Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
An excerpt from Gulenko's description of SEI, Harmonic: "Normally she is always soft and charming in every way, reserving her peace of mind and harmony with the surrounding world. SEI dislikes drawing attention to her troubles and failures. When in need of assistance, she resorts only to those close to her or to knowledgeable experts. By nature, she is secretive and vulnerable, trying not to burden her friends because she knows how unpleasant it is. She never demands attention if she feels it is not warranted. However, she will respond to others' calls for help."
I heavily relate to this description. I always feel so terrible every time I "burden" someone with my issues, though I will happily talk and discuss with others their problems. Just like the description says, when I want to talk to someone I go to someone whom I trust and am close with, profusely apologizing for even venting. Everything about this description is very me I'd say, there isn't a single part I don't relate too!