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Thread: Type Me Or Die.

  1. #1
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Default Type Me Or Die.

    Got this from thehotelambush thread. Found the questionnaire interesting and wanted to give it a whirl. I hope I'm doing this right.

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    Without going into too much details at this time, I am an art student. I have come to doing that because it's what I most enjoy doing and what I am best at naturally. I tried to run from that because of me self-doubting my own capabilities and what not, though that has all changed due to some dramatic life changes within the past couple of years.

    I like it because it is who I am at my core. My suffering, my observation, my feelings, can always be translated into a message I can then send out into the world and have it reflected right back. Whether that's from a painting, a drawing, a poem, a short story, or whatever else... It is what I can be defined as an individual.

    The only thing I dislike most about it is that I can't just imagine it, I have to will myself into creating it. Otherwise, I love it. I'm glad I'm taking this route in life.

    What are your values, and why?

    Nothing I do or say exists in a vacuum as much as I thought so. I am connected to others, and others are connected to me. I am put here in this world to advise, guide, and help other people. For as long as I could remember, I was always regarded as the counselor to my friends and social groups, and I almost prided myself to be put in that role to my loved ones. Back then, I would see the potential in people to become the best versions of themselves... and then become majorly torn up inside when they don't heed my advice or my forecast warnings of what will happen in the future if they do X instead of Y. I never tell people "I told you so" when it does inevitably happen. I've learned to just let people be.

    I've calmed down a lot now that I'm getting older, but I don't mind helping people still.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    I write on the side, but I don't know if I really have the intention to publish anything in the distant future, though I won't exactly shy away from it if the cards fell just right. Other than that, working on my art in private, socializing with my loved ones, travel, video games, reading and studying things about health or spirituality, pop psychology, tarots, really just normal stuff. I used to be more active when I was younger, doing a lot of hiking or walking through forests with friends and bike riding/running around. I am still active in that I love just walking outside without a destination in mind, or just around the neighborhood. I can't live without music, either.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?


    I love them because with each relationship I have with one person after another, I am able to transform into a newer and better version of myself after each conversation or bonding moment. I only dislike them when they purposely or accidentally criticize me too much, or ignore me to play head games with me. Thankfully I've learned to let people like that go, so the friends I do have now are very healthy and loving.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    In friends, I'm open to anything and everything. I'm serious. As long as you're not mean spirited just to be mean spirited, I'll make you like me. At least, I'll try to.

    In romantic relationship: I've been ruminating over this since I was a young teenager. I thought I knew what I wanted... I thought I wanted to be with another broken soul, someone just as shattered as I am. Someone who's been through a lot of existential pain like I have. But now after everything that's happened to me, I do think I'm better off paired with somebody stronger than me in all ways. Someone to encourage me, and doesn't shy away from my devoted and loving ways towards them, or the fact that I can be quite the sensitive soul.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    I have a tendency to putting my foot in my mouth about certain hot buttons. I like talking about risque topics and seeing how people get winded up or react to the things I say. Not as in, I enjoy offending people JUST to offend. But I try to see things from everyone's point of view, and then I am judged for not being able to make up my mind or just going along with people just to go along and not having a defined opinion on something. My style of communication usually entails sandwiching things with compliments or going at things softly, but sometimes, I forget to do that, and then I come across as callous or brutish when I don't mean to be. By then, it's too late, lol.

    I don't really get into a lot of fights, other than that. I try to stay away from the heat.

    How would your friends describe you?

    At best, probably funny, insightful, maybe compassionate? I'll have to ask them.

    At worst, probably temperamental and maybe haughty and judgmental at times. Tendency to be impulsive or not seeing the logic of my statements that conflict with previous statements.

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    I've been told that I can brighten up the room with my jokes and laid back style, though I can be a little shy with new people. I've made people cry with the things I wrote for them, because I do go deep in the sentiments department.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    I can be lazy and insecure. I react too emotionally even to constructive criticism though I am very much trying to learn to stop doing that, and I think it's getting better. I can be a bit too cautious of the intentions of other people... Distrustful of the things I think I can read in between the lines. I wish I can just chill out with that.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I manage well in terms of my self development. No matter what life throws at me, I can throw it right back and keep going. (After I'm done crying about it for the last millionth time.)

    I need help with confidence, actually. I still feel like many people are better off without me, and I keep my distance so that I don't end up getting hurt. After keeping my heart on my sleeve for so long, I'm not as intense about it as I used to be... Which helps in that it'll help me keep away from actual harmful people, but bad since it also closes me off from the people who actually do care about me.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    I hate having to mind the small details in life. I hate the mundane facts of life. I can never be in a typical office job, in that respect. I hate numbers. I just want to think, and ponder, and talk about things about life and beyond with other like minded people.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I just want it to stop hurting. My existence, I mean. I just want something normal and stable. I want a career that I love doing, and money to get by. I want a home that is safe from danger, that I can be myself in. I want a partner I can make a family with, settle down with, and be a big part of their lives as they are with my life.

    I don't know where these aspirations are coming from. Emotionally, I've always lived in chaos, and I'm sick of it.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Travel. Just... travel.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    I like shy and quiet people who don't mean to be like that just to fit in some weird edgy aesthetic, but because they are just sweet and reserved. I don't like it when people think of them as weak willed or spineless.

    I don't like people who are base just because they think that's all life is; money, sex, binges, acting carelessly and thoughtlessly of themselves and other people, just... I don't like people who don't stop and just think of anything or anyone beyond themselves. I am fine with enjoying the finer things in life and engaging with your senses or your body as long as it's not inherently painful or damaging to yourself or others. But there's a limit, I think. I'm sorry if that's judgmental or something.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    Let's just say that once I have my own place to live in, I am going to deck it with IKEA stuff and nobody can stop me. Try me, bitch.

    And daily chores, I do it because someone has to. Otherwise, don't care for it. I do love to cook for myself and for other people, though. I can do that chore all the time if I could!

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I keep to myself but I am very nice if you greet me or something. Unless you're a creep who wants to get in my pants and I know next to nothing about you... Then, I'd just try to get away from you without saying anything so as to not rouse a fight or drama. I like to keep things socially appropriate.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?


    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    Just because someone appears like they have everything handed to them on a silver platter doesn't make them bad people. Life will never be the same for everyone. Some will have it better, and some will have it worse. I don't hate people who are richer than me or smarter than me, and I don't like it when people treat me badly just because of some virtues or "good life points" I have that probably does not enrich me at my deepest core. I've been told to get out of one social group just because my parents are well off, and it's so fucking stupid because I don't even care how much (or how little) any of their parents make, so... Yeah, I don't know. I just don't like it when envy gets out of hand, I guess.

    What did you do last Friday?

    School, work, and talking with my online friends. I'm meeting up with a few of them this weekend, so I'm hyped.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    I can't say. It's too personal right now.

    What is something you regret?

    I wish I didn't let people step all over me back then. I wish I had the guts to tell someone no when they're trying to force me to do things I really did not wanted to do.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    My brother. He is only a couple of years younger than me, but he's really wise for his age. He taught me so much, and how his mind works is incredible. I have so much faith and knowing that he's going to make it big in this world or contribute something very important in the end.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    I'm resigning to the fact that I am just too damaged, too different, too much, too little, too everything, to ever find love, and I'm accepting my ultimate fate in dying alone. Yes, I've had relationships and sex and a previous marriage to show for it... But otherwise, the kind of love I want, will never be found in this realm of reality.

    Ah well.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Oh boy.

    I was raised Christian, and then I left the church as a young teenager because I realized I had feelings towards my own sex. People would call me agnostic throughout my formative years, so that's what I went by. Then I tried to rejoin Christianity in intervals during high school and college, but it never stuck. I really got into it the other year after traumatic events unfolded in my life, but again, it did not stick for long. I do find things about the Word of God to be fascinating, though. Had some very short stints with Buddhism and Satanism. Now I want to learn Wicca.

    I hold them because I know there's more than meets the eye in this universe, and I want to seek the ultimate truth.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    I'd rather work for a company that's both fun and efficient, creative and innovative, rather than being an entrepreneur.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    These questions came at just the right time because I'm reading a book "What Color Is Your Parachute? 2020 Edition" that I recently got from my school book store. I'll be able to answer these questions better after I'm done reading the book.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    Art. Because... Dude, please read the above answers, lmao.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    I tend to give my all when it comes to work and other people. I approach responsibility with my heart in it and maybe with some unrealistic idealism. I expect other people to behave accordingly depending on the context or situation at hand. Don't worry, though, I'm much harder on myself than I'll ever be hard on you.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    It's been a while. I don't want to talk about it, to be honest.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    I was very gushy and wanted to be friends with damn near everyone. I had very simplistic and idealistic ideas about friendship and the world at large, very innocent in contrast to my peers who are already hardened by the burdens they've faced at home or because of something else. Spacey yet active, somehow. Artsy and sensitive, helped other kids with art shit at school a lot of the times. I was the friend anyone can go to whether they need a sympathetic ear or a place to stay.

    I've changed in that I'm a lot more careful of who I can extend my sympathy to these days.

    What was your high school experience like?

    Hellish. Didn't fit in at all.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    I've traveled to many different countries and learned a lot about myself with the places I've seen and the people I've met. It made me learn that the world is just too large for me to stay sad about one thing or one person forever.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    I like kids if they're nice. They seem quite keen on me, for some reason. There's a feeling inside of me that I'd be a devoted and nurturing mother, lavishing my kids with positive attention and love, so much so that it sometimes make me feel emotional about it. And it's crazy because I'm not even a mother yet, but I just know that that's exactly how it's going to pan out!

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I want them to grow up to feel certain about themselves in a world that is always uncertain. I want to give them the confidence to go through this world that I was never given to as a little girl. I want them to know that I am always there for them no matter what, and that I'll always love them.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    I've been in ruts before. Usually, I get out of them when I write things down. When I see it in black and white, I get a little eureka moments and try to change it or shake things up.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    We seem to keep repeating the same mistakes that previous generations make, and yet we are too blinded to correct this. The more things change, the more things stay the same, and this is especially true about society as a whole.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    I sulk. It depends on the situation, but I do feel a lot better just talking it out with trusted confidants.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I don't seek out leadership roles, but I do make a reasonable one when it happens. I don't rule with an iron fist, but simply guide people into doing what is best for themselves. I encourage people, and want them to know that they do have what it takes to be the very best version of themselves.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Not very often. I'm more likely to be sad or depressed, or upset, rather than angry. I get angry when I have been pushed to a corner, whether literally or figuratively, or if I sense that I am not allowed enough time or space to do what I have to do (or just to relax!), and feeling like I can no longer withstand the pressure anymore.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Planning with friends about the meetup this weekend.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Nothing really bad happened, actually.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    I know I am here to touch the world and to leave something incredible behind. What that could be, is still lost on me. All I know for now, is that I should build myself up from the ashes of where I was left behind before, and be a source of inspiration for the people of the future.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    Inside a person's mind. The inner universe of someone else's head is always a fascinating trip for me to venture into.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I think I dress quite femininely, tending towards simple floral designs or darker colors. I like things that fit my shape rather than it being too tight or too loose. I don't wear a lot of makeup or do wild things with my hair like extensions or elaborate styles, though I can appreciate that kind of effort by other people if they like doing it for themselves. I like wearing my hair naturally wavy-curly. I like wearing eye makeup more than anything else, really. I sometimes like to find bargain stuff in thrift stores and have a soft spot for vintage inspired clothing.

    Do you like surprises?

    It depends. If it comes straight from the heart, I'll appreciate it all the more.

    I'm sorry if maybe I haven't written down enough, or if my answers do not seem as detailed as I like for it to be. Too much on my mind for me to concentrate today, it seems. If anyone wants to know anything else about me, by all means ask because I'd love to answer. Thank you in advanced. And yes, I will make a video, but I'll do it next week.

  2. #2
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Am I that hard to type?

  3. #3
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I relate to a lot of what you said, but it is also not very quadra-specific. What you said could be applied to a lot of IEIs, IEEs, SEIs or SEEs.

  4. #4
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    Tests tests tests, Vi pictures.

  5. #5
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    I see IEE.
    Join my Enneagram Discord:

  6. #6
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    You sound like F type. IEE does not sound bad. Did I gain immortality?
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  7. #7

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    More IEI imo (out of all NFs), but you should try to write more, and do some tests.

  8. #8
    Anglas's Avatar
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    yeah post pictures or die

  9. #9
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I'm getting a lot of Fi but before I get into that let direct the people that think you're an Ni user to this quote

    write on the side, but I don't know if I really have the intention to publish anything in the distant future, though I won't exactly shy away from it if the cards fell just right.
    This is not evidence of the forward-thinking an Ni user would have for a project. Ego Ni users are always going to consider where something in going and what they intend to do with it. Ni doms are the least likely to do something for the sake of it.

    Now the feels are strong with you. I mean I could pick quotes out but it obvious to everyone. You said people say you light a room up, you also said you like to behave properly. I mean this is obviously an ethical type. I understand the people who say IEE (ENFp) so for that, I direct you to this quote:

    The only thing I dislike most about it is that I can't just imagine it, I have to will myself into creating it. Otherwise, I love it. I'm glad I'm taking this route in life.
    So I say you are an SF. Finding out these letters are the easiest way to find your type. You sound like you are an extrovert, because your interactions with people aren't explained in the reactive introverted way.

    I think you are an SEE and not an ESE because of quotes like this:

    I know I am here to touch the world and to leave something incredible behind. What that could be, is still lost on me. All I know for now, is that I should build myself up from the ashes of where I was left behind before, and be a source of inspiration for the people of the future.
    Let's just say that once I have my own place to live in, I am going to deck it with IKEA stuff and nobody can stop me. Try me, bitch.

    You talk about will power multiple times, and you have a cynicism toward your ability to look forward in the future and your past mistakes.

    Research the SEE type and keep an open mind and don't pay attention to stereotypes about the type. See if this fits with your personality.

  10. #10
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I relate to a lot of what you said, but it is also not very quadra-specific. What you said could be applied to a lot of IEIs, IEEs, SEIs or SEEs.
    Fair enough. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    I'd echo the above statement, leaning to IEI-Ni or IEE-Ne. Beta or Delta.

    -Ni values, desire to bypass danger and avoid previously made mistakes.
    I do test IEI quite a lot, in fact, it's always the first result anytime I take a socionics test. I also test IEE, SEI, and EIE.

    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Tests tests tests, Vi pictures.
    I'll post my first picture now, enjoy.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    I see IEE.
    How so, if you don't mind my asking?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    You sound like F type. IEE does not sound bad. Did I gain immortality?
    No, but you gain a cat nip. :>

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesn View Post
    More IEI imo (out of all NFs), but you should try to write more, and do some tests.
    Any good socionics tests that you know of?

  12. #12
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    yeah post pictures or die

    Quote Originally Posted by ImOutThere View Post
    I'm getting a lot of Fi but before I get into that let direct the people that think you're an Ni user to this quote

    This is not evidence of the forward-thinking an Ni user would have for a project. Ego Ni users are always going to consider where something in going and what they intend to do with it. Ni doms are the least likely to do something for the sake of it.

    Now the feels are strong with you. I mean I could pick quotes out but it obvious to everyone. You said people say you light a room up, you also said you like to behave properly. I mean this is obviously an ethical type. I understand the people who say IEE (ENFp) so for that, I direct you to this quote:

    So I say you are an SF. Finding out these letters are the easiest way to find your type. You sound like you are an extrovert, because your interactions with people aren't explained in the reactive introverted way.

    I think you are an SEE and not an ESE because of quotes like this:

    You talk about will power multiple times, and you have a cynicism toward your ability to look forward in the future and your past mistakes.

    Research the SEE type and keep an open mind and don't pay attention to stereotypes about the type. See if this fits with your personality.
    This is all very wonderful and helpful, thank you! I have no aversion to being typed as an extrovert. Online friends insist that I am based on my functions despite my shyness or the awkwardness at times; I care too much about other people at the expense of myself sometimes, and maybe that's stereotypes talking, because I know introverts also can care about other people, but... yeah, just how they go about it, and how I go about it, are quite different. Enneagram wise, I relate very strongly to 9, and since it's a withdrawn type, it does make me maybe look introverted when I am not so. I do take the MBTI cognitive functions and score pretty high on Fe, Ni, and Se the most.

    I will research SEE. It is a little strange to think I could be an ESFp, to be honest.

  13. #13
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    SEI-Si or EII-Ne probably 9w8

  14. #14
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    I'm seeing some wildly different typings here, lmao. Thank you though.

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    Last edited by Retiree; 10-14-2019 at 09:26 PM.

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  17. #17
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    start from square one, then maybe you will have a correct typing:

  18. #18
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    you look like a little baby *-* Ne

  19. #19
    * I’m special * flames's Avatar
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    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    probably an intuitive

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    I think you might be EII as well. I personally see more PoLR Se than Ti. This is the description for PoLR Se in EII, let me know if you resonate/relate with it at all:

    "EIIs are typically negligent of their surroundings and have difficulty keeping track of objects or constantly monitoring things and people around them. They can be passive and self-absorbed, often preferring to wait for things to happen rather than make them happen. As such, they tend to have quite a number of lost opportunities. To a certain extent, EIIs can be oblivious to hints from someone who is romantically interested in them. Therefore, this gives the other party the wrong impression that they are not interested in them.
    Outsiders often think the EII is oblivious to reality because they will often neglect basic needs. Although it is by no means necessary, this may also manifest itself as a general rejection or aversion to violence or force as a means or way of life."
    Last edited by angelic; 10-01-2019 at 05:17 PM.

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    I welcome the sweet embrace of death.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  23. #23
    das wandern mushaboom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    SEI-Si or EII-Ne probably 9w8
    I'd argue 9w1 for me, personally, 9w8 feels very earthy to me, and I'm more harsh with myself, which may point to a 1 wing. But I could be wrong, though.
    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    Based on this first VI, I'd narrow it down to IEE or EII. Your eyes fit most descriptions characteristic of -Ne.

    If I had to choose, I would type you EII-Fi.

    Sample comparison:

    Damn. Same gaze right down to the last detail.

    I will post a picture of my smile soon, I do feel a little shy when I smile even for selfies, so if I seem stiff, I apologize in advanced.

    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    I would rule out SEE. The rest are relatively sound based on what you wrote. If you could send a picture smiling, it tends to help with my process for VI.

    You can also check out my thread on this, if you'd like to type yourself:
    Thank you! Yes, smiling pic coming soon.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    Being compassionate and mentor-like towards friends and loved ones. Fascination with many different belief systems. Wanting to settle down and have a traditional lifestyle. Very Delta. Particularly I see an Si hidden agenda. Not knowing if you can be independent and strong; helping someone by showing all of the possibilities and potential of what could happen whilst subconsciously hoping for them to provide stability and take care of your physical needs.

    Feeling like a doormat, people taking advantage of your good nature. Giving others too many chances because you can see their deeper hidden(often repressed) potential. Wanting them to meet your moral ideal of the world but not having the willpower to force it upon them. This all points to +Fi with PoLR Se. Very common for EII's to express something like this.

    Here, you mentioned having a childish perception of the world which wouldn't fit to Beta or Gammas hardened image. Deltas have a childish perception and mature judgment.

    +Fi = positive, warm relationships. Psychological factors play a vital role for them. Without recognition of ethical values such as individuality and the uniqueness of others, religion and spirituality, non-interference in others lives, concrete humanism, etc., the stability they strongly desire is hardly possible.
    • good relations, love, friendship, affection, attraction, warmth in relations, sociability, close psychological distance, goodness, compassion;

    -Ne = the unusual, alternative and bizarre. Despite its groundedness, this quadra respects unusual and talented people who offer creative alternative possibilities. The spread of new information is not impeded, no matter how avant-garde it might be. In Delta groups, there occur periodic flashes of sensationalism and spikes of interest centered around original people who put forward alternative ideas of development.
    • hopelessness, alternatives, negative potential, meaninglessness, absurdity, paradox, the forgotten and the old, insight, mediocrity, commonness, repressed possibilities, reality, disbelief

    This has been quite... illuminating, yet frustrating. My friends from another forum who I still speak to daily are all adamant about me being a Fe user. I remember pushing against people's typings of me being ESE or EIE, maybe IEI or SEI. They don't seem to agree that I could be EII/INFP. So now I'm having a hard time accepting this, or maybe first impressions really does count for everything in the end.

    Now that I'm here as a newbie and people can actually see me in the raw, with no other prior information on me, I guess I really am an EII?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mesn View Post
    Yeah, in the photo you look more EII/IEE than IEI, but one picture can be only supplementary.

    Now, about the tests, you have this thread and from these I've (personally) enjoyed the most:

    • The Splendid Socionics Test by Subteigh
    • Shortened Online Form of Talanov's Inventory
    • Socionics Type Assistant v1.6 by
    • Socionics Test by Victor DarkAngelFireWolf69 [English].

    Your mileage may vary, of course.
    I'll check them out, thanks! I love taking tests and I think posting my results on this thread will help round out the average test score as to what my typing could be.

    Quote Originally Posted by para View Post
    ESFp people are awesome, but I have heavy doubts that I am one for some reason.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chryssie View Post
    start from square one, then maybe you will have a correct typing:
    Oooh, thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    you look like a little baby *-* Ne
    You know what's funny, I've read that NF types tend to have a more rounder or baby face than other type groups. And I find this to be true when I look at other NF people either irl or in their photographs.

    Quote Originally Posted by fresh meat View Post
    I'd love to be an ENFp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post

    probably an intuitive

    Quote Originally Posted by angelic View Post
    I think you might be EII as well. I personally see more PoLR Se than Ti. This is the description for PoLR Se in EII, let me know if you resonate/relate with it at all:

    "EIIs are typically negligent of their surroundings and have difficulty keeping track of objects or constantly monitoring things and people around them. They can be passive and self-absorbed, often preferring to wait for things to happen rather than make them happen. As such, they tend to have quite a number of lost opportunities. To a certain extent, EIIs can be oblivious to hints from someone who is romantically interested in them. Therefore, this gives the other party the wrong impression that they are not interested in them.
    Outsiders often think the EII is oblivious to reality because they will often neglect basic needs. Although it is by no means necessary, this may also manifest itself as a general rejection or aversion to violence or force as a means or way of life."
    This quote came for my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    Type 4 most likely, as well.
    Do you think I could be 9 core instead?

    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    I welcome the sweet embrace of death.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vvitch View Post
    Do you think I could be 9 core instead?

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    I did the Shortened Online Form of Talanov's Inventory and these are the results:


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    I will take more tests but I shall log off for the evening. Thank you so much, everyone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vvitch View Post

    I will take more tests but I shall log off for the evening. Thank you so much, everyone.
    Sleep well! Try taking this test tomorrow

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    Quote Originally Posted by angelic View Post
    Sleep well! Try taking this test tomorrow
    Good morning!
    My result:

    EIE-0 FeNi (ENFj)
    Ethical Intuitive Extrovert - The Actor

    Other Possible Types
    IEI (INFp): 100% as likely as EIE.
    EII (INFj): 59% as likely as EIE.
    IEE (ENFp): 56% as likely as EIE.

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    Sorry if it's a tad big. But here's my promised smile picture.

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    i choose death

    Edit: that latest photo reminds me of Boxxy, for whatever that's worth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by vvitch View Post

    Sorry if it's a tad big. But here's my promised smile picture.
    I was looking at this picture (before I had looked at any of your above results from the standard tests) and was thinking that you are hard to type. Something in your face reminds me of my IEI cousin, but you have far more Fe than any other IEI that I know, and something in the eyes reminds me of an SLI woman whom I know (enhanced Ne from the very strong Fe?).

    The tests indicate that you are IEI-Fe, and that seems very plausible.

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    clear untypeable NF :}

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    clear untypeable NF :}
    Another one bites the dust \o/
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Quote Originally Posted by consistencyofenergy View Post
    i choose death

    Edit: that latest photo reminds me of Boxxy, for whatever that's worth.
    I swear, I am not the royal heir to the 4chan nation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I was looking at this picture (before I had looked at any of your above results from the standard tests) and was thinking that you are hard to type. Something in your face reminds me of my IEI cousin, but you have far more Fe than any other IEI that I know, and something in the eyes reminds me of an SLI woman whom I know (enhanced Ne from the very strong Fe?).

    The tests indicate that you are IEI-Fe, and that seems very plausible.
    I am incredibly difficult to type, yeah. I don't understand it and neither does anyone else outside of this forum who knows me, personally. I always do test high on Fe for socionics, and who knows why that is, if I really am an EII instead. But thank you. I bet Ms SLI is very lovely!

    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    Your test scores seem to still indicate high Ne and Fi, I'm not sure how others have effected your way of seeing yourself but I'm not convinced of IEI-Fe. Regardless, it'd be nice to see your quadra results. If you can sort between Beta and Delta, I think this would be helpful. They oppose each other so this should be fairly easy.

    Still clear VI for EII-Fi. Join the club!

    Whoa. When you compare the photos side to side, it's hard to miss it. I really do have the face of a Delta type. But yes, I'll take a Quadra test and see what comes may.

    Yeahyeahyeah, I'm happy to be in the club! Do I get a fruit basket? (:

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    clear untypeable NF :}
    Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
    Another one bites the dust \o/

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    Toska, you were right, I am a Delta after all?

    I guess that settles it, then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by toska View Post
    Based on this first VI, I'd narrow it down to IEE or EII. Your eyes fit most descriptions characteristic of -Ne.

    If I had to choose, I would type you EII-Fi.

    Sample comparison:

    You think her eyes look like Stoya's eyes?

    Stoya's eyes look more present. I have seen her typed ExI. Some type her a MBTI INFJ. I don't know much about her. I have seen the pic (uncropped) posted before. Probably here.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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