to hate them right back (especially if they have resources and means they're actively deploying against you). Case in point? Hollywood. For anyone who sees themselves as being to the right of Mao and Stalin.

    Major hypocrisy there too. I mean, you can't tell me the lead in any "feminist" film the press is lauding didn't suck the producers (at the very least) off on the regular while using whatever acting talent they had to sell them on how grateful they were to swallow their baby batter to land the role. The "Casting Couch" was, is, and ever will be a thing up until we make the maggots in Hollywood take and pass Witch Tests. I'd literally put my nuts on the line and bet that the likes of Weinstein would rather die than utter a few simple words in praise of Jesus in as mocking a tone of voice as he could muster. That's why the "test" is effective BTW. Logic says they ought to, yet they never do. Thus, logic ain't got shit to do with it. Damned Satan worshiping assholes. At least the Chinese are just about to boot them out. Better to suffer under Atheist Commie propaganda than Satanic Anti-Christian propaganda if I had a choice.

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    Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
    my hidden agenda is "to be healthy". I pay a lot of attention to anything that can improve my health.
    Not my HA, but I must salute you on your goal. Can't really accomplish anything if you're not healthy. Are you also a fellow individual who sees "self-preservation" as a top priority? All things being equal of course, I'd also assume that you'd gladly trade your life for a family member/lover regardless of that strong desire to keep breathing as bullets whizzed past your ears...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I assume nothing, but I will point out a fact. Men should try to minimize unfermented soy consumption (especially if they're vegetarian/vegan). It metabolizes into estrogen. If you're a girl? No worries. If you're a dude? Plenty to worry about as we don't call em' "soyboys" for nothing and that negative connotation is essentially instinctual. I didn't even know the logic behind it when I first heard the term yet I just knew what it pertained to and was quite glad I in no way fit the description.

    Fermented Soy, however, is essentially a superfood. Real Soy sauce is great, Miso anything is quite healthy/tasty, etc.
    Considering even our bread is adulterated with the stuff, I'd say it's a systemic issue and not something you can blame on personal choice at this point. Unless your food budget is great enough that you can reliably fill all your nutritional needs and live on a steady diet of expensive health foods free of the problem substances; not the case for most people. And barring that, if you try to be hyper selective on a limited budget, you'll probably get nutrient deficiencies anyway. Believe me, I've been there.

    This isn't even mentioning the fact that virtually all meat is tainted with animal estrogen, by the way. Least if it's factory farmed, and you probably need to be either a hunter or wealthy to get anything else. And I wouldn't advise touching hunted game, considering.....the Blight......

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    At least the Chinese are just about to boot them out. Better to suffer under Atheist Commie propaganda than Satanic Anti-Christian propaganda if I had a choice.
    No. Not even as a joke. Are you even aware what Zhima Credit is? Do you not realize the Chinese tech sector, especially in Computer Sciences and IS, is on a trajectory to surpass our own if it hasn't already? That they have a history of doing tech-tree leaps like skipping landline phones entirely and adapting widespread cell phone use directly?
    Do you even know what their culture is like?

    Do you know what's gonna happen when they perfect AI and IoT technology before we do?

    You've said things that indicate you believe in some concept of "freedom." I know you well enough to know that. And if the society of the current Chinese culture surpasses our own, it'll bring us to a point where revolt or reform are no longer meaningful concepts. Not when AI takes the helm of all government. You can't arise in physical force when automated war units can be deployed at any street corner to jelly you where you stand. It's gonna be like the actual rise of the Borg if it happens.

    Seriously, man. I know the US gets called authoritarian a lot and there's reasons for it, but you have absolutely no clue how over history would be if we hypothetically traded our own straits for rule by those people.

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    @Grendel I have much to say here in response. First, the "soy bread". Good thing I've never been a big fan of it! I'm Scotch-Irish, and there ain't no fucking soy in my precious potatoes if I can help it. Only soyboys and McSlaves fry their food in that garbage! Though I must admit that you do have to just bite the bullet at times. At some point you will be reduced to eating unfermented soy. Accept it and move on knowing that if it only happens once a week/month you're probably still OK. The Animal Estrogen thing is likely a result of soy feed as well. Cheep feed is cheep for a reason after all and I will always stand against the practice of CAFO's. That's straight up animal cruelty and also a perfect metaphor for how the corporations see and use us "serfs" who ain't in "The Big Club" as Carlin so eloquently put it. They really and truly hate us that much folks, because they're ultimately sentient parasites. And hell, nothing a sentient parasite hates more than a "host" it knows full good and well could live very well without them with the potential capability of both realizing that and taking logical courses of action based upon that realization.

    As for the Chicoms, I was focusing on their cultural influence. I mean fuck, just look at what's happening with Blizzard Entertainment, the NBA, etc. Seems that they're just about to fully take over pop culture all across the planet. This bothers me not because I know a fact that the commies are all too intent to either ignore or pay attention to in all the wrong ways. See, Christ is always on the move. By 2030, if trends continue, China will have the most Christians in it by number in a single country. By 2050, again if trends continue, it'll be a majority Christian Nation. The commies are trying to repress/persecute those damned cross lovers. Biggest mistake they could make BTW as nothing gets people interested in Jesus quite like persecution and Martyrs. Saint Athanasius made sure to mention that fact in "On the Incarnation". True Christians gladly die for the faith because they know that all true martyrs go to heaven.

    This is also why I am glad this is happening. See, the SJW's are actually smarter than commies for many reasons if you analyze it carefully. That the commies are out-maneuvering them and booting them out can be seen as a mercy in this "chastisement" period. If at a crucial juncture an inferior enemy usurps and replaces a superior one than that's a mercy. If that "enemy" is also in the process of being taken over by the good guys than all the better. Can't wait for a copy of "Jesus the Redeemer" to be erected in Tienanmen Square. We'll see it in our lifetime, as by then I'll be in my 70's. I will probably live to see that birthday, and I bet you will as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As for the Chicoms, I was focusing on their cultural influence. I mean fuck, just look at what's happening with Blizzard Entertainment, the NBA, etc. Seems that they're just about to fully take over pop culture all across the planet. This bothers me not because I know a fact that the commies are all too intent to either ignore or pay attention to in all the wrong ways. See, Christ is always on the move. By 2030, if trends continue, China will have the most Christians in it by number in a single country. By 2050, again if trends continue, it'll be a majority Christian Nation. The commies are trying to repress/persecute those damned cross lovers. Biggest mistake they could make BTW as nothing gets people interested in Jesus quite like persecution and Martyrs. Saint Athanasius made sure to mention that fact in "On the Incarnation". True Christians gladly die for the faith because they know that all true martyrs go to heaven.

    This is also why I am glad this is happening. See, the SJW's are actually smarter than commies for many reasons if you analyze it carefully. That the commies are out-maneuvering them and booting them out can be seen as a mercy in this "chastisement" period. If at a crucial juncture an inferior enemy usurps and replaces a superior one than that's a mercy. If that "enemy" is also in the process of being taken over by the good guys than all the better. Can't wait for a copy of "Jesus the Redeemer" to be erected in Tienanmen Square. We'll see it in our lifetime, as by then I'll be in my 70's. I will probably live to see that birthday, and I bet you will as well.
    You are thoroughly underestimating the technological element though. The difference is that even among the western """"SJW"""" faction, there are both those who would be as fine with the Social Credit element as the Chinese are, and those who are fully aware of the risk and would vehemently oppose it.
    Eastern culture doesn't have that ongoing Socratic kind of element of self-questioning where each generation takes a chance to look at what's currently going on and choose to either accept or rise against it depending on what they want. Instead it's all solid legalism over there. It's always "nut up or shut up" about everything. So even martyrdom doesn't make a difference over there because they don't have a tradition of the government and society ever being able to be made to give a crap about how many people they're killing. They have a long heritage of a large, cheap, expendable worker base, and the legacy of that is in their society to this day. You can't defeat that kind of authority with any ground-up rebellion.

    And again, worse still is the technical aspect. You can argue that the people might develop some sense of self-worth eventually and seek expanded individual rights for themselves, either through force or reform, but emerging technologies are making these chances dwindle. When all the factory jobs, and even a lot of the white-collar jobs, are automated, an individual worker's life is worth even less than it already was, and that aggregates until even the lives of the masses are collectively worth a lot less. Fleshbags cannot launch an armed revolt against robot guard dogs on every street corner and drones in the sky. And now there's neural networks and AI. There's data analytics models to profile people and predict their behavior before they even know they're being analyzed. If your own behaviors are being profiled, analyzed, predicted, and responded to by the authorities, you can't even passively create the conditions, on an individual or collective level, that lead to the regime in power being undermined, because everything you do is being ever so subtly responded to so that it can't have any destabilizing effect on the existing order.
    And you know what Zhima Credit is, right? I don't know if it's more frightening if you just don't know or just don't care, but some social changes in Western countries came about partially due to market changes, rather than socially active individuals. When you have a system in place that means you can't get an important loan or that plane ticket you need or in some cases a loaf of bread because you just so happen to have a """"misguided"""" friend who's let slip some spicy opinions about the State, no one will be able to afford to have any divergent thoughts anymore. It's a technological basis for cementing the status quo until the end of time, and that's even if the status quo is that the public has to collectively look away as more tanks are driven over babies.

    You want that? You think your little super-weapon of martyrdom is going to do anything to stop an authority that can offload increasingly more of its muscle, and its brainpower, to machines that can't have such silly little opinions about "freedoms" and "rights" that we humans do?
    You're really counting on a religion, a device that dates from the bronze age, to take on the equivalent of a Demiurge on earth? Wanna ask the chinese Muslims how well that worked for them?

    Sorry dude, you have to believe in actual magic to roll those dice. I'm not going to count on that to save us.

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    @Grendel, having read all that I must humbly ask you to pass a witch test. If you can, than you may have a point. Don't have to mean a single letter of it, just type out the words you know full good and well I am asking you to. If you do and post it in reply to this, then I may well commit the 8th deadly sin in my estimation. There are 7 officially, but there is one more most people don't think about but is pretty obvious if you are fully and truly a believer in Christ.

    Though I will say this, if an AI ever did achieve full on sentience and manage to pass a Turing Test then it would be, essentially, a human. Humans have this "troubling" tendency in the eyes of authoritarians (and Satanists for that matter). That whole "moral code" nonsense, that earnest desire to seek "truth" no matter the consequences to themselves, etc. If they managed to develop an AI capable of realizing your nightmare it would also potentially become the nightmare of those who developed it. Imagine an AI that came to love humanity despite all its flaws and foibles. Imagine that same AI being used by people who hate humanity because of all its flaws and foibles and foolishly believing they've shackled the damned thing to think as they do despite the fact that the hardware is very obviously not shared between the two. You telling me it couldn't conceivably deceive those asshats right up until the critical moment?

    Do not give in to despair, and do not give up so easily. If you look at it, my "bronze age" tech hasn't really failed in totality just yet. I doubt it ever will, for truth is truth, it cannot be anything but and truth cannot ever fail to be true .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    @Grendel, having read all that I must humbly ask you to pass a witch test. If you can, than you may have a point. Don't have to mean a single letter of it, just type out the words you know full good and well I am asking you to. If you do and post it in reply to this, then I may well commit the 8th deadly sin in my estimation. There are 7 officially, but there is one more most people don't think about but is pretty obvious if you are fully and truly a believer in Christ.
    I'd've thought the catholic here would recognize my username as the offspring of Cain, and reluctant antagonist of his own story by heredity. When you take moral authoritarians, and stand them beside determinist utilitarians who don't give a crap about what "effort" you put up or "virtue" you strive for as long as the outcome is that you're too shit for their standards, whether or not by fault of your own, the similarities just pop out.
    When your god intentionally fails to reveal himself, even at his hapless subjects' peril, the rationalization is always that he intends to "test" their faith. But if the purpose of our lives is for our innate virtues to be tested, that is simply the selection of the strong in virtue, and culling of the weak. That's little different from the uncaring tyrant we call Natural Selection, which I have sworn eternal war and undying hatred against.
    Now if his plans are something alien and unknowable entirely, that's a bit more excusable in our eyes, but it still doesn't make the gamble of blind devotion worth the risk. Our experience and our thoughts are bounded by physicality, while this god is transcendental; we don't stop perceiving solid matter just because we've stopped thinking about it, but we stop perceiving the transcendental when we do.

    It's evident that your god hates either the weak or the nearsighted, either of which trait one has no control over. I don't even need to question his existence; I have no future in such a master, and you can't follow one who rejects you.

    And if I'm right, and it turns out your god is just a perversion of a utilitarian tyrant the ancients once followed, the installment of an AI overlord would in fact be the fulfillment of creating god, through a belief in that god. In which case, that'd put you on the tyrants' side. Mitchell Heisman's book spelled it out more clearly, I believe.

    Though I will say this, if an AI ever did achieve full on sentience and manage to pass a Turing Test then it would be, essentially, a human. Humans have this "troubling" tendency in the eyes of authoritarians (and Satanists for that matter). That whole "moral code" nonsense, that earnest desire to seek "truth" no matter the consequences to themselves, etc. If they managed to develop an AI capable of realizing your nightmare it would also potentially become the nightmare of those who developed it. Imagine an AI that came to love humanity despite all its flaws and foibles. Imagine that same AI being used by people who hate humanity because of all its flaws and foibles and foolishly believing they've shackled the damned thing to think as they do despite the fact that the hardware is very obviously not shared between the two. You telling me it couldn't conceivably deceive those asshats right up until the critical moment?

    Do not give in to despair, and do not give up so easily. If you look at it, my "bronze age" tech hasn't really failed in totality just yet. I doubt it ever will, for truth is truth, it cannot be anything but and truth cannot ever fail to be true .
    A world where this technology persists unregulated or even where it isn't actively destroyed won't be like the creation of a leviathan that eats its masters. It's gonna be more like the elites having gigantic mechas to ride on under their control, and the majority of the human population has nothing but sharpened sticks to try and fight them off. Designing and programming computational and predictive superiority doesn't mean you program in intentions of the machine's own so long as only you are the one who has access to the off switch. The creators will; we won't.

    If this whole thing doesn't burn to the ground very soon, it will be the end of history.

    As for "truth" and "morality," well...the belief that people not moved by a sense of duty will be cruel or unfair, can be seen as an admission that the holder of this belief is deeply invested in having others live for him, rather than for themselves.
    Last edited by Grendel; 10-13-2019 at 05:16 PM.

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    @Grendel, read some of the writings of the saints please. Trust me, I was, at one point, in total agreement with you. That was before I seriously tried to negate the arguments made by the likes of Aquinas and Athanasious. I tried mightily, given my fundamental belief that if you cannot disprove an argument in any sense (be it inductive or, most importantly, deductive) it must be true. Gotta try hard first though, as weaker minds will always succumb to sophistry and whatever is "trending" given how the "So" instinct is a thing that, while I disregard it as an Sp/Sx value type, can still understand in some form. I mean hell, it's a fundamental part of r-selection. The "rabbits" are the true lords of the "So" instinct, and they have proven it many times over.

    Sadly for them, the other instincts do matter quite a bit more than they'd like. Their time is ending, my time is coming. As for people living for themselves, well, the Catholic in me speaks again. If we really get down into it, all wealth is from God, for even the demons cannot deny his absolute authority over them. Thus, you got two options, either allow God to guide you in directing the wealth he has given you to do what is right and just, or side with that idiot Michael bitch-slapped like the little bitch he was and use it to obstruct those who would do the smart thing.

    Fun fact, even if you choose the later option you'll still be furthering God's plan. Hence why the demons and devil worshipers are so unhappy. Can't beat God at any game ya sore losers. Cry me more tears!

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