Quote Originally Posted by Shytan View Post
Wow, um, I need to date an LSE asap to finally feel like what I bring to a relationship is more than enough.
Wow, the part you said about “feeling like what you bring to the relationship is not enough” is surprising. The EII’s that I know are really terrific people. I work with one, and she makes me happy and proud to know her. I feel that she’s really under-appreciated by most people in relation to how much she does for others and how hard she works.

Even though I’m not an LSE, I am a Te-dom, and she and I mesh really well. I feel really supported when she’s around and when we go out to eat for lunch (or the occasional dinner) I’m so proud to be hanging out with a woman who looks and acts like she does. Very proper, very smart, and she’s funny, too.

If I were an LSE, I’d have locked her down long ago. But I’m familiar enough with Caregiver sex to know that that’s not me, and that she deserves a guy who can actually please her in the best way possible. I’m encouraging her to look for an LSE, and when she finds one, that guy is going to be one lucky bastard.