Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I believe I already gave some suggestions for self typing in another thread for you awhile back so no need to repost the same things. Anyway I think you are fairly settled on EIE if I am not confusing you for someone else.
Well this is an old thread that someone dug up, I know my type by now.

As for the topic of death, it is probably my pet subject. My great obsession. If I was a superhero or supervillain, it would be the one idea that would be my torture for the duration of the movie. The inevitability that each and every one of us is absolutely being pushed into the great unknown, and nobody is excempt, rich or poor, thief or prime minister. Despite every single distraction, every vacation, every social get together and the sense of meaning they provide, it is all going to culminate in a final period at the end of the sentence. The memory of the smile of your lover will simply wash away with you, all the movies you watched, every piece of culture and song thay was important is temporary info.

But i'm preaching to the choir here, you know this already and have probably thought those things as many times as I, or more.
To comment on your points in the spoiler, I would probably fall in the second category, if any of them. However, I do not act so arrogantly that I think myself wise on the nature of non-existence. It is beyond knowledge, it is not part of existence. We are part of existence, and we can only know of other parts of existence. We know however, that that is precisely the destination of everything, and the struggle to confront the lack of sense in the matter is precisely what is terrifying. A lack of answer, and the knowledge that there will never be an answer, yet knowing that you will be thrust into it. The mind cannot process it, and it triggers panic. We were never meant to be intelligent enough to ponder such information in the first place, but now here we are. And we have to deal with it.

I am not a nihilist or even an absurdist in the face of this though. I am convinced of the search of meaning. This shall all mean something, because the human spirit does not give up on the world it was born into. We feel the yearning for meaning, so something out there has to be able to fill that yearning. Something is never created without its dual component. Every lock has a key, all poison has an antidote and all physical processes have an opposite reaction. The lack of meaning and the yearning is calling out for the lost twin. It is out there and it is up to us to find it. Death does therefore not render existence meaningnless

but I still shit myself thinking about it. jfc