Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
Do Fe types ever get offended if other people aren't being Fe to them due to their undervaluing Fi? @Alonzo
Indeed. It's as if someone is disrespecting or disregarding a "value" of theirs, a preferred lifestye and worldview that they are deeply committed to. The same could be said for Fi types, or Ni, Si, etc... when it comes to valued functions.

One of my best friends is EIE and when he cooks a meal for me and asks if I like it, if I don't visibly showcase/wear an emotion (and preferably a positive one) on my face, he will be disinclined to believe me, regardless of what I say. For Fe types, emotion has to be seen/outwardly expressed in order to be believed. Because I both don't value Fe AND I'm weak at it, I can get insecure and defensive about being "bullied" via what I believe is emotional extortion. Lol

But Fi types, who are more impassive, unreadable and reserved when it comes to wearing our feelings, don't require the same manner of feedback; my mom is a SEE and growing up she rarely asked me if I liked her food > she used Fi to close the psychological distance and read my mind, so to speak. She knew what I liked and didn't like. And on occasion where I'd say, "It's good" with a blank, deadpan face, she'd take my word for it because she knew I was being honest.