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Thread: Youtopia

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  1. #1
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Default Youtopia

    I haven't seen this one before. It asks you to choose words that describe you. It tries to make it look like MBTI. It is mostly a gimmicky spin-off. The examples of the types are not in alignment with many MBTI typings either. It is kind of interesting since you get to choose words you feel describe you. I think they could have put a lot more effort into choosing the animals for some of the types. I don't see myself as a humpback whale or panda.

    You belong to the Humpback Whale (INFP) Tribe!

    Daydreamer extraordinaire, you are an old soul, floating peacefully, and sometimes aimlessly, in the waters of your own reflection. You are the most intuitive of all the types; and while society doesn’t always take kindly to your esoteric behavior, it is your intuition that helps you stay strong in those moments of persecution and doubt, exuding a quiet confidence that whispers to the rest of us, “I know something that you don’t”—and if everyone were to be truthful, they would admit the same.

    Your Deviant Role

    Take the purest ideal of your type, and twist it until it’s nothing more than a gnarled monstrosity of human pathos. That is your Deviant Role.
    Learn more about Deviant Roles

    You belong to the Giant Panda (INFJ) Tribe!

    You are the stereotypical underdog, the idealistic reformer plugging away in the trenches of a system in dire need of change. Your sensitivity and academic prowess are two traits that, though rarely receiving much popular acclaim, you use to great effect, counseling those previously thought to be inconsolable, and nudging slowly but surely towards progress a structure previously thought to be immovable

    Your Deviant Role

    Take the purest ideal of your type, and twist it until it’s nothing more than a gnarled monstrosity of human pathos. That is your Deviant Role.
    Learn more about Deviant Roles

    By changing 4 words, in total, (different sections) I got different results. I was unsure which words were more fitting the first time so I tried again. The whale description sounds a bit more interesting than the panda, so I go with the whale on this one.

    Animals themes are popping up lately on the forum so it was a funny synch I followed a link to this quiz.

    Last edited by Aylen; 10-22-2019 at 07:18 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  2. #2

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    Giant panda?

    I do feel a soul connection with pandas. They are cute but really useless and can't even procreate or anything.

  3. #3
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    ENFP - baboon

    Not bad. The deviant role sounds more ENFj-ish but I’ll take it. I’ve always thought I had kind of a primate energy (but we are primates so that’s a given ).
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

  6. #6
    Number 9 large's Avatar
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    Now which one is more 4 and which one more 9 @Aylen

  7. #7

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    I got INFP too, as I typically do on most MBTI tests. It's not a phase mom!!!!!

    Function-wise I am INFJ but practicers of MBTI rarely use functions it seems, instead they rely on portraits and the dichotomies, and these typically align better with IEI, and EII seems to align better with INFJ portrait/dichotomy-wise. Same dilemma for all introverted types as MBTI for some weird reason decided to flip the p/j but only for the introverted types.

    Oh MBTI sucks btw, just erase it from everyone's memory

  8. #8
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    Infp, who knew

  9. #9
    Anglas's Avatar
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    You belong to the Bear (ISFJ) Tribe!

    Soft-spoken, kind, and loyal to the very end, you have all of the qualities of a protector. You dread the thought of being in the spotlight; it’s a good thing for you that your genuine humility keeps you conveniently behind the scenes. Sometimes you might defer to your loved ones too often, but when it comes to ensuring their safety, your vigilance is unparalleled.

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    ipsa scientia potestas est-adaequatio intellectus et rei

  11. #11
    WinnieW's Avatar
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    ENFP – Baboon

  12. #12
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    Want me to get another result? I can probably get anything u want

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Psychic/Ghost Type Nunki's Avatar
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    It said INFP. In fact, I'm a very clear-cut INFJ in the MBTI.

  15. #15
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  16. #16
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Default I don’t think I’m very competitive. Also all of this stuff can fit socionics SLE.

    You belong to the Shark (ISTP) Tribe!


    The fiercest of all the types, you have an aggressive mentality and hypercompetitiveness that sometimes strikes fear into the hearts of the more passive types. Sometimes they just perceive you as a jerk. You are blunt and straightforward, and place a high value on skill. People are either good at things or they’re not, and you take great pride in your ability to master a specific craft, as you feel it is much more a product of your discipline and dedication than any raw talent.

    The Shark – ISTP

    Sharks are the most active of all the 16 types, which, considering their incredibly active SP siblings, is saying something. Few would mistake them for the equally quiet, yet gentle Butterfly, nor would the clever, bend-the-rules mentality they share with the Fox, ever be enough to confuse the Shark’s verbal conciseness with that of the Fox’s verbosity. The aggressive, physical nature of Sharks is so pronounced that it makes them the easiest temperament to identify, their actions speaking louder than any words might.
    The Specialist

    I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint.”
    – Frida Kahlo
    The most noticeable trait of Sharks is their unparalleled facility with tools. This is why Sharks learn best when engaged kinesthetically. They want to touch things, move things, and have an immediate impact on the world around them. In the hands of a Shark, a simple tool is elevated to its fullest potential: Picasso’s brush, Miles Davis’ trumpet, or nunchucks in the hands of Bruce Lee. This virtuosity doesn’t come easy. Sharks will spend hours and hours practicing until they can fully master whatever tool they choose. That being said, it is not a shock that Sharks wither away in occupations that don’t utilize this talent—put them in a cubicle, assign them a stack of paperwork, and they are likely to destroy one and burn the other. For this same reason, Sharks commonly struggle in school. Sitting around listening to a teacher lecture on history is torture to the active ISTP; Sharks don’t want to memorize facts about war, they want to engage in it. For those Sharks who are academically gifted, school is tedious, but doable, though even among those, few rarely choose to pursue postgraduate study. This might explain the dearth of surgeons in the world. A surgeon is essentially a master tool-user, albeit a highly educated one, thus it is an occupation that is rife with Sharks—is it any wonder that so many surgeons choose tool-based hobbies like golf and fishing as their go-to entertainment? Unfortunately, for those Sharks who lack those intellectual gifts, school can be grueling, and it is not out of the ordinary to see them misbehave. And unlike their SP siblings, the Fox and the Peacock, who also have a habit of disregarding the rules, Sharks lack the requisite charm required to avoid discipline from their, likely SJ, teachers. However, put a tool in their hands, whether it’s a ball, a wrench, a hammer, or a paintbrush, and watch them become a star.
    The Hunter

    I wanted to play it with an economy of words and create this whole feeling through attitude and movement… I felt the less he said the stronger he became and the more he grew in the imagination of the audience.
    – Clint Eastwood
    In words and actions, a Shark chooses carefully. There are neither extraneous sentences nor wasted movements, as a Shark, when focused, can be extremely precise and patient, like a predator waiting for the perfect time to strike. Nevertheless, because of their penchant for reflexive action, these traits might go unnoticed; there is a common misconception that Sharks are incapable of forethought. In actuality, a Shark’s tendency to throw themselves into a situation with reckless abandon is just a reflection of their ability to scan the environment and gather an incredible amount of information in the limited time before they must react—Sharks will not sit idly by during times of action. What seems like recklessness is more an indication of the Shark’s ability to think faster than others. More cautious types will view this lightning-fast decision-making as rash behavior brought on by immaturity. The truth is, the difference between an inexperienced Shark and an experienced one is not discretion; it’s ability level. And the speed at which a Shark pounces on its prey often masks the hours spent hiding in the bushes.
    The Aggressor

    It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it; your mother had it coming. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I’ll be waiting.
    – The Bride (“Kill Bill”)
    There is absolutely no subtleness to the Shark. They will tell you what they think, when they think it. This bluntness is one of the few things they share with NTs. However, whereas the NT is frequently oblivious to the offense that might be taken due to their honesty, a Shark really doesn’t care if they hurt someone’s feelings. They hate when people mince words. It’s almost as if the Shark interprets verbal discretion as an expression of fear; and if it’s one thing that Sharks want everyone to know, it’s that they’re not afraid of anything. When problems arise, Sharks like to meet them head on and aggressively, favoring the “might makes right” approach that usually serves them well. This can cause problems in situations that require a more nuanced, tactful approach. It can also be disadvantageous when combating other aggressive types, as Sharks will often find their directness being out-maneuvered by wily Foxes, or strategically overwhelmed by Killer Whales. Regardless, Sharks are widely respected for their confident, attack-first mentality, and it would be wise to remember this: they’re great to have as a friend, and terrible to have as an enemy.
    The Action Hero

    [Jerry Krause] said organizations win championships. I said, “I didn’t see organizations playing with the flu in Utah.”– Michael Jordan
    Sharks live for the pressure. Whether it’s nailing a shot at the buzzer, scaling a rocky cliff sans climbing harness, or performing an emergency transplant surgery, Sharks are addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes with having to block out all other distractions, including friends and teammates, in order to succeed at a singularly vital task. This ultra-focus can cause them to appear callous and arrogant, putting quite a dent in their leadership capabilities. They have very little patience for the weaker members of the group, and when push comes to shove, a Shark will prefer to do a task themselves rather than delegate it to a person of lesser ability. A Shark might argue that this is just them leading by example. Other types might view it as the actions of a lone wolf. Either way, whether their teammates or co-workers love them or hate them, there is no one they trust more to take the last shot.

  17. #17
    Number 9 large's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    You belong to the Shark (ISTP) Tribe!


    The fiercest of all the types, you have an aggressive mentality and hypercompetitiveness that sometimes strikes fear into the hearts of the more passive types. Sometimes they just perceive you as a jerk. You are blunt and straightforward, and place a high value on skill. People are either good at things or they’re not, and you take great pride in your ability to master a specific craft, as you feel it is much more a product of your discipline and dedication than any raw talent.

    The Shark – ISTP

    Sharks are the most active of all the 16 types, which, considering their incredibly active SP siblings, is saying something. Few would mistake them for the equally quiet, yet gentle Butterfly, nor would the clever, bend-the-rules mentality they share with the Fox, ever be enough to confuse the Shark’s verbal conciseness with that of the Fox’s verbosity. The aggressive, physical nature of Sharks is so pronounced that it makes them the easiest temperament to identify, their actions speaking louder than any words might.
    The Specialist

    I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy to be alive as long as I can paint.”
    – Frida Kahlo
    The most noticeable trait of Sharks is their unparalleled facility with tools. This is why Sharks learn best when engaged kinesthetically. They want to touch things, move things, and have an immediate impact on the world around them. In the hands of a Shark, a simple tool is elevated to its fullest potential: Picasso’s brush, Miles Davis’ trumpet, or nunchucks in the hands of Bruce Lee. This virtuosity doesn’t come easy. Sharks will spend hours and hours practicing until they can fully master whatever tool they choose. That being said, it is not a shock that Sharks wither away in occupations that don’t utilize this talent—put them in a cubicle, assign them a stack of paperwork, and they are likely to destroy one and burn the other. For this same reason, Sharks commonly struggle in school. Sitting around listening to a teacher lecture on history is torture to the active ISTP; Sharks don’t want to memorize facts about war, they want to engage in it. For those Sharks who are academically gifted, school is tedious, but doable, though even among those, few rarely choose to pursue postgraduate study. This might explain the dearth of surgeons in the world. A surgeon is essentially a master tool-user, albeit a highly educated one, thus it is an occupation that is rife with Sharks—is it any wonder that so many surgeons choose tool-based hobbies like golf and fishing as their go-to entertainment? Unfortunately, for those Sharks who lack those intellectual gifts, school can be grueling, and it is not out of the ordinary to see them misbehave. And unlike their SP siblings, the Fox and the Peacock, who also have a habit of disregarding the rules, Sharks lack the requisite charm required to avoid discipline from their, likely SJ, teachers. However, put a tool in their hands, whether it’s a ball, a wrench, a hammer, or a paintbrush, and watch them become a star.
    The Hunter

    I wanted to play it with an economy of words and create this whole feeling through attitude and movement… I felt the less he said the stronger he became and the more he grew in the imagination of the audience.
    – Clint Eastwood
    In words and actions, a Shark chooses carefully. There are neither extraneous sentences nor wasted movements, as a Shark, when focused, can be extremely precise and patient, like a predator waiting for the perfect time to strike. Nevertheless, because of their penchant for reflexive action, these traits might go unnoticed; there is a common misconception that Sharks are incapable of forethought. In actuality, a Shark’s tendency to throw themselves into a situation with reckless abandon is just a reflection of their ability to scan the environment and gather an incredible amount of information in the limited time before they must react—Sharks will not sit idly by during times of action. What seems like recklessness is more an indication of the Shark’s ability to think faster than others. More cautious types will view this lightning-fast decision-making as rash behavior brought on by immaturity. The truth is, the difference between an inexperienced Shark and an experienced one is not discretion; it’s ability level. And the speed at which a Shark pounces on its prey often masks the hours spent hiding in the bushes.
    The Aggressor

    It was not my intention to do this in front of you. For that, I’m sorry. But you can take my word for it; your mother had it coming. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I’ll be waiting.
    – The Bride (“Kill Bill”)
    There is absolutely no subtleness to the Shark. They will tell you what they think, when they think it. This bluntness is one of the few things they share with NTs. However, whereas the NT is frequently oblivious to the offense that might be taken due to their honesty, a Shark really doesn’t care if they hurt someone’s feelings. They hate when people mince words. It’s almost as if the Shark interprets verbal discretion as an expression of fear; and if it’s one thing that Sharks want everyone to know, it’s that they’re not afraid of anything. When problems arise, Sharks like to meet them head on and aggressively, favoring the “might makes right” approach that usually serves them well. This can cause problems in situations that require a more nuanced, tactful approach. It can also be disadvantageous when combating other aggressive types, as Sharks will often find their directness being out-maneuvered by wily Foxes, or strategically overwhelmed by Killer Whales. Regardless, Sharks are widely respected for their confident, attack-first mentality, and it would be wise to remember this: they’re great to have as a friend, and terrible to have as an enemy.
    The Action Hero

    [Jerry Krause] said organizations win championships. I said, “I didn’t see organizations playing with the flu in Utah.”– Michael Jordan
    Sharks live for the pressure. Whether it’s nailing a shot at the buzzer, scaling a rocky cliff sans climbing harness, or performing an emergency transplant surgery, Sharks are addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes with having to block out all other distractions, including friends and teammates, in order to succeed at a singularly vital task. This ultra-focus can cause them to appear callous and arrogant, putting quite a dent in their leadership capabilities. They have very little patience for the weaker members of the group, and when push comes to shove, a Shark will prefer to do a task themselves rather than delegate it to a person of lesser ability. A Shark might argue that this is just them leading by example. Other types might view it as the actions of a lone wolf. Either way, whether their teammates or co-workers love them or hate them, there is no one they trust more to take the last shot.

    Hehe xd

  18. #18
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    I wanted to get “The teddy.” So close, but so far.

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    You belong to the Spider (INTJ) Tribe!

    The master of plans, you are, above all else, a theoretical realist. Your contingencies are based on acknowledged facts, catalogued data, and your own research and observations. You can be hard to get to know, as you are liable to put up plenty of defenses. Little do people know that there is a deep and caring person beneath that cold and complex scheming, and that wealth of caring is what usually drives your desire to solve the world’s problems, great and small.


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    INFP/Humpback whale.

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