Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
In a sufficiently advanced civilized society, the mere thought of killing another being to consume it would be shunned as barbaric. It is stated in the ancient vedic text "The Laws of Manu" that the only occasion a person is permitted to eat meat is if their life is in danger. There will come a day when humanity will look back at this era where animals are bred and slaughtered by the millions every day, as an abomination. The B12 myth is a distortion; if foods were grown using organic methods, and water not treated with chemicals, we would receive enough quantities of B12 from a purely plant based diet.

Humans are not carnivores; we do not have paws, we don't have prominent canines. Our closest animal cousin, the monkey, is not a carnivore. We were given the ability to eat meat only in case of emergency.
Most carnivores would probably be vegan in an ideal world too. Apparently there was once a vegan lion who lived many years longer than most lions. "And the lion shall lie down with the lamb..." Veganism makes me feel apocalyptic.