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    Default Member Questionnaire (CSH)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (CSH)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is a set of characteristics that the common population is interested in. Because beauty is often a characteristic of health, and as the human species we have natural tendencies to reproduce with those who are healthy to help grow our numbers, it's only natural for our attraction to lean toward people that are more "beautiful." But if we're talking about beauty in terms of non-human attraction, it's different, as we don't view things as beautiful or aesthetically pleasing for biological reasons ... it's also much more subjective and variable based on the person.
    Love is a chemical reaction, of course. Well, I could leave it at that, but that would be quite the boring answer, wouldn't it? Despite it being a chemical reaction, the emotional aspects are still important, because that influences our own actions and mindsets we tend to take on. No human is purely objective, as much as we may push ourselves to be, so these so-called "chemical reactions" drive us in every passing second. There's no shame in taking pleasure from these chemical reactions, is there?
    What are your most important values?
    I've never particularly thought of this. I don't hold many strong values (more so, I don't recognize and pride myself over them) ... I enjoy my open-mindedness, though. I believe an overwhelming amount of the population has a tendency to reject anything that they disagree with or find absurd. I don't doubt that I may do this at times, but I like to actively work against it while I assume many people give it no thought. I question everything, and I don't consider this a negative trait. I will gather information from outside sources and allow myself to come to my own conclusion without emotional or societal influence. I don't take on an opinion just because everyone else around me holds a similar view, I enjoy actively questioning the "common" opinion. I want the truth, not the common factor.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don't hold any religious beliefs, but I do hold a few spiritual ones. I don't think too deeply about it, though - it's not something I actively ponder. I believe in reincarnation, but I couldn't tell you why or how it happens because it is plainly impossible to prove. It's more of a playful belief than a serious one.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think war is ridiculous. It is used as a scapegoat for greed and money. I avoid politics, I think it's just a revolving circle for the majority of people who only want to feel correct without any actual consideration for the truth. Power ... I think it's the ability to emotionally influence others. I lack power, nor do I really wish to have it, I dislike the pressure of having to deal with and organize people. You can be a highly-paid CEO, but if you lack that social and emotional influence, you have no power as you cannot convince others of your own convictions.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I enjoy having long conversations regarding just about anything that interests me. Whether it be social matters, philosophy, my own interests, or controversial topics, as long as someone can stay on my level in the conversation I could go on for hours. There's often no goal to this discussion, but it's great to further your and the other person's knowledge with natural discussion, isn't it? I love learning about other people's points of view and helping evolve theirs and my own using both of our opinions. As for my interests, I don't have a wide range of them. I like reading (manga, non-fiction, and fantasy novels,) studying pharmacology (both broadly and specifically regarding psychoactive drugs and their chemical makeup/mechanisms of action,) aviation, browsing the internet, Unix and FOSS, et cetera. I couldn't give you a real reason for my interests - I don't believe there's a deeper meaning for what I like, and if there is, I'm unable to recognize it bar "they're just pretty interesting to me."
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm interested in medicine, as stated previously regarding my interest in pharmacology. I like to self-experiment, whether it be with psychoactive substances or nootropics. I do not have addictions (and if I do, it would only be towards caffeine,) but I enjoy studying them regardless. Despite this, I'm not exactly the most aware of my bodily sensations. I'm aware this question correlates to introverted sensation and I'd say I have a pretty shitty lack of it. I struggle with recognizing my bodily sensations, and even when I do, I'm unable to recognize the "whys" regarding why I am feeling a certain way. I prefer to just fix it and get it over with. I do not have a great sense of smell or taste nor do I have great memory regarding those senses as well. I mean, I enjoy tasty food just as anyone else, but it's never really a focus for me, and I am pretty awful at cooking and taking care of myself.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I dislike them. You'd think for someone who has at least a semi-consistent daily routine, I'd be able to remember what needs to get done and when, but I struggle with remembering and mustering up the motivation to do chores for the day (dishes, laundry, general cleaning, et cetera.) unless I'm actively reminded. I frequently get distracted during daily chores and have issues with staying on track with these, as well.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't watch films often, and none come to mind when I try to think about which I have enjoyed, so I will be skipping this question.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I'm not particularly sure what makes me cry. I don't cry very often. I believe I cry when I am frustrated. For example, let's say, I am trying to explain myself or an idea and the person is unwilling to listen or acting willfully ignorant. I end up very frustrated and there have been times when I have teared up. Otherwise, I'm not sure if there are any outstanding examples, aside from what someone else may cry at, such as upsetting news. I tend to not cry unless it is personal, so you won't catch me crying or even feeling upset at something such as a disaster on the news. I don't believe there are any outstanding examples of what makes me smile, either?
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I'm not sure what this means. I don't really feel or not feel this. I guess I feel this way when I am comfortable and undisturbed, left to my own devices.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    What have other people seen as my weaknesses? Well, I'm not the most emotionally aware for one. I'm not very comfortable with expressing intense emotions or being on the receiving end of such expressions, especially if negative. I tend to shut down or numb myself in the face of it. I'm sure you could gather that I also struggle with laziness, though I'm not sure if that's the right word. I struggle with my own motivation and staying on task primarily, but when I am able to get into "the flow" as I like to call it, I am quite the hard worker. It causes a lot of unnecessary and easily avoidable problems in my day-to-day life. I also dislike my tendency to overthink, though I'm not sure if others would be as aware of this as I primarily tend to keep it to myself, I don't express it as I'm aware that it's irrational (yet that doesn't stop it from happening in the first place...)
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I asked someone about this, and she said that I have the ability to keep a cool head regarding issues that others would usually panic or stress over, and I believe this is true. Though, this may be a flaw, in a way as well, as my emotional detachment leads to the numbing that I had mentioned in the previous answer ... another strength of mine is my tendency to be open-minded, often to the point of actively seeking out new points of view. I enjoy challenging my own opinion and surrounding myself with those who may disagree with me. I believe this is a strength, at least - in a time where so many people would like to place themselves in an echo chamber because they cannot handle rational discussion or the notion that they could ever possibly be wrong. This is something I have built up, though, as I used to think like that a few years ago. It is something I pride myself on and try to actively go at every once in a while. I believe I could always be wrong, and this is not distressing for me, as I wish to continuously build up my own knowledge regardless of where it takes me.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Hmm, I'm not sure ... I have areas of my life that suck, sure, but I'm not sure if it's anything that someone would be able to really help me with. They're my own problems, and people cannot realistically fix my own life issues.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I feel stuck in a rut sometimes. Typically when I end up too complacent in regards to my own life. When I make no active strides to do anything with myself when every day is the same thing over and over again. It's something I've gotten better at avoiding, but it can be difficult to pull myself out of once it has begun. I usually just need to pick myself up and force myself to change something, *anything,* about my life and it can become a catalyst for greater things to happen.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I tend to get along with people pretty easily. I dislike people who take their moods out on others, though this is more of a learned trait as I grew up with a mother who would lash out externally because she was upset over unrelated matters. People who can't put a little effort into controlling their own reactions usually end up pretty shitty. You can feel upset but you can also choose to not express that in a way that hurts other people, you just end up making a fool out of yourself. I also dislike people who are rejecting any new ideas, I'm sure you could assume that though already. People who, when faced with a seemingly crazy or strange idea, decide to reject and block it off instead of doing the opposite and wishing to understand it. That upsets me to see, especially when so many people these days act like it, even take pride in being close-minded. I'm not sure if this says "types" as in traits or quite literally types in typology systems, but I tend to get along with other Ti and Fe users. We meet eye to eye over a lot of things. I also adore healthy Fi users, yet I despise unhealthy Fi users more than any other type.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I have a fiance, so I of course feel positively towards romance and sex. I am less focused on sex than the average person would, and I believe hookup and speed-dating culture is at best absolutely stupid and at worst psychologically harmful. I can't fathom why you would want to have sex with people who you barely know, not even taking into account all the risks that come with it. I view sex as something that should be vulnerable and healthy, you're only hurting yourself if you're showing that vulnerability to people who don't deserve it only for your own hedonism. As for qualities in a partner, I like someone who can challenge me. Someone who isn't afraid to disagree with me, to tell me that I am acting like an asshole, to tell me the truth no matter if it will hurt or not. I want someone who will either tell or show me that I am worthy of love. Someone I can bounce ideas back and forth with, who isn't afraid to discuss and explore in-depth topics. Someone I can spend my leisure time around without pressure to do "special" things such as dates or extravagant spending.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I don't believe I want to have children, but if I end up having them, I'd only want one. I do not think of my future as having children so I have not thought in depth about this nor can I really envision this, so I will be skipping this one.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I'm interested to see how they came to this belief, why they believe this, and what their reasoning or proof for this belief is. I will probably ask them all of these things in various degrees of subtlety. If it is especially surprising or they are seeming aggressive, I may not act as rational as I may wish, but I can assure you I am at least curious. I don't believe there will be any difference in my outward reaction compared to my inward reaction aside from maybe trying to come off as more friendly, as unfortunately people may perceive my natural, completely neutral curiosity as somewhat aggressive even when I am not upset at all. If they do, it leads the discussion nowhere as it may agitate the person. I can't say that my friend may change my own beliefs, but I am absolutely okay with having differing opinions. I will counter-argue and question their own beliefs, but at the end of the day, I belief opinions are often (but not always) subjective based on our own perception of the world, so I am within no right to say someone is "wrong" or "right" if I have no way of concretely proving my point.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    My relationship with society ... I feel like an outsider. I have always felt like an outsider, like I am simply not constructed for how current society functions. I'm sure many people feel like this as well, it seems to be a growing trend. I believe people, and to a further extent society, are unfair. I do not believe we as a human race are inherently evil, it simply isn't logical if you look back and see that before modern society existed we were social and cooperative animals. But, with the advancement of social constructs such as money, politics, and war, it has clouded our minds away from our true purpose. We are focused on hedonism, acclaim, prowess, and the like, instead of trying to keep our species alive. Which will eventually be our downfall, whether it be in ten years or a thousand more.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don't have many close friends at all. I am very picky with those I actually choose to form an emotional connection towards and tend to avoid it if I believe that we will not see eye-to-eye or "click" as I like to call it. I dislike the majority of people outright. I don't choose my friends, though. It isn't a choice if I feel a connection to someone, I simply trust my gut instinct of following whatever piques my curiosity, even if it is another human. It may or may not work out beyond that, but my intuition on whether I will enjoy someone is typically not wrong. I'm not very aware of how I behave as it tends to vary. I'm usually pretty casual and sarcastic, though. I don't often spend time with my friends but I enjoy popping in and talking. I don't ever feel like I "need" them, though, and can go days or even weeks without talking to them. It isn't that I dislike them, it just simply isn't necessary for me to talk to them.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    More or less the same. I'm more observant and quiet around strangers. I may be more cold towards strangers, but I don't believe I'm much of an asshole unless someone provokes me. I try my best to be kind as confrontation generally isn't worth the hassle that it brings. I don't like interacting with strangers much or making small talk so I typically only join in if I have something to actually contribute to a conversation.

    No, I will not post a video for VI on a forum with mentally ill strangers. Thank you.

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    Without a video there is no adequate data for a typing and hence low possibility to identify the type correctly. So it's lesser interesting for others and lesser useful for you.
    There is no significant risk of problems to show your look in Internet, if you act in borders of common norms.
    Besides usefulness of nonverbal data, for the ones who know types theory there is lower trust to what they say about them in a questionnaire, so the importance of nonverbal data is additionally higher.

    According to your taking style you are closer to F.
    To place a type in the profile while having doubts in it, makes higher chance for P.
    Some paranoid predisposition may point on S or/and non-valued Ne, where victimish aspect is more for Ni. Rough language and attraction to categories for Fe/Ti value. Also you mb higher shy to give the needed data, what is closer to introverts.

    as surface assumption, without having normal data
    INFP, then ISFP, ENFJ, ...

    Try Gulenko's test. From the point of accuracy it should be comparable in situations with lack of important data.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-23-2023 at 10:59 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Without a video there is no adequate data for a typing and hence low possibility to identify the type correctly...
    You sound ridiculous. I had added the note about unwillingness to send a video to specifically ward you off. Gulenko's tests have given me INTP.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CSH View Post
    You sound ridiculous. I had added the note about unwillingness to send a video to specifically ward you off. Gulenko's tests have given me INTP.
    your answering style reminds me of LII descrptions.

    the lack of dogma in one of the last questions shows Ne, the clear and neutral speaking tone suggests Ti.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    your answering style reminds me of LII descrptions.

    the lack of dogma in one of the last questions shows Ne, the clear and neutral speaking tone suggests Ti.
    Interesting, thank you. This is the type I was most suspecting, with ILI and IEI after. I wonder how speaking style correlates to different types, now that you bring it up. Not in tone or volume but in structure... it's interesting to think about.

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    Am I allowed to bump this now? I'm unsure on my typing even more now. I realize I may be ILI. In comparison to a friend of mine who is LII, we have stark differences that make me question my own typing. Would anyone be able to provide insight?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CSH View Post
    Am I allowed to bump this now? I'm unsure on my typing even more now. I realize I may be ILI. In comparison to a friend of mine who is LII, we have stark differences that make me question my own typing. Would anyone be able to provide insight?

    Well you say you are sx5, which conflicts with LII, as LII is truly detached from their emotions and seeks to actually gain knowledge in order to educate others, not to hoard information and dwell on their own personal perception of the world around them(unstructured, not adherent to a code of thought). So5 is more organized and does seek to somewhat share their own information, so LII does work with so5 at the very least.

    I could possibly making your confusion worse by even giving you an enneagram-typology crisis.

    I also recommend you look into Alpha vs Gamma values, do you get along with ESE more than SEE(on average)? So on.

    Take a look here;

    Sexual Five: (DIS-)TRUST

    As in Fours, within Sexual Fives, we find a lot of people with a feathered pen and a propensity toward the world of art. The search for the extraordinary we see in the Social Five, in this subtype, is something much more concrete. They have the other more present in mind, even if it’s hard for them to bond, commit, and always be with someone.
    The normal passion of the Five is transmitted into a passion for trust in this subtype. If they make the enormous effort of letting you enter their internal world, they demand that there is an absolute trust; because of this, they only let very, very few people join into such a fragile, demanding, and intimate relationship. It is easy to imagine that romantic love lives through idealization in this subtype, the concept always quite present in their lives.
    Reinforcing this concept, we look at the words of the therapist Mireia Darder: “Our fantasy consists of us being able to be and daring ourselves to love when the partner that understands us appears at last. In this relationship, we believe that we will always be able to be ourselves completely, and we can become extremely demanding with the other, given the high expectations we put on them. That person is an idealization, and as such, it is impossible that they exist. At the beginning of a relationship it can feel like the other is everything we’ve idealized, but as the relationship continues, we realize the person is human, and frustration follows. We then emotionally inhibit ourselves and isolate ourselves completely. Until basic needs of a relationship and affection have accumulated again and there’s a need to channel this energy again. Because of this, we look for someone perfect who we can tell everything to or we look for a new partner to start fresh.”
    They have notably more energy than other subtypes and struggle less going into action. Everything being said, people that they feel very secure with and have gained their trust are considered worthy to access their inner worlds. Those privileged people will receive all their attention, and when we say all, we mean all. The Sexual Five focuses like none other. They tend to have a very eccentric side, which causes a need for and fear of it being known.

    The first thing we must clear up is that, even though we may be talking about a social subtype, a Social Five, no matter how social they may be, will be much less so than other Social subtypes. Social Fives have to make an effort to be in the outside world - it is not something that comes naturally. Like all Fives, these Fives accumulate a lot of knowledge, but they do not struggle as much as other Fives to share it with the world. In addition their exposure in society will always be dependent on the security their knowledge gives them. If the circumstances are not ideal, they will return to their refuge.
    In the words of the psychologist, Jordi Pons: “Of the three Five subtypes, these are the most intellectual and scientifically-focused Fives. They have a tendency to believe: I know, therefore I exist. For their great dedication to scientific topics they can become experts in areas that capture their interest. They dedicate their lives to the search for the extraordinary. They look for the origin of things, a special knowledge. They have the fantasy that the more they know, the happier they will be. Socially, they look to belong to groups where the common link is similar wisdom or being fans of the same thing. They can do so as students or disciples, teachers or instructors. For example, the scientist that meets with a small group of scientists and they talk about science in a language only they understand.”
    They have a tendency to idealize and have a tendency toward admiring love. The problem, however, is that there are very few people that they consider worthy of being admired. Those who are, they see clearly up at the top with them. They look for the extraordinary and perform their tasks with excellence and ease. We already know that in Fives, it is hard for them to make contact with the mundane and earthly, and they have a tendency toward the “superior” world (in every sense of the word), but in this subtype it is even more exaggerated.

    Social Six: DUTY (seems LSI and LII)
    The Social Six or the Duty Six is the perfect soldier. They are very disciplined and obedient. They need clarity and therefore hate ambiguity. If they know for sure where North is and what the steps are to follow, they will be calm. They have a strong sense of morals and will do what they feel like they have to do when it has to be done. It is very important for them to know for sure what is good and what is bad. If they do not know it themselves, they need someone to confirm it for them.
    In this they are both similar and different from Ones. Ones also feel like they have to do the right thing, but they do not search for an external source of confirmation; they already know what the correct thing to do is. Both Social Sixes and Ones are very precise people. Additionally, we can also note the Social Six’s tendency to value efficiency, making them look a bit like Threes. Additionally, the One and Social Six share the tendency to repress their instincts. They act like their inner “animal” is locked below seven keys. Because of this, they run the risk of forgetting their more instinctive side which can harm them in the long run. All human beings have concrete needs, some of which are extremely mundane, but denying them does not help anyone. While on the outside, these types seem similar, the Social Six never stops being a good soldier while the One has a type of internal autonomy that makes them obey their own criteria.
    Social Sixes are good at following and complying with the norms and they want everyone else to comply too. If others do not, they will be critical of them. And if those who do not comply are punished, great. If they are asked to lead and command and in an unhealthy manifestation of the type, they can be somewhat tyrannical. They may defend the ideology of the group to death. They can be cold and calculating. They cut off their more instinctive aspects due to the fear that they’ll enter a relationship that will create a bond requiring their soft and tender side to be shown. With their control and eagerness to ensure things do not get out of hand, they accumulate a lot of tension. They can very loosely connect with their anger, but as they are very correct people, they swallow it down and cover it up.

    Source(spanish, Naranjo);

    English translation:

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    Quote Originally Posted by CSH View Post
    we have stark differences that make me question my own typing. Would anyone be able to provide insight?
    a link of 10 min video to 1st message

    For the type of mentioned with possible LII can be placed a video + questionnaire. As his type can be other too.

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    Stupid Se dom with a 157 IQ Muira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    a link of 10 min video to 1st message

    For the type of mentioned with possible LII can be placed a video + questionnaire. As his type can be other too.
    Maybe also make a questionnaire of what they would do in a situation, or what they think of certain topics/events, and also have them also add their own reasons/justifications as they speak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    a link of 10 min video to 1st message

    For the type of mentioned with possible LII can be placed a video + questionnaire. As his type can be other too.
    I already replied to you the first time around. I am not posting my face in a forum full of strangers.

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