Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
It’s going to be a long haul before we can adjust our activities to keep from negatively impacting some creatures or others. However, I think it’s worth trying.
I was just logging on to post this:


Regardless of whether you choose to eat honey or not, I think it is important to realize that we are all still part of a system that exploits honey bees. Commercial beekeepers place bees in orchards and on farms so that they can pollinate the fruits, nuts and vegetables that we all consume. Thousands of beehives are loaded on semi trucks and moved all over the country for pollination services. The bees are subject to confinement during travel, which causes stress and health problems. When they arrive at their new location, they are exposed to pesticides and fungicides en masse. Their nutrition is limited due to widespread monocropping. On top of all that, their honey is often taken from them. In their weakened state, diseases and pests spread easily through the colonies of which there are usually too many and too close a proximity. This brings us to the importance of knowing where your food comes from. Find out where and how it was grown. Support small, local farms with sustainable practices.
I'm still using beeswax and honey and trying to end this kind of practice instead of stamping my feet and signing The Vegan Pledge and basically giving up my life (if I didn't use paints with beeswax, it'd be something else.) Leave the world better than you found it like a Girl Scout rather than watching it burn like the Joker. Ironically, not eating meat is pragmatically easy even for people who are food-obsessed and not me eating boxed linguini and beans with soy sauce and sriracha. People just eat partially for social reasons even if they're just autistic-seeming assholes. I know people who brag that they have no friends and I can't get them to read a Kafka short story or Keats poem, yet they beg to forcefeed me bologna and cheddar. To get even darker fast, those people all die young after noshing on the Mickey D's and not having any skills, hobbies, organizations, or relationships. Sp/So undoes themselves. As they say of synflow, human, all too human...