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    AkuManiMani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    1. Could you please explain this sort of notation?
    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    A - Si(Ti) |= Te/Se B - Ni(Ti) |= Te/Ne C - Si(Fi) |= Fe/Se D - Ni(Fi) |= Fe/Ne

    Alright, so this notation was developed from Aleesha's own initial notes in what I would later go on to call "foci". This is initially explained in section 8 "Foci & Modes", using SLI and LSI as illustrative examples.

    Every row is a notation readout for the default modal interactions in each of a TIM's four capacities, listed in alphabetical order. The left side of each expression shows the main focal element interaction of the given capacity -- i.e. the first function acting upon the fourth [1.(4.)]

    The |= is the "entailment" symbol, denoting that the secondary focal relation on the right side of the expression -- i.e. second function production with third function occlusion [2./3.] -- is a logical consequence of the main interaction. Basically, the first function of each capacity -- the default "accepting" function -- sets its metabolic pace.

    [ Of course, a TIM can temporarily switch modes by shifting their conscious focus to the capacity's alternate accepting function. A prominent example of this would be switching gears to actively engage one's A3 (i.e. the "ignoring" function) to handle tasks it's better suited to than the base function. This is more difficult to pull off in the other capacities -- particularly with one's D-capacity. ]

    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    2. Okay, so in the ILE example you gave, if I'm not mistaken the following functional position in the C and B blocks would correspond with the following roles:
    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    B1 (3d) - "Actuation" Se(T) ("correspondent") B2 (2d) - "Habitus" Ti(S) ("collaborative") B3 (2d) - "Observation" Si(T) ("compensatory") B4 (3d) - "Praxis" Te(S) ("instrumental") C1 (3d) - "Inspiration" Ne(F) ("subsidiary") C2 (2d) - "Soul" Fi(N) ("negligent") C3 (2d) - "Aspiration" Ni(F) ("prompting") C4 (3d) - "Sentiment" Fe(N) ("activating")

    That is correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    My question is; do you plan on providing behavioral explanations for these new denominations in a future version of the document(or could you perhaps provide them now) ?

    I was intending to fully articulate descriptions for each new function position at some point when I had the time to properly do it justice. I was hoping their titles would connote an intuitive sense of what they do, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give short explanations for each, as well as a general description of the capacities they operate in.

    First tho, I think I should reiterate that the capacities are, in a sense, echoes of a TIM's A capacity. Function positions of the same number hold elements of the same phase, each serving comparable roles to their equivalents in the other capacities -- qualified by the varying function dichotomies and dimensionalities of each position, of course.

    Now, with that disclaimer out of the way...

    B-Capacity - this and the A-capacity together comprise the "foreground" facet of a TIM. They hold the elements that take the fore in one's active engagement with the world, with the B Capacity serving an auxiliary role to the A -- its metaphorical "right-hand".

    B1. "Correspondent" (bold, strong, favored & subdued) - this function is usually right at the periphery of one's awareness, acting as a ready liaison and complement to one's "base" (A1). One values and is fairly confident in their use of this function, which typically overshadows the usage of its background counterpart, the "role" function (D1). As with one's "base", once conclusions are formed via this function, they tend to be firm and unwavering. However, being as how it operates against the grain of one's prevailing direction of metabolic flow, maintaining focused attention on it for extended periods can be somewhat draining. Shifting one's awareness through this position is also necessary to engage and enable conscious usage of the "collaborative" (B2) function.

    B2. "Collaborative" - 2d - (cautious, weak, favored & subdued) - use of this function is careful and deliberate, with element aspects in this position being taken seriously enough to direct the application of its stronger B1 tandem partner once engaged. The "collaborative" is most comparable with the "creative" function of A-capacity (A2). However, unlike with A2, a TIM generally lacks the same surety and easy facility with this function, so they tend to welcome constructive feedback and co-operative support from others in its output. Due to its relative weakness, manifestation of this position's element is often heavily influenced by the "instrumental" function.

    B3. "Compensatory" - 2d - (cautious, weak, menial & prevailing) - an individual discreetly, and offhandedly engages this function out of necessity -- often as a means of shoring up weaknesses of their "suggestive" function, or facilitating conscious B4 usage. Like the "Ignoring" function (A3), one doesn't usually bother paying much direct conscious attention to it. Even so, the "compensatory" is liable to be consciously engaged somewhat more frequently, even if in much shorter spurts than it's A3 counterpart.

    B4. "Instrumental" - 3d - (bold, strong, menial & prevailing) - this function gets a lot of mileage, often having steady automatic use even while one's direct attention is focused on their "base". More conscious usage of this function occurs via the engagement of its accepting "compensatory" (B3) partner. Similar to the "demonstrative" (A4) function, use of the "instrumental" function is strong, confident, and largely taken for granted. However, the difference is that while it too isn't prized as a metabolic end in itself, it's taken somewhat more seriously as a reliable supplementary tool in the service of one's favored metabolic ends.

    C-Capacity - this and the D-capacity together comprise the "background" facet of a TIM, with C elements being considerably easier to maintain focus on and use than their D counterparts. Expression of these functions is usually filtered through, and from the perspective of, an individual's foreground elements.

    C1. "Subsidiary" - 3d - (bold, strong, menial & prevailing) - sharing the same metabolic phase and polarity as one's base function -- while being of "menial" value -- this position's operations end up being largely subsumed by the usage of it's A1 counterpart. One can readily & confidently engage this function, but its usage is most often in the background of one's awareness, and overwhelmingly co-opted in favor of the agendas set with a TIM's "base" function. This typically results in careless output from the "subsidiary's" tandem partner, the "negligent" (C2) function.

    C2. "Negligent" - 2d - (cautious, weak, menial & prevailing) - a TIM's attitude towards the element occupying this position is most comparable to that of their "vulnerable" (D2) function. This function is pretty much used with the same reckless indifference as its D2 counterpart, but with significantly more ease, and usually operating more at the margins of one's awareness. Not much care is afforded to the expression of this function, so long as it's in accord with the element occupying the "activating" function (C4).

    C3. "Prompting" - 2d - (cautious, weak, favored & subdued) - this position functions somewhat similarly to one's "suggestive" function" (D3). However, being a 2-dimensional function, one has a considerably easier time using it on one's own, though outside contributions from others is often appreciated. In the absence of an outside source providing quality input, this function generally operates very much in the background of one's awareness, occasionally chiming in with apparently spontaneous feedback pertinent to the usage of a TIM's "base" element. This position is also crucial in modulating it's tandem partner, the "activating" (C4) function.

    C4. "Activating" - 3d - (bold, strong, favored & subdued) - this position is functionally akin to one's mobilizing function; running in the background, heavily influencing the usage of one's valued foreground elements. In this case, however, being a 3d position makes conscious engagement with this function considerably easier, and the subject has a greater mastery of it. More than almost any other background function, a TIM is liable to consciously engage and eagerly bring feedback from this function to the fore of their interactions -- especially in response to "collaborative" function requests for assistance. When not being consciously engaged, this function "revs up" the conscious output of one's "creative" function (A2). Unlike the "mobilizing" function, however, C4 doesn't direct the application of a TIM's creative output.
    Last edited by AkuManiMani; 10-19-2019 at 03:26 PM. Reason: formatting headaches, function description updates

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